Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

This article at Washington post says the following:

The local officer who shot at Crooks was assigned to a barn behind and to the north of the rally stage, along with a counterassault and quick-reaction force team from Butler County, the local law enforcement official said.

The officer, who was not a sniper, had left the barn and was outside on the ground nearby when Crooks began firing from the rooftop about 110 yards away, the official said. The local officer saw the muzzle flashes from Crooks’s rifle, the official said, and fired his rifle at Crooks.

New footage of crooks running on roof

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Somehow the AGR building seems much closer to the rally than it really is!

You’re right. The media has stated that the video was enhanced to focus on the building. I don’t think they’re trying to confuse us in this case because it will and can be verified. The video link I posted was one of the first I saw and then there after other news agencies began to report it as well.

Show details of your analysis so the method, data and results can be verified.

Sorry responded to the wrong person.


Excellent work. Can you share coordinates and details?

I also found that the measured time intervals on the first 8 shots are independent of the microphone position within errors of measurement. My analysis included several microphone sources, without being able to position all of them precisely.

It should be possible to triangulate the position of the ninth shot, but I’m still having trouble distinguishing the cracks from the rifle reports on the ninth shot. Aligning times on microphones as you have, on the ninth, the Trump microphone gives an earlier report than the microphones near Crooks, giving some clues about position.

Here are some additional audio sources at

I’m blocked from uploading the pdf of my Mathematica calculations.

At this point in Trump’s speech, those two Butler Country ESU personnel on the second floor of that building should have had eyes on Crooks. AND Crooks’ rifle should have been visible. What were they doing? Playing cards?
I think it was this Greg fellow that took Crooks’ photo sitting on the concrete wall that was assigned to that post. But after the shooting he is seen with all the other cops hanging around the front of the building. Also when LEOs were on the roof, one of them mentions Greg and all they have to do is go over to the 2 story building and call for him.

At 39 seconds, is that capri guy on the left? Black shirt and cap?

If ‘seeing the muzzle flashes’ is indeed true, then this seems to confirm that Crooks was the shooter for the second volley of shots.
Still no evidence that he took the first 3 shots

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Short video found on X reportedly filmed by one of the victims, James Copenhaver, showing someone running along the rooftop of Building 6 visible to audience in bleachers; a few minutes prior to shooting. Not sure if this is already on here. Should have been visible to both Counter Sniper Teams 1 and 2 (both red barns).
Here is the link.

The link is broken.

this guy should be interviewed by senate committee.


I believe that a differential analysis across video/audios of July 13, 2024 - taken at the Trump Butler Rally – that looks at comparative signal-time-shifts - can be used to estimate the position of the local police officer that (allegedly) took the 9th shot that killed Crooks on the roof of the AGR Building #6.

I have included above a graphic of the analysis. The reporting now is that the local police officer took a ground shot from a little over 100 meters from Crooks’ death position on the roof of BLD6. My analysis shows the estimated position to be a little within a 300-foot radius of Crooks. My sense is that minor changes in my assumptions (guess-estimates) could result in an estimated position that is also just outside of the 300-foot radius.

I think it is important to know where the local police officer took the 9th kill shot – to help unpack the details of the overall plot to assassinate Trump – and eliminate confusion and speculation regarding the forensic audio analysis of Shot 9.

I am wondering why there are not more spectator reports emerging of seeing the local police officer take the 9th shot. Based on what I understand of a rough comparative audio analysis it is very hard to put the shooter position for Shot 9 out of a window of BLD3.

Best regards,


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Message to Chris:
Your 9th shot report in your latest video (7/31/24) confirms the location I have here as well (I assumed it was Siper Team 1 - top of the north building, but oh my

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I wonder what happened. Try this one. (multiple views)

My recent post, the link still works for me. But here is the URL:

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Sorry; you meant a different link.

I don’t think the shooter of shots 1 2 and 3 was in the two story building.
We know for sure that shot 1 hits Trump’s ear AND hits the top rail of the bleachers, shatters and creates that puff of smoke and I maintain that the bullet fragments are what injured Mr Dutch. Those two points in space, not 3 dimensional but only looking from above, these points define a line (a 2 dimentional plane really) that projects back to the point of origin of the #1 bullet. We are ignoring elevation at this point.
As we see in the screenshot with my red line starting between the two windows on the right of the 2 story building, it is not posssible for shot #1 that hits Trump’s ear AND the bleachers’ handrail to have come from that location. The ony location that fits is along the line of Crooks’ location. IF and that’s a big IF, Crooks did NOT take shots 1 2 and 3, then it had to be from slightly below or slightly above Crooks’ elevation.
So the fact that shot 1 hits Trump and hits the guardrail is Green Bucket material. Which means that either Crooks took those first 3 shots or a pro sniper in about the same line of sight did, That is either building 6 main floor or much farther back at the building adjacent to and connected to the main entrance building. It’s much father back though.

I currently buy the fact that the killshot to Crooks was taken from one of those second floor windows. If so, whoever took that shot, probably witnessed the whole thing. No way he was sitting back with his feet up playing with his phone. People had been yelling about Crooks on the roof for some time. The window was open. He heard it all. He heard shots 1 2 and 3. He saw Crooks take shots 4 5 6 7 and 8. He heard shot 9 and took shot 10 killing Crooks. He took the killshot. Maybe he was ordered to. The comms were not recorded. How convenient.
Whoever took shot 10 was in on it in my opinion
 he had to be.

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Response to Chris’ Wednesday video, in regards to shot nine’s echo:

On shot 9, there is a 0.229 second delay between first sound and echo. With a speed of sound that day at 352.94 m/s, that gives you a 80.8m. If it reflected off building 6 then it puts the camera very close to the line of fire. The only problem is that building is within 20m of the camera. It would have to reflect off a surface twice as far.

I keep running the numbers and nothing lines up with building 6 generating the echo.