Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Picture 4 source:

This tells it all!


  • the (1st) bullet that grazed Trump’s ear also hit the railing; so the trajectory is established - it is a rising or level shot; unlikely declining (from rooftop position)

(- 2nd bullet hit the spectator half a meter away; indicating the shooter was skilled marksman)
(- guy on the far left ducked out of fear; showing simptoms + only two were injured from this tribune in the aftermath)

  • given the bullet trajectory and the very specific “ending” point, we can clearly draw lines to show the location of the shooter

    • location A is behind a tribune (and line too far out to the edge of the platform)

    • Crooks trajectory is unlikely, and even if we assume, he’s out of line

    • location B is out; the podium would have to be touching the front flag barrier for Trump to be in line

    • could be location C, but it’s still slightly off, and it’s probably blocked by the lift cabin

    • which leaves us with the location D - where Trump is perfectly aligned with the trajectory + it’s completely concealed, assuming it’s an air vent (seeing the video now, it looks like a hatch
 how convenient)

  • picture 4 is showing the podium (equaling Trump’s head) alignment with the outer edge/line of the red carpet bridge

Saw Dayve Stewert video (ext. cut) minutes before posting! I’m leaving the post unchanged, just adding a comment: If you’re expecting someone to be on the roof (which they [cops running around] did), you surely don’t (look for -) notice a briefly opened hatch, even if shots are coming out of it; also, the phone was confiscated - possible tampering

Found this comment the other day (regarding first three shots):
Shot 1 may have a slightly different speed and sound due to the barrel being cold. Cold air in the barrel = higher air friction. Each of the waves got progressively faster as the barrel heated from the previous shot.

Additional questions: Where did the SS sniper shot go?
Is it possible for AR to pierce/graze a body and then puncture a hidraulic pipe? (2nd shot)

Determine the height of the tribune (and Trump’s ear), and you’ve got your proof!


Sound from shot 9 reached Dayve’s video much sooner than the Ross video, and reached the stage before Dayve. It’s delay when comparing shot 10 between stage and Dayve indicates the shot was about 1/3 shorter than sniper 2. This suggests that shot 9 originated from the large field between fences, but much closer to the stage side. Also, it sounded like a pistol.

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Hey Thomas,
I’ve had to put this down for now due to the immense amount of time it took me to make those calculations, but the most relevant data is on that results list I published earlier in combination with those geo points on Google Earth. I’ll include the linear adjusted audio files here if you would like to check them out (simply line them up at the same start position to review).
There are a few other things I might note however:
-First, the reason I am concluding it to be near impossible for both Crooks and a second shooter to be involved is simply due to the complete lack of suitable delay between the first and second set of shots to accommodate for the minimum 85 foot gap between Crook’s position and the nearest window. That kind of spacing would be unavoidable in at least two of the referenced recordings.
-Second, due to the unique sound of the shots in Source5 and it’s close proximity to Crooks position, I only just recently realized I should have performed a spectrum analysis of those shots to determine the actual placement of the report versus the earlier positioned supersonic crack.* Doing this after I published my findings would have positioned Source 5 about 5-8 feet further back, but more importantly, gave a far superior position of the 9th shot, which fell perfectly in line with the other two (right next to the northern barn).
-Finally, Source5 is the only recording with the 10th shot I have available. After hearing about the sniper that supposedly made that 300 yard shot in there, I took a closer look at that one as well and found a distant pop (report?) right at 700-800 ms from the supersonic crack at 2700fps - just the right distance that would support that to be the 300 yard shot.

