Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

State Police interview alleging author of video was viewed on surveillance video possibly making contact with Crooks.

It’s easy to shoot five shots even faster than that if you don’t care what you hit. If we knew for sure that five shots had been fired that quickly and landed in a tight group, that would practically be the signature of a highly trained shooter. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here.


Buffeting cross winds 8-12 mph play havoc with a bullet’s flight path.

More proof: Notice anything missing in this picture? For having his ear shot (supposedly), and just having your ear cut bleeds profusely, why is there ZERO BLOOD ON TRUMP’S HAND when he gets back up? A person’s natural instinct when cut/shot is to instantly put pressure on the wound to help stop bleeding and help with pain. And a person usually leaves their hand on it for at least a little while
There SHOULD be at least some blood
But none whatsoever
Not one drop even on his white collar right next to his ear. (fyi, the blood is a stage prop applied by the SS, this is the reason they act like they don’t know what they are doing. Because they aren’t SS at all. They are actors and makeup artists) Doing a bad job, I might add

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Ok, once you see what really happened, the audio analysis, the bumbling SS, the LACK OF VIDEO. etc
 all makes perfect sence. It’s a con. Like a magic trick, if you will. (ask any magician how this was done, and they’ll all probably say the same way, more or less). TRUMP WAS NEVER SHOT AT ALL! He just ACTS like he’s shot and then goes down. The counter sniper BEHIND Trump fires the 1st three shots when Trump grabs his ear and goes down! You can see it, hear it, and watch the gun even kick. AGAIN, NO ONE SHOT AT TRUMP AT ALL

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That’s not what I see. May I make two suggestions? 1: invest in a better display for your computer. 2: close your account and go annoy somebody else. Thank you.


That is hardly a “2 cm wound”; probably it was assesed as a whole (including the adjacent tissue); and if you look closely, there is a discoloured part (of the healed ear) exactly on the same spot, with the line of the “deepest cut” in the middle.
There is also a possibility of a plastic surgery.

It wasn’t me who said it was a 2cm wound. You shot yourself in the foot there because now you’ve admitted Trump’s former physician is a liar, and trump uploaded that same statement to his social media account so he’s complicit.

Speak to any doctor/nurse/etc. and they’ll tell you what everyone on this site refusing to believe, there is absolutely no way the wound would heal in 13 days. You can’t explain your way out of it, even with ‘the best doctors’ or ‘plastic surgery’ etc. Saying to look closely for it to be discoloured is laughable.


You’re the only person I’ve seen on this site not blinded by agenda. The cognitive dissonance with this element of the staged attempt is unreal. A lot of people on here are very good at analysing the evidence, but because they have a cultish bias in favour of Trump they refuse to accept the strongest bit of evidence so far. No point in trying to mention it. Denial denial denial.

The time between shots 4-8 are very do-able by a normal person using that rifle, but as we see accuracy suffered. And by shot 4, Trump was down and covered.

As I perceive it, Theory #1: Most plausible:
Crooks was the fall guy patsy and not coming out alive (unknown to him, of course). Crooks had an IED to cause a mass distraction during his escape (why it was 10 miles away is unclear, if that is accurate. Perhaps an accomplise was supposed to drive it to the event and it was not detonated because that accomplish failed to do so. We need to know more about that van, who owns it, etc.). He was probably instructed that he would not be shot, and he could escape. Hence the lack of concern for using his dad’s traceable rifle, b/c he had no fear of capture. Crooks may or may not have believed he was acting as the only shooter. As I mentioned, a “helper” might have been to drive the van to the event where he could detonate it immediately before or after the shooting as a distraction.

The professional shooter must have had a vantage point over Crooks to see he was in place, and then took the first 3 shots. 2 story building behind Crooks, or Water tower, etc. From his vantage he might have believed he scored a hit and it was a fatal shot because Trump went down. Crooks then, possibly confused, fired 5 rapid shots at Trump’s location, scoring hits on the crowd. At that point the pro was escaping, and the counter-sniper ended Crooks. The Feds got busy doctoring the crime scene.

