Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

I noticed something else that is odd. Salemchick posted 7 days ago a video of witnesses being interviewed that were by the building Crooks was on. She mentions the black motorcycle rides up to the AGR building during all of the commotion before the shots were fired. She gives a good description of what he was wearing. I the Stewart Film video at minute 3:42 you can see the individual she describes. Black skinny jeans and a yellow “dont tread on me” flag around his neck. the motorcycle was still there the next day.

How did he get into the parking lot? Who is he? And did he play any role?

Evidence it was an inside job may be that Crooks got on roof from inside the building.

Check out the video from Charlie Kirk…


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You are referring to this video…

I_am_johncullen absolutely blows up the narrative. If I put this in the wrong location my apologies.

Silent Shots, actual pic of the muzzle fire and the shooter on the roof was killed before the shots even rang out.

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Just a question: Where is the 2 cm big wound ?

Yes I know it is 2 weeks since the “injury”, but please do you really want to tell me a 2 cm bullet wound heals that fast and without any marks? So maybe plastic surgery? Or magic? Or because he is so blessed by god, he has special healing powers? I just can not think of any plausible explanation, sorry.

And this picture is clearly after the assasination attempt and pretty recent:

My wild conspiracy theory about Trump’s ear is that it got grazed by a bullet, bled a lot because ears bleed a lot, then healed quickly due to treatment by extremely good doctors, and then is covered by hair in your photo.


We could really use some autopsy photos. I wonder how many years we get to wait?


I think nicked, is a better term than grazed, even though I estimate the original wound was a approximately 10mm long x 5mm wide x 2 mm deep even though the shock wave would have whipped his ear violently. The disruption of adjacent tissue not causing more swelling and discoloration is just the luck of the draw. The fact that this bullet was dodged by less than 1 MOA (Minute of Angle; 1/60th of a degree- 1 1/2” at 150 yards I believe odd equivalent to winning the lottery does not mean it does not happen, after all someone ends up winning the lottery and Trump is lucky.

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Trump won the lottery? One in 14 million, that’s the odds that Trump was lottery-lucky with that bullet strike. Perhaps.

DjStewart with a phone camera that can record 1/2000th of a second so 2 frames of bullet is registered in the frame. I think he need to be ignored. the best most professional cameras can do is 240fps. Some MFT sony -RX10 can do 1000fps. but u want to see something clear, you need a tonne of light. Anything above is phantom world and for sure DJ Stewart wasnt carrying one that day to see a bullet in mid air.

I am beginning to have my doubts about the DJ Steward film as well. First, why won’t Dave release the unedited original? (He’s been asked and refuses to produce it) - instead we get a pretty crappy and edited version. Oh and by the way, the FBI confiscated it and probably sanitized it before giving it back a week later. If it was sanitized, is that why we don’t see any broken windows on the first floor (they conveniently edited that part out or doctored the windows to throw us off the scent). Is that why we get a drone or rather mysterious bullet in 2 frames? Is this counter intelligence (COINTELPRO) or some sort of psychological operation (PSY-OP) to cause us to be barking up the wrong tree so we don’t start looking at the real shooter /s ?!

Also and as you stated, it is extremely (and I mean EXTREMELY) unlikely that his camera phone would have caught one frame, let alone 2 frames of even a subsonic round traveling at 900 FPS. A 60 frames per second video from a smart phone will not even capture one frame of a bullet (and based on the rest of the crappy and edited / jerky film), that wasn’t 4K or even 60 frames per second - that a lot of smart phones will do these days.

Take a serious hard listen to this interview released today of Jason Goodman. Jason makes some very good points about this idea of that video being highly suspect. Jason also makes some additional claims that I’m personally having a hard time with such as Thomas Crooks was not on the roof (it was Yearick) and Crooks is still alive, etc - I mean this story just keeps more convoluted day by day.

Nonetheless, watch / listen to this (rather long) interview and fasten your seatbelt. I’m not discounting anything at this point. Shit, it might be magic glass and aliens at this point.

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reg the contents of the Jason Goodman Video you shared.

shake is from the zoom. i think he had zoomed the phone camera lens to 5x -10x somewhere. when u r zoomed in, even the slightest hand movement creates a shake. You can try it with ur own phone. zoom in 10x on ur phone and try to hold ur hand steady and track a moving person from far. later check that on ur computer.

I dont think FBI edited his videos but its entirely plausible. Only if Stewart decide to share the original fine with all its metadata and timecode we can verify it. I hope @chrism can eventually get an unedited copy of the source nd we get to examine it. But a lot of things does sync with the sequence of events and audio. So his video does hold a level of credibility.

Those are good points about the zoom, but I don’t think the whole video is zoomed in - maybe it is, I don’t know. I also don’t know if the fbi sanitized it before his phone or video was returned - who knows.

I am confident the real shooter was in the ground floor window taking multiple shots (maybe with a suppressed 300 blackout and subsonic ammo BEFORE the first 3) or at least the first 3 shots we heard were from the ground floor window. However, I cannot find any broken windows in the jerky video from DJ Dave - I’m really hoping the video was sanitized and we eventually get the actual unedited version showing a window blown out.

I’m also hearing that it wasn’t Thomas Crooks that was killed on the roof, the leaked photo of the ear on the head shot is photoshopped. Crooks is still alive, shooters in the trees behind the CS on the barn behind Trump, and if “Crooks” was killed on the roof before *any shots are heard… - I mean this rabbit trail is meandering further into never-never land every day that goes by.

Just when I thought I had it all pretty much figured out, now I’m back to square one - very annoying

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Interesting info at 55:00 from investigative journalist George Webb: DEEP STATE COUPS & ASSASSINS -- DANIEL FOURNIER

We’re being thrown bones all over the yard to chase. I’m still sifting through all the noise.

Be wary of George, he has been called out by more than one source as cointelpro

That’s why I made the comment about being thrown bones. I’m questioning everything I hear. Same thing happened with the JFK research. “Evidence” being planted everywhere to lead people astray.

Please, do you know the link of that video? I can’t find it just by the description you’ve given. Thanks

Let us all be very careful (myself included) that we try to stick with chasing down the bones we already (have instead of digging up new ones) or they’ll have us chasing our tails for the next 30 years.

It’s imperative that we work through the details we already have so we don’t get distracted with too many rabbit holes - that’s exactly how COINTELPRO / PSYOPS work - they muddy the waters and stone wall until enough time goes by that people move on to the next event (sweeping the previous one under the rug) - this is how they do things with every event for the last 50-60 years.

Let’s not let them get away with it this time !!


Something I have just noticed, and that I have not seen mentioned anywhere yet, is that on the recent diagrams showing where the LEOs were positioned it shows “Butler ESU” in the AGR building (1 of the 2 officers who abandoned their post), and ALSO shows “Butler ESU” stationed behind the Hercules counter sniper positions.

Shouldn’t these two officers have been on the same channel, and wouldn’t the Butler ESU officer stationed next to the Hercules positions have been able to quickly notify them of the potential threat?

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Click on these still shots of the video that came out about 5 days ago. The window closest to the pipes looks mighty strange as the shots progress.