Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

When they count 3 more empty casings later in the video, those were planted for sure. I believe those were found to the shooter’s left side and impossible to have been ejected in that direction. The video is edited with 11 minutes missing from the video and there is spectator video of Crooks as the first 3 shots ring out and the video is on Crooks. There is no shoulder movement from Crooks or recoil when shot #1 is heard proving that crooks did not fire the first bullet or any of the first 3. Yes even an AR15 will have visible recoil from the rifle, but this isn’t seen for shot #1 when that video is on him directly

if so, then back of his neck is exit wound. but no blood splatter out there.

I think i just posted this in another thread but lemme drop it in here as well

New footage shows law enforcement surrounding Crooks/building with weapons drawn, but Trump not removed from stage.


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The Stewart film combined with other films answers your questions.

It is certainly a “yellow” category unknown worthy of pursuing. Let’s analyze.

In favor of a shot coming from this ground floor window:
A) Two unexplained white light flashes - but these are not synched to any gunshots.
B) Same general trajectory as Crooks if he was a patsy.
C) Fast/easy escape route on ground floor, just pack up and walk away.
D) The window does indeed change a bit but is that sufficient to explain this? I don’t know.

Evidence against a ground floor shot:
A) We have several good before, during, and after camera images of these windows. None of the windows ever appeared open, and none appear damaged, and we have many videos and photos of all the windows facing that direction and none appear broken, no broken glass, etc.
B) Low ground would be an illogical vantage for a sniper because it is easier to be seen, stopped/shot by officers, recorded, and offers a poor vantage to the target (shooting thru fences, crowds, etc.)
C) After the shooting at least two LEOs walk by the ground floor windows and look at them, clearly demonstrating there was no damage to the closed glass windows.

I don’t see how anyone could have opened the ground floor windows, taken shots, and closed the windows without it being observed or recorded. Again, there’s videos immediately before, during, and after the shootings and none appear to open and close. That person would also have had to gather his brass, and escape in a small window with all LEOs standing around.

I don’t know what these light flashes were, however. Possibly a camera flash or flashlight emanating from inside the building? Possibly a camera flash from outside the building reflecting on the glass window? I don’t know and it does need to be analyzed more.

Thus far, the most “plausible” theory in my view is a 2nd shooter in an elevated position either in/on the AGR building or in that direction/area. Could have been in a tree, I’m still skeptical about the water tower, etc.

Water tower evidence:

  1. It was oddly not secured.
  2. At least 1 or 2 different witnesses stated that there was a shooter on the water tower.
  3. Several videos show a dark shadow on top of water tower.
  4. Recorded dialogue after the incident with LEO trying to get a drone to search the WT.

That unique echo sound in shots 1-3 are metallic in nature and could be explained by a metallic surface echo near the gun muzzle. Could be the AGR roof, could be the WT, etc.

I am sending an immediate picture taken on the roof of Crooks head and splatter. I am confused as to why this splatter seems to have changed from the other videos you showed. Maybe I’m just over thinking it. But, I believe he was shot from behind and that’s why the splatter is under his face. From watching your videos, I also believe the sound of the first shot is the same sound is the last shot but the last shot was interrupted by Crooks head. My hypothesis was the first 3 shots came from inside the building, then 4-8 came from Crooks, and #9 came from inside the building at Crooks head. He was shot from behind. The blood flow is from top down.

There is a video out there, where a guy had a brother that attended the rally and said he seen a sniper team the the Butler Farm Show Inc. stands, possibly the windows on picture 2, and these could be Shots 9 or 10 or both.?

Maybe he told someone and they created the video and posted it? Maybe Crooks himself posted the video to obfuscate the facts later? He’s obviously nuts, to make a video is far easier than shooting Trump afterward.

Remember, prior to 7/13 he posted in a game chat something to the effect of, “July 13th I will make my debut.” I forget the exact word he used in place of “debut” but it implied that he’d be known on that day. So maybe he posted a fake video, maybe a handler of his posted the video. All it takes is someone with foreknowledge such as Crooks to post the video before he committed the crime.

My first post! Hope it is of some value.
Thanks to everyone trying to find the truth!
I know, for most people the following detail might seem not so important. But …https://youtu.be/_BJ_TsmQGqg?t=210 Did you see what was picked up by the female agent at the stairs before they moved down ? Watch closely which item was too important to be left behind… Got it ? Yes exactly! His red base-cap !!! Is’nt that amazing? He asked for his shoes and they just threw those down the stairs and left them in the grass, but the cap was so important they even used multiple agents (relay racing with the base-cap) to not loose it or leave this magical item on the scene. So why the hell ? And also did you notice how clean Mr.Ts right hand was looking at all the time, I mean ALL the time. Or is there better footage meanwhile of his hand with blood? As during his RNC speech he so clearly told us “…my hand was covered with blood …” ! https://youtu.be/avBtz7Znsr4?t=299 !
Maybe the cap is so expensive and Mr.T can not afford a new one, right ? So his agents risk his life for his prop … errrrm, of course for his base-cap ! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for any clues!

Nobody is talking about the chain link fence first floor shooter would have to avoid hitting. Has anyone looked more closely into this potential obstacle?

meanwhile, Crooks(or Y) was found with his glasses in moments before he was killed. Anyone found those glasses on that roooftop at any point in the videos?


I think I see them on the “-1” channel to the left of Crooks at about 17:15 in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzepkf9iUTk


Thank you for the response.