Evidence that supports a 2 shooter scenario with a pro on the water tower or other location and perhaps a helper to drive the van in:

  1. Video evidence, no movement of Crooks during first shot. This is compelling evidence.
  2. Eye witness testimony of a shooter on the water tower immediately following the shootings.
  3. The strings of shots sound much different in cadence and pacing. The different sound could be echo/report from large metal water tower.
  4. The angle where Trump is struck on his right ear, may not be possible for Crooks because Trumps left side of his head would be presented at Crooks. This needs to be verified better.
  5. Rooftop police cameras have repeated discussions about a drone to search the water tower. Lots of interest in the water tower

  6. HOWEVER water tower theory may not be consistent with bullet trajectories. But perhaps the taller building farther behind Crooks directly.
  7. First shell casing count is 5, then later 8. Highly suspect it was exactly 5. Furthermore, it appeared at least 1 to 3 casings were to Crooks left, which is improbable or certainly unexpected as to where they should be.
  8. The 5 shots string is hard to understand if Crooks took the first 3 and believes he scored a (possibly fatal) hit. From his perspective, Trump flinched and went down. Why not slide off the roof and escape? What purpose does exposing oneself for 5 random shoots accomplish? However if he did not see the first 3 shots, but then acquires the stage he may want to “participate” and fire off 5 shots. That’s the only way I can wrap my mind around why he takes 5 shots.
  9. The van 10 miles away is illogical. It only makes sense if it is at the event to cause a explosion immediately after the shooting to aid in an escape (on bicycle?)

Locations of 2nd Shooter:

  1. I think we can rule out the ground floor. No good evidence of it, and cannot see the target, having to shoot uphill, blocked by people, a fence, etc.
  2. 2nd story windows behind Crooks to the right are still viable locations.
  3. Tall building rooftop farther directly behind Crooks would be an ideal location.
  4. Water tower is still in play given the shadow object on top and witness statements.
  5. Tree tops.

Theory #2.
Crooks is the patsy, setup with gear, given instructions and allowed roof access and does all 8 shots. Told he would be able to escape. Perhaps there was another person that was intended to man/drive the IEDs onto the grounds but that person was a “no show.” Otherwise I’m not sure how a IED 10 miles away helps him escape. Crooks fires 3 shots with rifle barrel over the downslope side of the roof, thinks he hit Trump, slides back for more concealment. Fires 5 shots at Trump or into the crown to create chaos, and is then killed.

Reasons against this theory.

  1. Video evidence shows Crooks does not move during 1st shot, which is powerful evidence against him taking that shot. Could test this by re-enacting shooting a AR15 to see if possible to shoot and not move at all.
  2. Audio report of gunshots requires this theory to be tested.
  3. If the FEDS put this in motion or allow this, it is UNLIKELY they’d have put all their eggs in 1 basket and not had a second more professional shooter. They’d have wanted to ensure mission success and therefore would have used another shooter.
  4. One other point, for or against, there appear to be scoring marks on the rooftop where one would expect Crooks muzzle to have caused powder burns. I can count several but not with precision. WE need a better up close visual of those scoring marks.

Trump derangement syndrome. Seek professional help.

Trump derangement syndrome. Seek professional help.

Plain evidence rundown against your TDS nonsense (why am I even bothering?).

  1. All captured on video/audio by many people.
  2. Hundreds of witnesses.
  3. 1 dead, 3 injured including Trump, all supported by piles of objective medical and forensic evidence.
  4. Crooks dead with rifle and some evidence he did some shooting. What person would stand on a stage and let someone fire a rifle at his direction to “stage” an assassination attempt and cause murder/injuries to his supporters?
  5. Trump has immediate GSW to ear, blood smeared on face and clearly on his hand seen in photos.
  6. If this was staged the SS, FBI, and local law enforcement would be the LOUDEST advocates of this theory to absolve themselves of dereliction and make Trump appear like a foolish madman responsible for murder and injuries. The fact this has not occurred is a key piece of information that your TDS has blinded you to reality. To support this point, 2 days ago Senator Kennedy asked the FBI acting director this direction question. “Any doubt a bullet struck President Trump?” FBI answer was “There is no doubt.”

