Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Picture 1, the window is still closed, you can see the reflection of the red barns wall, Picture 2 and 3 the window is open a crack, you can see the reflection of the barns roof with the snipers on top. The rope is used to open the window to prevent moving the gun tripad. Do you see how the rope has changed it’s position once the window is open?

The camera angle’s completely different, as is the lighting of the surrounding structure. I’m not saying you’re right or wrong but that definitely muddies the waters.

I’m guessing that looking at the mouth as an exit might make sense

I thought the 1st floor windows in building 6 would be far too low ? As the building itself on lower ground, compared to podium area. So no clear sight to trump possible from the 1st floor windows of that building. Seems that even the Building 6 roof top is only slightly higher than trumps head, how should you be able to shoot from 1st floor windows without fence, the other hydraulic piston wagon or spectators blocking view?
Could be still a second shooter from inside a room, but then more likely from the 2nd floor AGR building, which had many windows clearly open.

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Yes, I understand your doubts. After I first back traced the bullet line, only a couple of windows in building 6 come into consideration. This is why I am so focused on that window. After seeing definite activity behind it (head light in the dark), window opening and closing, cords changing positions and then vanishing makes me still very suspicious.

I am working on a much more accurate 3D model, and I will include the 2-story building with all windows and we can then simulate each shot from each window and see which ones we can take into consideration.

His glasses are in the channel to his left, visible at 17:15 in this video.

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This is the Malis video released today through the Washington Post. If you hit a paywall, use the braveheart browser to view. Crooks can be seen at the 13 sec mark of the video, after 9 shots have been fired. The 9th shot was by a local cop, and caused Crooks to “reposition”. Notice how far he is away from the peak of the roof 5 seconds after the 9th shot.

Yet, his body was filmed near the peak of the roof. How could this be unless they repositioned the body? They likely planted the shell casings at the same time they moved the body…there is no way he went back up the roof in 5 seconds to be shot there.

one plausible reason : someone said on radio - he might have explosives on him. good enough to scare everyone away for a while

I posed this theory last week on TY comments however I think the echo timings might dispel this. The ARG front building has a paripet wall around the roof to give good cover from the carpark and is directly in line with the shooter. However I think that knowing where Crooks was exatly going to be on the roof was never planned but I could be wrong.

At the time people saw Crooks on the roof, they had no idea about any possible explosives. They just saw somebody on a roof who shouldn’t be there. If there were plainclothes officers in the crowd, they should have radioed, yelled, identified themselves, shouted at Crooks, etc. We need to know where they were, and when.

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just saying there was some definite reasons behind ALL of them not engaging crooks. Either there was a bomb scare or they were probably told SS sniper will be on top of that and they mistook him for SS or some kind of law.

No one engaged him. thats totally strange right. Means it gotta be a preplanted information amongst them that prevented them from engaging him.


Be sure to note that it is actually the second shot that hits Trump (not the first shot) that everyone keeps claiming. The first shot is heard and Trump makes a small flinch as if a bee just buzzed past his right ear, that is immediately followed by the second shot in which he then grabs his ear, looks at his hand (sees the blood), and then drops to the floor…. I see most people getting this wrong (claiming the first shot hit his ear) and it doesn’t help our credibility to have a few of our facts wrong.

PS for anyone who continues to believe he wasn’t hit with a bullet or that the event is staged or intentional is in the wrong chat room here - anyone believing that needs to go back and watch all of the original video of him getting shot and then come back here when you have your facts and understanding straight. (But in case anyone missed it - yes he was definitely shot in the right ear by the second shot, if you can’t follow the logic or understand this foundational element, then I don’t know what to tell you.


I don’t think we’re suggesting the flashes inside the window are gun fire (at least I’m not).

How I see it with this new video information is that there appears to be a light on in the room moments before the first shot (at the beginning of Stewart’s video)…

A few seconds before the first shot, the lights in that room are turned off.

Earlier today, I was thinking the sound of the first 2 or 3 shots were breaking glass - but that was highly speculative. Considering they walked the perimeter of the building, I agree, I think they would have noticed a broken widow.

So, is it possible, the window was closed, then opened moments before the 1st three shots and then immediately closed?