I was a RSO for the largest PPC competition in the country. I’ve had to deal with being swept more times than I can count. I saw some incredibly bad firearm handling from people who should know better. I became a RSO after being at casual club plate shoot and having a ND literally three feet in front of me while the shooter lost control of a unLOADED firearm facing me. He put the round into his own leg. It was at that point I wanted to learn what went wrong. Truly sad part, club swept it under the carpet. I left the club, and the club literally collapsed after that.

Me personally, taken on a lot of training, including gunsite. During pistol class, I made a sudden change in direction catching instructor off guard. As I was about to sweep him, I quickly broke my grip so he could recover.

I understand what you’re saying, but until trump was secure in that vehicle, the threat still existed. The door was still open. I did a little bit of searching and found different definitions of high ready, which did surprise me. I’ve been trained high ready is shouldered with firearm searching for threats literally ready to fire. One definition defined it as stock under the armpit with barrel aimed into the sky. That definition baffles me as being a totally useless position.

On another note, worst LEO firearm handling I saw in PPC, was a Windsor Ont officer changing a mag, firearm pointed straight up with his finger on the trigger. We had a chat about that afterwards. He claimed that’s how he was taught in the canadian navy to reload. Second worse, on duty LEO, shot (IRC) 125 out of 600. Wife ran the scoring room, and I asked her if she saw that LEO’s score. Her response, we could do an armed robbery and never get it with a bullet. On the other end of the spectrum, state police pistol team, I LOVED them. So respectful, and followed instructions exactly. They were also incredible shooters, frequently in the 595-600 range.

Please check out my substack post concentrating on the center window of building 6. That window undergoes many changes in the minute or two immediately before the shots were fired, and in the few seconds afterward. I have 13 stills from the 9:27 “Stewart” video detailing that center window and three other screenshots.

A lot of very weird things happened with that window that may be consistent with the glass being temporarily replaced with some kind of plastic or polymer that is not only reflective but has something of a self-healing quality.

There are way too many things happening with that window to dismiss - a red piece of fabric appears, the weatherstripping appears to droop, the window takes on a broken appearance. That’s all within a minute or two of shots being fired. Then just one second after the 8th shot is fired, the window seems to be bowed out and is more reflective than before.

A few seconds after THAT, the window goes back to being not reflective and flat (e.g. “normal”), but there are flashes of light inside.

I then make the case that a shooter would have a view of the stage from near the top of that window. I also argue that the first bullet trajectory from that location to Mr. Trump’s ear to the top of the railing of the bleachers fits pretty closely with what we know of the elevations of those locations.

The shot that has a .77 time lag on the Fox News audio is an echo. This is important because of the ESU’s sniper location. And rather than providing satisfactory answers, it actually points to something more nefarious.

I have provided a picture, though I doubt you will need it.


It has been confirmed that the ninth shot, the shot with a .366 lag time, was taken by Butler ESU from the bleachers near the retaining pond. The green triangle is the trajectory of the soundwaves to the microphone. This shows that the angle of incidence at these surfaces reflect back to the mic.

These are metal buildings which are highly reflective to sound. Between the two snaps there is a .151 time delay. This is the sonic boom reflecting off of the three buildings behind trump and back to the mic. The speed of sound gives 170 feet which matches the distance of this buildings to the mic as well as the angle of incidence. Additionally in the sound file the second snap is actually three spikes which correspond to the three buildings giving the echo. The angle of incidence, the speed of sound, the distance of the barns to the mic, and the time delay all match perfectly.

Therefore, to find the surface of the echo we must calculate from the initial snap of the shot with a .366 time lag. This gives a .921 time lag between the actual shot and the echo of the report being picked up.

The distance the echo then travels is 1657 ft, give or take. You can see this perfectly lines up with the distances above, and the angle of incidence shows where the echo came from. The sound of the echo traveled two legs, totaling approximately 1687 feet. Additionally, when analyzed you can see that the sound signature of the echo is just slightly smaller than the sound signatures of the original sounds.

Why does it matter? It matters because of the location of the gun. Below is a picture that was leaked onto social media the day after the shooting. It allows us to determine the exact placement of the gun that fired at crooks. Crooks, upon recieving return fire, then moved down below the ridge for cover and was subsequently shot some 9 or 10 seconds later by the secret service CAT team.

The problem is the position of the Butler ESU that returned fire on crooks AND the subsequent leaking of photos.


The site line is wrong. This site line could not protect President Trump. It conveniently has a site line on crooks which SHOULD have been covered by the Butler ESU unit posted in the second story building behind Crooks. But it has no site line to ANY other threats!

That’s only one threat that is obscured! It gets so much worse. This is a tiktok video that I found that captures the snipers location during the crowds evacuation.


While the Penske truck would have given the sniper cover from other locations, it would have also obscured his line of sight to other known threats.

A lot of very strange things happen at that middle window from about 2 minutes before the shooting to about 10 seconds afterwards. The shot you see in this post has red fabric and what looks like drooping weatherstripping. Everyone should watch the video very closely to see all the changes, including where it looks extra reflective and bowed out right after shot 8.

While the Penske truck would have given the sniper cover from other locations, it would have also obscured his line of sight to other known threats.


However you’re posting image, it’s not working for me. Are you able to see images in your own posts?

perhaps best to leave a link to ur images as it doesnt show up here. May be u hit reply button too soon.

once u upload an image or paste an image into the area whre u typing, u shud be seeing the preview of that image on the right hand side. if not its not uploaded.