Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Head face 5

Head top 3

Trump wasn’t shot, this was staged. His former physician claimed he had a 2cm bullet wound. These photos of him were taken when he saw Netanyahu. Impossible for it to recover that soon. Crooks was a Patsy. He probably took longer than expected getting onto the roof, hence why trump was an hour late, coincidentally timed well for when Crooks could be in position.

Clearest audio of the event?
For archive!

Can someone reply to this comment to confirm they’ve seen the pictures I’ve uploaded pls?

Sorry I realised I’m replying to your comment @stringtown but it won’t let me delete only edit

Hey I’m Amanda! I’ve been following along the citizens investigation and thing I may have uncovered something.

I’m assuming the pictures I’m attaching here are the ones you were referring to when talking about crooks head? I decided to look at it again and played around with rotating and flipping/mirroring it cause it sometimes gives a new prospective and noticed two things.

  1. Just below his ear there is an obvious wound/inflammation of his skin there.

  2. Hypothesizing this to be an entrance wound would explain the blood trail over his face and across which always seemed out of place to me.

  3. His teeth are barely visible from blood in his mouth which makes the small area in the corner of his month stand out more. I think that is actually one of his teeth one of place from the gunshot wound. The trajectory of behind his ear and angled slightly up and out could cause that.

  4. Having put together all of these variables leads me to believe only one thing - THE KILL SHOT WAS TAKEN FROM BEHIND HIM.

It’s the only thing that makes sense with these observations

  • Amanda

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Dear Peak Prosperity / Chris Martenson,

I just now watched your video “They had a perfect view and 10+ feet of elevation” on YouTube, and earlier your podcast with Mike Adams on Brighteon. I was surprised by your emphasis on Sniper Team 2 in the new video, and by the fact that you mention the open windows in the building behind Crooks only at the end, more or less in passing. You repeatedly speak of Team 2’s certainly having been able to see Crooks, but to me it seems to me that those in the building with the open windows were far more certain to have seen him, since he was right between them and where Trump was. I think I’ve seen it confirmed, moreover, that there were snipers in that building.

That’s not what I’m writing about, however. My primary concern for some time in relation to the Trump affair has been the video at e.g.

showing simultaneous movement of the near Team 1 sniper’s gun with the first three shots. The first one looks very much like recoil, the second and third less so but still showing movement. The conundrum was, and in a way still is, that if these shots came from the Team 1 sniper as they appear to do in the video, this is inconsistent with the audio analysis as presented. What I could imagine is that these three shots took out Crooks right at the beginning, the other shots hit the three bystanders, and Trump wasn’t hit – which would take “Trump sustained an ear wound” out of your Green Evidence column.

In relation to the way-far-out idea that Trump wasn’t hit, I can say that I earlier noticed that there didn’t seem to be any blood on Trump’s hand when he pulled it back from his ear. I just today noticed, however, that he rubs his thumb against his index finger as if there is blood, and yet there is no blood to be seen:


There are also certain other oddities that I assume you’re aware of and that I won’t go into here, since my query relates not to this but to Sniper Team 1 and the first three shots.

If there was a tree between Team 1 and Crooks as you show, however, the Team 1 sniper could not have had a clear view of Crooks. This would kind of rule out my forced tinfoil-hat conjecture, which would be welcome. But what was the Team 1 sniper aiming at, then? And how can you account for the apparent simultaneity of the first three shots? Is the gun jerkily moving just by strange coincidence, or what? I hope you will address this and be able to explain. I’ve subscribed to your channel and clicked on the bell (I think the first time I ever clicked on a bell despite having been requested to do so by various podcasters probably thousands of times), so I will supposably see if you do speak to and provide an explanation of this.


Roy McCoy
Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica

can anyone possibly share Stewart video source file without any compression or overlays?

Your images are not there

Check mate! Mystery solved!

Dear Chris,
Referring to your last video on YouTube “Stewart film blows the official narrative out of the water - Peak Prosperity” The only possible hypothesis to my findings is H1a #1 (shooter in the room shoots first 3 shots, Crooks shoots the other 4-8). The first shot that hits Trumps ear and hits the corner of the blister comes from the window. One of the reasons is of course because of your great Audio Analysis, namely the fact that the first 3 shots are buffered from a room and the next 6 shots have echoes. That means it must be crooks who shoot shots 4 – 8.
You say that you don’t believe the shots came out of the rooms in building 6, because you don’t see any windows open, but the image below proves to be different. Study carefully!

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Are mine?

shooter in the building 6 room is looking for 3 bullit casings in the dark with the head lamp on


Hi Chris, Thank You for all your hard work on this.
Shots 123 = 3 casings. Shots 45678 = 5 casings
3 cases allegedly found on the west side of the roof ridge
5 cases allegedly found on the east side of the roof ridge

As an audio engineer I can confirm if the muzzle of the gun was forward (west side) of the ridge in the first 3 shots and the muzzle on the following 5 was behind the ridge, the spectrum of the audio will be very different as the base frequencies will be reflected up wards behind the ridge. Forward of the ridge the roof will be acting as a half a horn and help couple the lower frequency sound energy forward.
High frequencies are less affected as the frequency increases. High frequencies act more like a beam of light and only stop if something solid is blocking them. The wavelength of low frequencies that coincide with the distance of the muzzle to the roof are greatly affected by the reflections of the roof.
A crude analogy is if you cup your hand behind your ear you can hear forward sourced sounds twice as well.
If you cup your hand in front of your ear you can hear sounds behind you twice as well.


Anyone asking why there was a quick string 4,5,6,7,8 then after 9 came in quickly, there was no firing for quite some time before 10 came in hot and heavy? Jam and couldnt clear it or was he unalived by 9 before 10 was sent?

Have you compared 9 to 1, 2, 3? If its similar then putting clean tshirt, possibly entry into back of neck into play and maybe the angle from open window to him there might be a .223 or 5.56 buried in the field

Here’s a new video I upscaled and stabilized from @realDJStew724 on X:

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Great Job Sherlock!

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likewise, great idea. Would you be able to add this pic to it as well because I think the blood splatter is a useful addition? And the legs as well maybe if the angle isn’t too different. I’d do it myself but I don’t know how.