After all eight shots are fired, we then see the suspicious lighting effect inside the widow (with the room lights still off) which does appear to be someone looking around with a flashlight or helmet light.

I have no idea, this is all subjective and speculation, but WHY was 11 minutes edited out of the body cam footage on the roof (and the first mention of 5 casings and then later the mention 3 more for a total of 8 spent casings). With the edited footage, I think we can assume the 3 extra casings were collected from downstairs and then planted on the roof.

Please help me poke holes in my above theory. I am open to hear how this option / theory is not possible

EDIT … Regarding the comment about self-healing glass… I had to come edit this post because the forum would not allow me to make any more replies to this conversation…

Ok. Bizarre- I’ve never heard of that one before (I did just Google it) and while that’s very interesting, HOWEVER, that’s not plausible here because the video I watched said it can heal itself from cracks - not spontaneously generate an entire new window pane or repair a bullet hole or shattered area.

I’m leaning toward the windowing being opened by someone - because if they shot a hole through it, there would be glass on the ground - the glass is not going to disappear and the hole isn’t going to spontaneously regenerate a patch for itself. If it can, then I’m on the wrong planet.

Can someone clarify / validate something for me Chris stated in tonight’s video, “Back To First Principles On The Trump Assassination Attempt” please ?

At 34:55 Chris says, “ hey let’s use the ladder behind the trees here” ?! So the. That 10 foot ladder was there the whole time for Crooks to get on the roof? Chris is pointing out how many of the officers stop goofing with the tactical ladder and go behind the tree to use the normal ladder already there.

If that ladder was there the whole time, that clearly pokes holes in the original narrative. It also suggests that Crooks had help.

Was that ladder put there while the other team was goofing around with the tactical ladder and other debris they were trying to climb on, or was that ladder there the whole time (contrary to popular belief) ??!!

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I watched the following video, a grandfather (Republican committeeman) and his grandson ( FULL INTERVIEW: Anthony Golembiewski tells us what he saw at Trump Rally ) – explains in detail what he saw at the rally.

Interestingly, he mentions the heat (92 degrees) - Trump’s people brought in 47,000 bottles of water. Was this a METAL roof ? (I have one and they get pretty damn HOT.) Crooks looks like he had shorts on. Also, he had what appeared to be a threadbare tee-shirt. He could not have been comfortable … how did that affect his shooting? It seems like he had precious little time to line up a shot … on a HOT roof … and hit Trump !?

Clearly, he found a spot to shoot from in a VERY short period of time - that hid him from one of the sniper groups. Did he know where they would be ? Saw them setting up or had foreknowledge.

Once Crooks fired the first 3 shots, Crooks lost track of Trump when Trump ducked and may have figured he hit him. So the question is … did he decide to try and shoot the snipers and/or the crowd, rather than jumping off the roof and trying to escape ? He had time between the first 3 and the last 5 to move and avoid the 1 in a million SS sniper shot.

The sniper shot that supposedly took Crooks out is suspect in view of the video you posted showing how the bullet should have blown his head apart. I look forward to seeing more analysis of Crook’s injuries.


Yes, it is the American Glass RESEARCH company. So they’re doing research and development on glass. Type in self-healing glass in a Google search. It’s been a thing for years. What kind of classified projects would they have under their belt? Who knows?

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no idea when this video was taken since there is no one on the roof nor on the ground. you can see 2 ladders in this video.

someone mentioned on X on J13th night that recent pictures of AGR building doent show any ladder so it must have been placed there before the shooting. no idea how recent was his recent either.

Cops on bodycam clearly running towards black ladder. But DJstewart video was taken before this time and we can see LEOs going towards ladder behind the trees.

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from the senate judiciary committee video


After days of analysis on both the audio and video recordings featured here, I have results that I hope will prove useful to this investigation. These findings follow nearly a dozen failures to reconcile the data including single and multiple shooters in multiple locations. Only the following scenario “rooftop” reconciles.

Source name clarification:
Source3 = Chris’s 4, Source5 = Chris’s 6, and “Hes Got A Gun” = Chris’s 2 (though 2 starts where Chris indicates, shot1 begins at the arrival of the fence opposite the field).

Red zones below represent all possible origins of shot9.


