Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt


What if there was a decoy with same clothes and look like crooks on that day walking around just to confuse local LEOs? Any evidence to suggest the same? May be this decoy got caught with matching description(but not entirely as they would realize later) and then shots rang out. essentially giving the shooter enough time to evade the eyes of LEO.

Now this is probably only way the null hypothesis can play out justifying all the confusion and cops appearing all lost; unless ofcourse they had a sort of stand down order.

I don’t really care if there were 10 Crooks lookalikes wandering around. If there were two snipers in the building behind Crooks overlooking the building he was on, they should have seen him. If they left their posts and Crooks somehow intuited that it was exactly the proper moment to crawl across the roof, that’s extremely suspicious, and the two snipers need to be questioned.

That’s one of the most outrageous mysteries about this thing to me, that people involved in incredibly suspicious circumstances seem to be magically exempt from normal police work that should be done in any homicide investigation.


I have some real questions about this video. It looks like the news helicopter video. If so, where did all the LEOs go? The rifle has been moved from the shooters arms and there is picture/video evidence where Crooks still had the rifle in his arms dead on the roof.


they have a bs excuse for that. left the post to open the door. i am sure they have access logs and cctv inside the building but they mysteriously didnt record that day


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I mapped out Crooks’ location, and basically he was as far left as he could be (to get tree cover from the snipers), and still have line of sight to trump over the left bleachers. In fact, if he shifted a few feet to his left, he would have had tree cover from both snipers, but the bleachers would be between him and Trump, taking away his line of sight. Who knows if they knew that before getting on the roof.

The interesting thing is that if a second shooter was behind Crooks on that second roof, they would have tree cover and be out of sight of both snipers.

The 28 sec video by Jon Malis published by the WashPo is revealing. Crooks is visible near the bottom of the roof after 9 shots fired, before the 10th shot. Yet his body was photographed near the top of the roof. This suggests to me that the body was moved, and the photo was staged. There is a paywall, but I could view it with Braveheart. You can also follow these steps:

go to
type “Crooks paused” in the msn search bar
you should be able to click the article to read and watch the video. It contains all 10 shots, and Crooks can be seen with head up near the bottom of the roof at the 13 second mark, 5 secs after the 9th shot

The screenshot is at the 13 second mark, 5 secs after the 9th shot and before the 10th shot

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I know that the ‘self healing glass’ idea is right up there with ‘the aliens were involved’. I’m very hesitant to go there since I want facts and evidence too. But as a famous detective once said: ‘When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’
I am certain that ‘they’ either allowed this to happen or caused this to happen. And I am heavily leaning to the latter.
Why? There are far too many coincidences and lapses in security for this to be simple incompetence. Also there is far too much at stake for the nefarious actors that ordered this assassination. Between the ‘pulling back the curtain’ and revealing them all and the evil they all do, and multi billion dollar bets on DJT and RUM stock crashing on Monday morning when Trump is dead, I see it as impossible that ‘they’ would trust all of this to a 20 year old kid with a red dot and iron sights on a hot tin roof. He was certainly to be the patsy. He MAY have taken shots 4 5 6 7 and 8 but I see it as impossible that he took the first 3 shots.
So now that the impossible has been eliminated, Crooks did not take those first 3 shots, then we have to look at the improbable.
We live in a world of improbable events like WT1 and WT2 crashing into a pile of dust due to aircraft fuel fires and WT7 collapsing at free fall speed because of a few fires in the building. Then the crime scene was quickly cleansed and the cover up began. And a majority of the people bought it.

I’ll close with a quote from a famous author and futurist, Arthur C. Clarke.
He formulated three laws about the future about what is possible and what is thought to be impossible

The laws are:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Source WikiPedia


Let’s debunk the tower once and for all:

This is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. A man with an impressive technical background.
Vet him for yourself.

The video is long and there are many teachable moments. Watch the entire video!

I think because of angle and perspective Crooks is probably near the ridge. If this video is not tampered with, I have to reassess my ordering of events.
For the first three shots, there is no evidence that Crooks took those shots. In fact there is a video out there that shows Crooks with rifle shouldered and no visible recoil when the first shot is heard.
Crooks may have taken shots 4 5 6 7 and 8
The LEO distracts him with shot 9
He repositions to fire more shots
Shot 10 is from the two story building and he is shot in the back of the head lower right side.
The SS sniper did not take shot 10. A 300 Win Mag or .308 would have exploded his head.


