Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

You can see crooks walking on top of the roof?

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Crooks walking from far left of his roof (below the second story building behind him) to his final shooting position to the far right (from the perspective of Trump looking back toward him).

How was Crook sable to walk RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE SECOND STORY WINDOWS if ANYONE was inside those open windows???


It’s worth noting key points to save everyone watching the whole video:

  • He debunks water tower shooter theory saying it’s pixilation errors, the top part of the tower that the ‘shooter’ was seen at is 12.5 feet tall and the ‘shooter’ was the same height and various other counterevidence.
  • He shows Peak Prosperity’s bullet noise analyses and agrees with the multiple shooter conclusion.
  • He acknowledges the similarity between the woman calmly filming behind Trump to FBI Assistant Director Janeen DiGuiseppi but stresses it may not be.
  • He (IMO) wrongly emphasises that it was an abject failure of the secret service and FBI. He doesn’t address Trump’s unscathed ear after him and his former physician were claiming there was 2cm bullet wound, meaning it was staged.

They had a counter UAS with blue ink saying Drone. So they had a drone and didnt use it?


I would think Crooks is rather walking (almost running) on the other roof directly behind of building 6. This copenhaver video is most likely catching the moment shortly after Crooks climbed up on yet another roof (near the other small parking space) via an air condition unit and a small shed.
See possible path here (hope the image linking works this way, not able to upload pics directly yet)

Maybe watch also the video, where jeffostroff is trying to guess the path via drone footage: I think jeffostroff forgets the possibility of Crooks hiding in the corner of the roof before running over to building 6, as I scetched out in my google maps picture above. (can not add another link for some reason, here is the title of the youtube video from jeffostroff → “NEW Video: Trump Shooter Running On Roof POV Shooting Victim”)

By the way
 This path looks so obvious and so easy (airconditioner+shed at small parking space), I would really like to know why the ground teams did not use the same path to get onto the roof? Instead they ran around the building 6 trying to get a view onto the roof from the ground? So stupid! They should know way before hand where spots are, to climb the roof without any additional gear.
Also they should have heard him running on the roof ?? Windows in the second floor towards the roof he ran over have been open too, right ?

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I for one would appreciate it if you’d close your account and go explain to other people somewhere else about how the reptilians from Planet X actually did the shooting. Thanks.

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that aircon unit in the pic?
looks like a hard climb to me. i could be wrong though. also plenty of cops and civilians in this side.

pic from google maps

No that is not the air con unit I mean. Did you look at my sketch and the jeffostroff video?

ahh sorry. i was looking at the other building. thanks for clarifying.

there is another option on the other side without a ladder.

also this

I will if you can explain to me how a 2cm bullet wound completely heals (i.e. no scabs, bruising, cartilage loss, scarring) in less than 2 weeks.

It’s been proven Trump’s former physician wrote a statement to congress alleging he had a 2cm bullet wound, and Trump shared that statement to his social media meaning he also agrees with said statement. All pictures since he removed his bandage clearly show no damage to his ear. These are close, HD images, indisputable.

Oh silly me, that was a magical bandage he was wearing. I was wondering why it was ludicrously big.

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I think Chris has convicing new evidence from video6 that the shot that hit Trump was shot number 2

For comparison - this ear looks less swollen

I explained it here. Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt - #286 by brian60221

“My wild conspiracy theory about Trump’s ear is that it got grazed by a bullet, bled a lot because ears bleed a lot, then healed quickly due to treatment by extremely good doctors, and then is covered by hair in your photo.”

Now, please drop it or off you go.

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Easy, he didn’t. He ran west to east along the top of building 8 then you see him disappear as he crosses over the lower conecting roof to building 6 where he pops up again.
Could he have come from the open window that opens onto building 8s roof? we know this window was open. Could he have been let in buy the sniper team that left their post to open a dorr for the other sniper who was locked out? The direction Crooks is coming from raises new questions

The only external doors I can see for building 8 are door 8 and door 13 at the other end in the two story section. if Crooks had been let in door 13 he could have gone upstairs and gone out the east window onto building 8 roof. This would then give reason for Crooks to run across building 8 roof then cross the lower connect roof to building 6 roof which is what the latest video is showing.

So where does the 2cm wound fit into that?

