Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Crooks with gun in video split second before shots fired

If you go 4:53 into Dayve Stewart’s video you can see Crooks’ head above the roof ridge. It is right in line with the downspout and window on the back of the building. It is 100% him. See attached pic that shows all 10 frames from the video.

This pic pulls back so you can get a perspective of where Crooks is. Exactly where expected - in line with the drain and window on the back of the building. There is a police officer in front of him to his left when the shooting happens.


u managed to contact this guy with the original video of crooks?

I have not seen any discussion on this, but a perfect spot for a second shooter, that would have the same line of fire as Crooks, but higher and further away, can be seen in this pic.

It took me a minute to figure out which roof that was, but if you follow the purple line in the following picture (the line of sight of the photo above), if you look straight through the two large vents on Crooks’ building, you can see the chimney on the far building. I have not seen anyone discuss the possibility of that far building being the location of the second shooter. It would explain why the bullet sounds are different from different camera angles.

Sorry, this website would not allow me to upload the pic.

i suppose only possible option unless that on the neck is an exit wound.

But if it was, then back of his tshirt should be all blood. Since it wasnt, safe to think he was shot from either of those 2 windows on his back right.

I agree. I also believe the first 3 shots were fired from inside the ground floor window directly under Crooks. The muffled audio, and the sound of glass breaking in yesterday’s new video. I also agree that the light from that widow does in fact appear to be someone searching for spent brass casings with a flashlight - that totally makes sense. Can we confirm the broken glass around the window or a freshly replaced window at the scene? Is anyone in the area able to go investigate this?

Hi Aurora,
If you think pictures 2 and 3 is broken glass, I will have to disagree, because this picture is taken before the shots are fired and after the shots the window seems to be unbroken. But you made me think about this weird phenomenon we see in the window. Can it be a reflection? If we look to the opposite side of the building, we can see the red barns. Do we see the barns in these three photos? If yes, it would again confirm that the window is open in picture 2 and 3, because it seems we can even see the sniper team 1 or even sniper team 2?

In the audio signature of the most recent Dave Smith video from yesterday, it sounds like glass breaking. I have not seen any broken glass or windows and have no idea, that’s why I was asking - but the report of the audio really sounds like broken glass. Maybe it isn’t. Maybe what I’m hearing is the microphone dynamics render the sound that way because it’s extremely loud from the position of this camera

Perhaps the window is open for the first 3 shots and then closed, I don’t know. I think it is very interesting that there appear to be lights on in the room before the shot and then lights out after the shots and then someone looking around with a flashlight in there (possibly for spent brass)

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Executive Summary: Spectator (man in red shirt) looks at AGR Building #3 during Shots 1-3 and then turns head to look at Building #6 during Shots 4-7. There appears to be potential video tampering regarding blurring out spaces.

Here is my sequence analysis of snips taken from a FOX video (exclusive?) – looks like the same or similar video as your “Source 4” – both videos appear to have been tampered with regarding at least blurring-out second floor windows in AGR Building #3 and the water tower.

Background – snip from your podcast and your video source numbering system from 7-24-2024

Analysis FOX video snips – man in red shirt looking at AGR Building #3 (during Shots 1-3) then turning to look at Building #6 (during Shots 4-7).

[Snip #1]

[Snip #2]

[Snip #3]

Due to Trump having no damage to his ear I propose using the word ‘allegedly’ when discussing a bullet hitting his ear from now on.

There is clear evidence that it did not hit his ear. His former physician said it was a 2cm bullet wound, Trump himself uploaded the statement to his social media, when it is clear as day there is absolutely no damage to it. If you don’t know what I’m on about, check the post I made on this thread earlier, #284. Even FBI Director Wray was reluctant to say a bullet hit it when asked before the bandage came off.

I’m not being petty. The reason I’m raising this is because if we dismiss plain and obvious facts, far clearer than the sniper flash you’ve shown, indisputable even, as conspiracy we will inevitably ‘ignore’ other evidence that aligns with that ‘theory’. It blows my mind how nobody’s calling a spade a spade.

If this thread is unwilling to accept that as a fact, then you lose all credibility.

2024-07-30_pbd comment_PP_man in red shirt_Picture 2
2024-07-30_pbd comment_PP_man in red shirt_Picture 3
2024-07-30_pbd comment_PP_man in red shirt_Picture 4
2024-07-30_pbd comment_PP_man in red shirt_Picture1

Video link of your analysis: New video of Trump assassination attempt obtained (

There’s no way of ascertaining he was focusing on building3/the water tower. The short time he was recorded before the screenshot of shots 4-7 showed him in the process of turning his head.