I agree on the shots
I don’t believe Crooks fired the first 3. Your point on the angle is a good one
it still looks to me that the video is almost square to the building, which would put him near the end of the roof. The angle would need to be quite acute to the camera to place him near the peak in my opinion. He is about where his backpack was seen in the photo

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This drone is moving rapidly toward building 6 about 8 seconds before the first shot. The drone can also be seen from the other side of building 6 about 2 seconds after the ninth shot in the TMZ “Exclusive” video. Where is the footage from this drone? The following TMZ screen shot is at 0m11s.

Also, there is an AGR security camera attached to the edge of the AGR building directly above the retaining wall, at the level of the lower edge of the second story windows. It might also have recorded the shots.

If you get elevations from Google Earth, depending on exactly where you put the cursor, it’s about 10 feet elevation difference between Crooks (1357) and the camera location (1347) if the camera is 5 or 6 feet above the ground, that’s 4 or 5 feet over that distance which is a shallow angle.
A sketch with distances and some trigonometry could settle the issue I suppose. It’s unlikely that he was shot far away from the ridge then dragged back up. Blood trail is consistent with him being killed near the ridge. But the kill shot was from behind likely from second floor of that other building. Smaller calibre round maybe 9mm, 45 ACP FMJ or similar.
If it exited his mouth and took out teeth that bullet would have impacted the steel roof sheeting. There would be evidence.

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the guy with the big black hat and the guy with the red checked shirt are still there in the upper left corner, if anybody knows those guys, please tell them we need their video they caught during the shooting in high resolution!

I cannot shake off the idea that Crooks did NOT take the first 3 shots and audio puts the sound source of those 3 shots very close to Crooks’ location and on the video from just in front of building 6 those shots sound really loud and the third window from the parking lot is flagged by many as being suspicious. But the glass of the window is seen in video to be intact but in some video it seems to have some weird characteristics. If that is a casement window like those of the second floor of the other building they have a crank gear operator to open them. That takes time to open, fire and then it takes time to close. Not plausible.
Ok I’m still putting Crooks making shots 1 2 and 3 as impossible so here is the Sherlock Holmes ‘improbable’
 a hologram of the glass?
Something has to explain and tie this all together.

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I think the shooter in the 2nd floor window was hoping SS CS shoots crooks but once he realize they couldnt take him out, he had to do it himself with a smaller calibre gun. crooks being dead was paramount to the entire operation. They were hoping SS snipers take him out but that didnt happen - perhaps leaves. perhaps coz cops were following crooks around he didnt had enough time to crawl into the pre agreed upon position.

Its ridiculous if not outright moronic to even think that he knew exactly where to place himself so he could get a clear shot at trump and evade from the snipers all by using a drone before snipers were in position and that too in the first try.

He did a what he was told to. go up on the roof and act with the gun. after shots rang out and then stopped after the 8th he heard crowds shouting gun shooter etc, he popped his head up to check, repositioned himself as instructed and got popped by the real shooter or his accomplice in the 2nd floor window.


Reasonable assessment. With all those cameras rolling out there somebody has some thing that shows whether crooks took any shots at all. But with everything going on, they are probably scared shitless to come forward. We may see more evidence come out
 Hopefully soon. The main stream is busy burying this in the memory hole.


Yes, after reviewing the aerial view of the building and the location by the tree where the video was captured, I agree with you. It would have appeared to be near the edge from that vantage point, but because of the angle he was actually near the apex of the roof as you say. The video is helpful because it confirms he was taken out by the 10th shot

I haven’t found all the audio you reference, but I have found some. I have to agree with your conclusion that its very hard to support an argument of multiple source positions. The intervals I measured from (the sound of) shot 1 to the remaining 7 are (nearly) the same across all my sources regardless of receiver position. If there were multiple source positions for the various shots, the only way to get all those identical intervals is for the wavefronts to come in along a line drawn between the podium (where most of the sources I found were clustered) and where the Stewart source was placed (which was the one I found most distant from the podium.)

This triangulation calculation, by itself, has no impact on the arguments about whether there were multiple weapons, except to say they can’t be very far apart from each other.

In this video someone can be seen moving on the roof.

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