(edit: - I am using Chris’s SOS estimate at 1203.6 fps for all calculations)
edit2: some more info if needed:
(shooter x distance from podium mic = 465ft)
SOURCE3: (shot8 = 459ft from podium mic)
SOURCE5: (shot4-9 368ft from podium mic)
HES GOT A GUN: (shot8 = 375ft from podium mic)

*reason for the correction on the data of Source5: notice the actual report used to measure the distance occurring after the sonic crack

Here’s the map updated for Source5

(edit - updated image for clarity)

Here’s the aligned audio files

Hes Got A Gun.wav

podium reports isolated.wav

Source 3.wav

Source 5.wav

Added a bit more info above

got the coordinates (easier than I thought) :slight_smile:

assigned coordinates:
Source3/1: 40°51’29"N 79°58’16"W
Source3/8: 40°51’29"N 79°58’17"W
Source5/1: 40°51’28"N 79°58’13"W
Source5/4-9: 40°51’28"N 79°58’13"W
Hes Got A Gun/1: 40°51’28"N 79°58’13"W
Hes Got A Gun/8: 40°51’28"N 79°58’12"W
podium mic: 40°51’25"N 79°58’15"W

Video is showing Crooks DURING the first shot, and he looks way to high for the aim.

Note: elevation and trajectory may be possible; but this aiming position looks unlikely.

“AuroraHayes: I know for a fact that it was the second shot [that hit his ear]” Really?

Frontal videos of Trump speech show him reaching for his ear (splitsecond) BEFORE the 2nd snick.

(assuming a second shooter, I also find odd that a pro sniper would miss 3 times in a row; but then there’s the SS team, with top gear, and it was still “one in a million” shot)


In case anyone is interested, I updated what I am calling a 2D-audio analysis – for estimating the Shot 9 shooter position. It still is a very rough analysis wherein I had to spit-ball some assumptions and measurements from sound tracts in Chris Martenson’s podcast reporting at PP.

The interesting aspect of the updated Shot 9 position is that it is close to or on the utility shed at the base of a light/cell tower that is on the Butler fairgrounds. Also, the grade/ground level at the location appears to be significantly higher than the lower WAPO reported Shot 9/Shooter position (behind the north bleacher) - which makes the line-of-sight to Crooks death position much better for the former proposed updated position.

One question is whether a shooting position located on the utility shed at the base of the tower - would have a line-of-sight obstruction by the low tree off the S-W corner of AGR BLD#6.

The WAPO reported position of the Shot 9/Shooter position is very hard to reconcile with the comparative analysis of the gunshot audio evidence – particularly when comparing audios from Source 2 (“he’s got a gun” video) and Source 6 (the David Stewart video).

If someone has a better or alternative audio comparative analysis and explanation that jives with the WAPO report – I hope they can post it – and set me straight – I am not afraid to eat humble pie. :blush:

Best of luck all.


honestly, i cant find any reasons to think that crooks was there to shoot. He must have believed he is acting for some reality tv. esp considering he combed his hair at sometime.

Imagine this. CIA handler pretends as a casting agent and hires him. Tell him we are shooting a documentary about possible ways trump can be shot and he will be the actor in it. Do you have an AR15 at home you could use? Yes. Alrite. Here is how you do. we have cameras all around tracking your move. This is the way you can get on top of the building. This is the position where you will be lying down with your gun and pretend to shoot. When you hear the sounds of gunfire from the speakers in next building, you pretend to pull the trigger. Its all been arranged with the police and SS so you will have nothing to worry about. Prior to this we will shoot a video of you scouting the premises using a drone and a rangefinder.

This is mostly an outline of what i think could have made the chain of events work out the way it did.

He lift up his head once he realize crowd is shouting at him and perhaps its not a reality tv show and happening for real and then got shot from ESU or whoever.

There was no time for him to figure out where to setup, how to get there, no practice runs, no fail safe no nothing. thats not believable that someone 20 made it that far on the very first attempt in a perfect spot to shoot at trump and between all the noises and chaos and cops chasing him, managed to graze trumps ear with his 1st shot. its too far fetched.

ofcourse its all just my imagination but plausible.

One thing that makes me the most upset is that we have to expend unbelievable, unimaginable amounts of time and energy thinking about things like this because of the total dysfunction of our investigatory agencies. If this country was not currently dying from corruption, we would have known over a week ago e.g. whether slugs that hit victims were ballistically matched to Crooks’ rifle, what fingerprints if any were on the shell casings, etc. The FBI’s actual job seems to be to swoop in and collect all the evidence to prevent anyone else from finding out what happened.