He was walking forwards at the time so he may have just been looking at where he was walking and was in the process of turning his head to AGR building when he first appears in the footage. To draw arrows of where he’s focusing on is too much of a stretch imo.

Sorry if this has been noticed already but you can see his t-shirt torn with blood stained where the arrow is pointing. Combined with the entrance/exit wound on his neck, and theorising the bullet caused it, it could offer a clue as to where the bullet came from with more accuracy.

A few things I’ve noticed in photos.

  1. Where are the assassins glasses? One photo he’s wearing them moments before firing while he’s in position on the roof, after he’s killed they are gone. I suppose they could have been destroyed, knocked off, removed, etc. but I see no evidence of his glasses in the blood, or anywhere.

I’m apparently limited to posting 1 picture.

  1. A few feet forward of the assassins rooftop death position, are what appear to be gunpowder scoring marks from firing a rifle close to the roof surface. These are about where you would expect the end of his rifle to have been, when firing. Further forensic analysis may be necessary to count the number of marks there are, if that is what they are. I will note, this might be a natural pattern on this roof, as they appear a few valley’s to the dead shooters right as well. Almost like someone was on that roof, practicing in advance…?? If someone with access could somehow get up there and examine and test that theory …

At this point now 2 days since this window flash has been circulated and largely debunked as the shooter location: There are significant problems with the 1st floor window theory.

  1. No open windows or broken glass. We can clearly see windows closed and reflecting light. If you watch the film carefully every window is in the closed position with light reflecting from different angles.
  2. Many people including police before and afterwards walked by those windows. Several LEOs walked up to them and looked at them after the shooting. None appeared at all suspicious.
  3. These “flashes” do not sync up with any known audible shots.

There’s additional reasons but that alone seems to foreclose the issue of the 1st floor windows. I see the flash, and have no idea what it is. Camera flash outside, camera flash from inside, a flashlight from a LEO searching the room? Those would be my guesses.

HOWEVER, I have hear the theory of a assassin using one of those slits or vents in the wall near the windows. I do think interior pictures are necessary for further evaluation.

Rrrriiiggghhhhhht… LOL. Let’s see, we have the entire 5 law enforcement agencies admitting to mistakes, audio of at least 8 shots taken by assassin(s), hundreds of live witnesses, many videos and pictures, a dead innocent man, 2 injured people, evidence of bullets hitting things like the hydraulic line, a picture of a bullet in flight, President Trump’s obvious immediate reaction to being shot and ducking down and the immediate blood causing wound to the side of his head/ear (caught on real time bleeding with blood on his head, face, and hand), his doctors report, his own personal statement… But it was “staged.” LOL.

If it was staged, the SS and FBI would be the loudest people claiming so.

I have re-watched it frame-by-frame. It does look odd but my best guess is that there is an imperfection in the glass causing a light ripple depending on the location of the guy filming, because it “comes and goes” based on his location.
The position of the window is about 45* to Trump so the window would have had to been open nearly fully probably at least 45 degrees, outward to the shooters left, not just cracked, to get a shot. I have watched the video full speed and frame-by-frame and I never see the window opened even 1 foot.

I will re-iterate that people walked or ran by that window before, during, and immediately after the shooting. Police specifically checked all these windows moments afterward. Apparently to everyone there, nobody suspected these windows as being the assassin’s location. Now, maybe they were all focused on the roof. And I admit I don’t know what that flash is in the room.

Now if I were trying to make an argument that it was the shooters location, perhaps there is a gel-type glass technology employed to allow shooting thru the glass or otherwise manipulating the pane without damaging it. Afterall this is a GLASS COMPANY… maybe they have experimental glass that defies common understanding! And I could agree that these flashes were a shooter collecting his brass with a flashlight.

I will admit it’s very bizarre…

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BigTim: Look at the pictures below step by step with an open mind. The window is open by a crack just in the perfect shot line to Trump. I also backtrace the shot which leads exactly to this window. The flashes in the window is from the shooter after shooting. He is looking for the bullet casings in the dark.

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DJStew’s latest upload has a man claiming that the “shooter was inside” around the 2:41 mark. Then, during the interrogation at the gas station (a couple days later, which DJStew seems to be surreptitiously recording) he claims he overheard police on coms saying that “there was blood in the bathroom” and that a second shooter was still at large.

It’s VERY clear from this video that the FBI & police were considering the possibility of a second shooter, not only immediately after the shooting but still yet days afterwards. If DJStew isn’t making up what he heard on the police coms, then where does the blood in the bathroom come from?

If this window happened to belong to the bathroom, then maybe the second shooter hurt himself while fumbling around in the dark? Best possible connection I can make.

Here’s the link to that video:

Was it the women’s toilets?