So I will reiterate, if in the face of all this evidence that Trump was indeed shot in the head by an attempted assassin, one believes this was staged, one should really go speak to a therapist and get professional mental help because your world view is skewed beyond normal healthy reason.

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Personally, I finally and totally ruled out the water tower after watching the Stewart video at 1/10th speed and saw the black spot diminish due to lighting changes as he panned the camera. Notice in the final shot that the black spot is totally within the face of the vent cap, not hiding behind it.

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What else could explain that dark spot? A shadow? I think a shadow would need to be casting upon a surface to be that large/dark. Is the rest of the water tower that heavily shadowed on that side??

From his lower angle closer and farther “left” of the Water Tower it’s not as evident. However, there are other angles, from the stage or bleachers, that have a better angle of that water tower cap that show a dark object. I’m not fully convinced either way but it is a location that must be included or excluded. I suspect that the bullet trajectory would allow us to exclude it better than any video evidence available thus far.

You HAVE to watch this
fast forward to the 21:40 Mark

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

There was blood found in a bathroom
 conversation heard over police radio. They were still looking for second shooter

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

RE: Blood in the bathroom. Who else do we know was bleeding that day? Take a moment to critically go thru the facts in your mind to easily answer this question.

Answer: We know a LEO was boosted to the roof, and grabbed the drainage edge (sharp metal) and then cut his hands. We have heard that from 1 or many sources. It stands to reason and is the most probable answer that he soon thereafter went directly to the nearest bathroom to wash his cut hands in the sink. That would obviously be the 1st floor building 6 bathroom.

Many of these questions can be dispensed with by reviewing the facts in your brain before asking them. In this instance, a quick review of who was bleeding that day quickly gets to the answer I’ve written.

Alternately, would a assassin who has been shot, really stick around to use the bathroom? I highly doubt it. So by a process of elimination it’s not Crooks (he’s dead on the roof), and it would not be another assassin would would just be escaping and not treating a wound in the sink. AT THAT LOCATION.

That guy with the motorcycle and flag draped over him was interviewed.

Lol, these people all believe that Crooks had a gun because they heard someone yell it on a video. NOBODY has EVER shown any video or pics of Crooks shooting at Trump, him being shot after shooting, or even him with a gun!!! A little beyond impossible to do considering there’s probably at least 10,000 cell phones recording non-stop, every second of the rally, people supposedly saying they see a shooter, and yet, not a single f’ng person has ANY video or pics?!! I’m sorry, but people are dumb as f*$k if they can’t realize that this is staged and they are only showing you all what they want. (BTW, CBS news just said Trump doesn’t even need stitches
imagine that?) I suppose the super sluethes on here all think that’s highly likely too
Anyway, any of you mouths on here just try and prove me wrong. I’ll wait

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Then where is the video of a cop being hoisted up to the roof? There may not be a second shooter but I don’t believe the cop story. The FBI mopped up that whole area as quickly as possible

In the video footages, the camera ALWAYS either gets fuzzy or pans away at the most critical moments
ON PURPOSE! Also not one person can hold a camera still either?..Again, Im telling you, it’s on pupose.


Who said another shooter wasn’t escaping? There could’ve been a bathroom window
I’ve never seen one video of any cop being lifted up to A window and thousands of people were there

Good question, probably never happened either
 I know if I were trying to hide the fact that Trump never got shot, i woul’t show people a lot of things, and I’d be putting as many wild goose chases and red herrings out there as I could to keep people busy looking for dumb unimportant stuff instead of finding out what should be a relatively obvious and easy thing that’s right in front of peoples faces the whole time!

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