SS team # 2 guns & ammo info in this video. SS team #2 shot rooftop boy

I previously sent you what I saw on video that night that SS team #2 took the 1st 3 shots
Look at the hand movements. The original video I saw July 13th showed the rifle being shot at 3 different angles. the gun aim was #1 -swung left & low DT?, #2 lifted & high rooftop shot? (in the far bleachers?) & #3 pulled down & in towards their body was a a little lower than #2 shot so I believe was the dk haired bearded moustache (David Dutch who was hit in the chest & liver) guy high in the middle bleacher behind DT-who they Mistook for a Youtuber who 2 days prior said ‘DT should be taken out’

This is the picture that they thought was the Youtuber who made the threat & thought David was him in the stands (see pics of Police officer with blue glove on holding up David’s arm. ‘Shooter down’

Actually I’m wrong - it was the first shot. I was pretty sure it was the second, but after watching it a few times in slow motion, I can see now that he covers his ear before the second shot is heard

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 with the pro doing 3 shots (possibly from the Butler County Gymnasium, closed for the summer) It is interesting (?!) that the count of shell casings changed from 5 to 8. The gymnasium would have been a good spot for the pro to set up and of course Crooks provided the distraction necessary both before and after. Heck, they are still talking about Crooks exclusively. I believe the pro could have taken Crooks out on his way out. Niscee Social has info at 14:00 from youtube Channel Redacted about the line of sight / trajectory which all lines up with AGR Bldg 6, the Water Tower and the Gymnasium. And, of course, there could have been someone to ‘take out’ the pro - causing the van to be left sitting on the street. I still wonder how close the Arizona van was to the gymnasium. (Note: Arizona Van / connected to Maxwell Yearick / Yearick Armory of Arizona) Maxwell is missing !

No, it’s the first shot that hits him. It takes maybe a quarter of a second for the pain signal to travel to the brain, and then another 0.3 second reaction time for the signal from the brain to the muscles in the arm, and then the time it takes for the arm to reach the ear. His hand reaches his ear at about the time of the second shot. Read up all the news sources you can.

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Oh dear heavens I put up shot9 again by accident. THIS is shot10.
Notice the distant report looking bumps toward the end (the early bumps might be the impact from the target).
I’m just tired now - need a break

I totally agree. Shot 10 if not a Counter Sniper from the far away place must be in on it. But as of now he have an excuse - they went down to open the door for his partner which is when crooks started shooting.

Shots 4-8 as Martenson pointed out was way too fast even for best of the shooters. we dont know if crooks could do that yet. Its reasonable to think someone else shot 1-2 on top of crooks to get it packed so tight into few seconds. hard to tell from the sound waves though. Or Crooks did all 5 or the real shooter did all 5 there as well but perhaps with a diff gun or position.

number of variables is still way too high. :frowning:

edit: thinking about it a bit further, there was no need for shots 4-8 if this was a planned assassination attempt. 4-8 were in desperate mode. Trump was suppose to be dead on 1st shot and 2 followed slightly off to cause additional damage if 1st didnt hit so well

Now if we are to think along those lines, crooks had no reason nor instructions to fire 4-8 if 1-3 were taken by someone else. It gotta be the same gunman who did 1-3 also did 4-8 under desperation(we can only see how desperate on how far the bullets spread out)

Idea could have been to blow up the truck with IED( if this was even real and crooks remote could actually accomplish this and wasnt a dummy) once trump was successfully taken out to amplify the chaos inorder to get out of it nicely.

Whoever reached crooks body must be in on it as wel.

the ESU with tattooed arm/sleeve as reported by greg(red magahat with fake orage hair BBC guy) could be a main suspect playing a central role.

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I haven’t seen this video posted here but it is one of a few You Tube videos from the same individual. Its all new footage to me please view it and the rest from this person’s You Tube account. It’s interesting and a must see!