Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

Screenshot (I had more than 1 but i can only post 1. So I chose the one with the privacy blur… But the pink rope trim appearing just before the shooting is highly suspect. @realDJStew724 video

Time before shooting the window is black, just before the shooting it seems pink with what looks like falling rope trim (possibly from opening the window…but why open it just before a shooting?) Then during the shooting it looks blurred… Almost like an editing privacy blur was put on it (I believe the owner did state his phone was taken & retrieved later from police or fbi) And after shooting the window is black again. Very suspect. The window is just below shooter’s position same AGR lower level building the one cops were in. This location would have same angle trajectory, but without the higher ground advantage… So it could be a nothing burger. I don’t know about elevations & if a shot would be capable from this location.


Larry Johnson concludes that Crooks was not shot by the Secret Service:

If he had been shot by a counter sniper firing from the direction of President Trump, then the top half of his head would be missing. The photo of Crooks was taken after rolling him over onto his left side. He was shot in the back of the head and the bullet appears to have exited his mouth. He was shot with a lower caliber weapon, possibly a .223 or 5.56.

Given the location of his body, the Secret Service counter sniper teams located to the right and left of Donald Trump above the stage could not see him in this position. One possibility is that the Butler County counter sniper team, who reportedly were located in a building above and to the right of Crooks took the shot.

Larry Johnson


You’re right – if Crooks had been hit by snipers, it seems likely he would have been hit on his right side, and the damage would be very different. Why is it still a big secret where on his body Crooks was hit, and with what kind of round? I think it’s probably because it’s very inconvenient for the government’s story.

But even that still understates it quite a bit IMO. Those two snipers should be considered persons of extreme interest in a murder investigation. The official story is that one or both of them abandoned their posts shortly after Trump took the stage, and Crooks, having no way of knowing what was going on in that building, choose that exact moment to begin crawling across the roof in a way that would otherwise be totally obvious to at least two people. Both snipers in that building should be in small rooms being asked a lot of questions by homicide detectives.


Video of layout made with a drone may provide good info on how and where assailant went https://youtu.be/WpteCECuDoM?si=-IISD27D9bdotF2v

I’ve just seen the same analysis of flashes in the window. John Cullen has been interviewed on a couple of YouTube videos analyzing this and he believes there are subsonic shots not being caught by other audio analysis.

He believes “Crooks” actually did not fire a single shot. Patsy.


The 28 sec video by Jon Malis published by the WashPo on 30 July is revealing. Crooks is visible near the bottom of the roof after 9 shots fired, before the 10th shot. Yet his body was photographed near the top of the roof. This suggests to me that the body was moved, and the photo was staged. There is a paywall, but I could view it with Braveheart. You can also follow these steps:

go to msn.com
type “Crooks paused” in the msn search bar
you should be able to click the article to read and watch the video. It contains all 10 shots, and Crooks can be seen with head up near the bottom of the roof at the 13 second mark, 5 secs after the 9th shot

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this guy sounds like a nutcase. just in constant state of panic to convince everyone there was shooter on top of the watertank. gets all his elementary off - shooter was placed on the other side of the roof in his early posts and then watertank and was caughtup with the flash/reflection on the 1st floor window.

I felt may be a deliberate cia plant to distract the public from focusing on real plausible scenarios.

Could be, but there’s definitive video showing north counter sniper teams turns well to the right of Crooks place after shooting started. There’s just too many other videos showing others in the crowd reacting from other possible shots. Thanks for the reply.

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its a depth vs perspective problem for phone camera lens since everything is sharp. people get it wrong all the time

I agree, it’s about him and how great a job he’s doing. The more certain the more unreliable they are. The Stewart video shows the water tower clearly is unmanned.

Does any one else recall seeing a photo from the sniper body cam before the “Red Tie” guy got on the roof where there was a sand color rifle with a scope on it?

I saw it on a rumble channel in the days following the shooting but cant find it now.

the reason i bring this up is i recall looking at the image and seeing that it was a scoped rifle. I then heard all this talk about a red dot being used on the rifle. after watching Chris’s latest episode he talks about the red dot and the side mounted sites on a black rifle. The sand colored rifle was laying the exact position and orientation and the black rifle.

I am now curious where that image of the sand colored scoped rifle came from if it was actually a black rifle with a red dot.

I haven’t personal evidence, but one piece that would solve a lot, would be the autopsy of the SHOOTER/PATSY.

Was the kill shot round still in the body? What caliber? And what direction was the entry, if no splatter?
Who is conducting the autopsy? Butler County or FBI? That was a big issue in JFK.

And where is the sound signature of the 9th shot?

If body was prone, how did he roll over 6 ft from rifle, if he was shot within 3 seconds of 8th shot? and leave no blood trail?

So, Who moved the gun, disrupting the crime scene?

Hercules 2 couldn’t have made the shot from a tripod with scope, if he hadn’t already been sighted beforehand directly on target. Not enough time to react to gunfire, directionalize, and acquire a new target, on a tripod with single shot accuracy.

How did Crook’s backpack get from bike to roof, within minutes?

Incompetent advance team, complacence, rules of engagement, communications, DEI, and criminal dereliction of duty by whatever LEOs in 2 story building behind shooter= abandonment of post - court martial offense in UCMJ.

MOST DUBIOUS initial media/ USSS / FBI false narrative

SNIPERS left their 2nd story post to look for “suspicious” (not threat) character ON FOOT???!!!” To shoot upwards in the spectator crowd?? If a shooter was on foot, 140 yards away, he would have been no threat to the target. Their best mission objective would be to go to immediate high ground, not go to ground.


I noticed something else that is odd. Salemchick posted 7 days ago a video of witnesses being interviewed that were by the building Crooks was on. She mentions the black motorcycle rides up to the AGR building during all of the commotion before the shots were fired. She gives a good description of what he was wearing. I the Stewart Film video at minute 3:42 you can see the individual she describes. Black skinny jeans and a yellow “dont tread on me” flag around his neck. the motorcycle was still there the next day.

How did he get into the parking lot? Who is he? And did he play any role?

Evidence it was an inside job may be that Crooks got on roof from inside the building.

Check out the video from Charlie Kirk…


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You are referring to this video…

I_am_johncullen absolutely blows up the narrative. If I put this in the wrong location my apologies.

Silent Shots, actual pic of the muzzle fire and the shooter on the roof was killed before the shots even rang out.

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Just a question: Where is the 2 cm big wound ?

Yes I know it is 2 weeks since the “injury”, but please do you really want to tell me a 2 cm bullet wound heals that fast and without any marks? So maybe plastic surgery? Or magic? Or because he is so blessed by god, he has special healing powers? I just can not think of any plausible explanation, sorry.

And this picture is clearly after the assasination attempt and pretty recent:

My wild conspiracy theory about Trump’s ear is that it got grazed by a bullet, bled a lot because ears bleed a lot, then healed quickly due to treatment by extremely good doctors, and then is covered by hair in your photo.


We could really use some autopsy photos. I wonder how many years we get to wait?


I think nicked, is a better term than grazed, even though I estimate the original wound was a approximately 10mm long x 5mm wide x 2 mm deep even though the shock wave would have whipped his ear violently. The disruption of adjacent tissue not causing more swelling and discoloration is just the luck of the draw. The fact that this bullet was dodged by less than 1 MOA (Minute of Angle; 1/60th of a degree- 1 1/2” at 150 yards I believe odd equivalent to winning the lottery does not mean it does not happen, after all someone ends up winning the lottery and Trump is lucky.

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