Shots triangulation via three mobile devices compared to podium mic.
(podium mic as anchor)
Below are the differences of the mobile recordings adjusted for their geological positions
compared to the stationary recording of the podium mic:
All results are within ±10 feet tolerance:

shot1: 233ft/194ms
shot8: 202ft/168ms (waveform = 163ms = MATCH)
shot9: 459ft to podium (waveform difference = 223ft-301ft/185-250ms) intersect zone between 79-118ft

shot1: 366ft/304ms
shot8: 340ft/282ms (waveform = 285ms = MATCH)
shot9: 368ft to podium (waveform difference = -18ft-71ft/-15-59ms) intersect zone between 148-193ft

shot1: 329ft/273ms
shot8: 311ft/258ms (waveform = 256ms = MATCH)
shot9: 375ft to podium (waveform difference = 99ft-158ft/82-131ms) intersect curve at 108-138ft

shot9 all-possible-origins multi device intersection = area Sniper Team 1


Probability of multiple shooters for shots 1-8 = low
Probability of Crooks plus one other shooter for shots 1-8 = none
Probability of Crooks as the shooter on the rooftop = very high
shot9 = high probability Sniper Team 1

Further detail such as audio alignment points and detailed measurements can be granted if requested.

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Having seen zero evidence the 1st floor window opened at any time, I’m 99% convinced the window was closed the entire time. That is supported by the fact that there were dozens of eye witnesses who would have seen it open and nobody has reported it opening. Heck it might even be fixed closed, we don’t know. I’m 90% convinced the white lateral line is a reflection in the angle of the glass, and NOT a window shade cord.

The flashes of light are long after the shooting and do not sync to any known gunshots so, in my opinion, it is probably a flashlight or headlamp. The greatest probability is law enforcement doing a quick search of the rooms to identify any suspects. If we go with that probability, it would have been nearly impossible for a gunman with a rifle to gather brass and escape in seconds without being seen, unless he was part of SS/LEO and blended back in.

He’d still have to have taken the time to gather 3 spent shells and presumably close the window and fix the blinds. I find that highly improbable in the mere seconds (what, 10 seconds to do all that and escape undetected?).

Ground floor is an interesting theory and I’d put it in the yellow or orange column leaning red because:

  1. Window was never observed open. Might even be fixed closed. However, there could be a makeshift slot in the walls we are overlooking. We need photos of the outside and inside areas.
  2. Plenty of witnesses, nobody saw it open including the LEOs running around the front and even looking into the windows after the shootings.
  3. Poor choice for a shooter, ground floor, obstructed view with fence presumably, possibly people, maybe the tree… Poor escape plan on ground floor. Cops swarming the building.

The ladder issues are extremely confusing that the FEDS need to clarify immediately, and we have about a dozen mutually exclusive pieces of information. We were told that teams were stationed up there but left, or had cleared the roof for the event but did not position themselves there due to heat, among other odd excuses. That begs the question how did THOSE officers get on the roof and why is everyone so befuddled about how to access the roof. It appears possibly the 2 story AGR building had a roof access window or door, so why not use that? Or presumably if they cleared the roof, they might have used that 10’ ladder, by why does it take them an unbelievably long time to see and use it? Nobody thought to look behind the trees for ANY reason and even accidentally see the ladder!!! It’s like watching the Keystone Cops…

Yes, that roof would have probably been very hot in that unshaded afternoon heat; maybe 100 degrees. I have thought as well that the true assassin having fired head shots and seeing Trump go down he might have concluded he hit him with a fatal shot.

I still believe there were two shooters; a pro that took shots 1-3, and the patsy on the roof doing rapid inaccurate fire shots 4-8.

The counter-sniper shots would not have been too difficult at that range with the equipment they used. If one or more of them missed, that would have been the real surprise. They were probably using optics that would have been close enough to tell you the assassins eye color at 140 yards or even 300 yards. My main confusion is that the large caliber rifles I assume the counter snipers use should have blown the man’s head apart and created a huge mess on the roof. The ballistic wounds suggest a smaller caliber firearm, perhaps even a pistol but that seems unlikely. Bullets do weird things, I suppose it’s possible but gosh a .300 win mag or even .308 or 5.56 should have canoed his head normally.

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