You say his hair’s covering his ear, but it’s barely covering it in that photo. Other photos (of which there are many) also show no damage.

The ear takes longer than a lot of areas to heal due to the cartilage (but anywhere on the body, a 2cm wound would take much longer than 13 days to have completely healed, regardless of how good the doctors are.) You clearly have no idea about wounds.

The sarcasm in #286 when you say ‘[your] wild conspiracy theory about Trump’s ear is that it got grazed by a bullet
’ makes you look a fool, because claiming he had a 2cm bullet wound that heals within 13 days is a wild conspiracy theory given the evidence.

I understand the vast majority of you are Trump sycophants and the implications of this being true don’t align with your agenda, but just look at the evidence without your cult blinkers on.

‘Now, please drop it or off you go.’ - Lol what authority do you have here?

I don’t have any authority. I just find you ridiculous and insulting, and I think you’re wasting everyone’s time. But, so am I, by trying to get you to shut up. I’ll just ignore you from now on.

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There is no way someone could walk or run across that metal roof without anyone underneath (in the rooms below) NOT hear someone on the roof - PERIOD. I am familiar with this type of corrugated roof and they’re rather obvious when someone is up there working, running and even walking. Unless it’s a machine shop with lots of equipment going at the same time, he would have been heard.

A lot of this story and people that comment on these issues are annoying. I don’t think he would be here in this particular chat if he wasn’t honestly trying to get answers like we all are. It’s rather irritated to me when I hear people state unequivocally that it was the first shot that hit his ear when I know for a fact that it was the second shot and you’d think that someone could get that tiny fact straight, but no.

And likewise, we have seen SO much horse manure with regards to trying to get to the bottom of this story, with new crazy and bizarre elements surfacing each day - I would not discount any story at this point (no matter how ridiculous or annoying)

Case in point being: I just learned yesterday that the head shot wound photo we were given/ leaked was not actually Crooks but a photoshopped image of someone else and that Thomas Matthew Crooks is still alive - who the hell knows WTF is going on at this point. I think we all need to be patient, stay level headed and be willing to follow this story where ever it may lead.

Let’s be careful to not forget who the real enemy is here (and it’s not each other). To be honest, I like trump (voted for ‘em twice), but considering the insiders he appointed in 2016, and his prior friendships with other highly corrupt powerful people - I would not discount anything until proven otherwise. For all we honestly know, this whole thing and all of politics in general) could simply be theater just like WWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) for rich people.

To make my point here, is to consider how this particular case is a frikken dog and pony show that we’re currently getting in congress right now where they ask ‘some’ hard questions and put on a good show, while no one is held accountable and the slippery individuals involved walk away Scott free. (Sure, Cheatle resigned, but I’m sure she will be appointed somewhere else in a few months when the smoke settles, just exactly how JFK fired one dude that was corrupt, then after JFK was shot, he was appointed to lead the investigation about the JFK shooting (‘effing ridiculous how they do things right under our noses when you really dig into things)

And what’s worse, is that in a few months, they will sweep all this under the rug, no one will be caught or held accountable and we will all forget about it and be worrying about the next event - just exactly like every “event” that’s happened for the last 50 years :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry to bother you guys, but please just take a short time out and have a look in the site-reconstruction forum. We need your help to determine some data. Maybe we are onto something? Site Reconstruction of the Assassination Attempt - #127 by roger-knight

Reply on your " Back To First Principles On The Trump Assassination Attempt Peak Prosperity" video.

Im sure someone has commented about the gun but I didnt see it in a cursory search. The sights were 45 degree offset not 90 degree so the brass is still going the same direction just typically (further away) not straight up. Its possible as well that its a cheaper AR that is slightly over gassed which could also cause the cases to bounce off the brass deflector and go forward. Secondly its very likely that the AR had a flash hider (which almost all of the cheaper ARs come with) this is very different than a muzzle brake which you describe in your video as the same thing. Muzzle brakes cause the gases to be directed in certain directions to mitigate muzzle rise and also kick back. Gases are directed up and backwards which counteract physics to help keep the firearm closer to on target. If he had a brake it would definitely alter the sound however brakes are typically longer and beefier looking that what that rifle had. If he had a flash hider it would not alter the sound as it just disperses the gases in all directions equally, tilt of the firearm would be irrelevant.

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