Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

It doesn’t look like there’s much on the south side of that building. There’s a good chance the electric lines would also be in the way. The rooftop would probably be the best option for that building. Here’s some of my drone footage.

I suspect it was taken after he was removed from the roof and being body bagged. Or, if they bagged him on the roof once they got him to the ground someone wanted pictures and they unzipped him for the photo shoot. It looks like someone’s holding his head up for the photo. No doubt in my mind, it’s the same guy from the roof (who I believe to be Crooks).

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There are no “input parameters” for the 220ms. It is a direct MEASUREMENT of reality. See my post:

Which contains the video and the exact timings etc.

I also showed this visually in my audio software in this post

No, it’s the trees in the background; the photo has simply been cropped and rotated 90 degrees.



I don’t expect it to make much of a difference, but I would like to update my TDOA model to use more accurate elevation data for the recording sources and gunshot locations. Would someone here be able to provide lat/lon/altitude data for:

  1. “Ross!” recording (PP source # 5?)
  2. “He’s got a gun” along fence (PP source #2)
  3. Dayve Stewert (PP source #6)
  4. Police cruiser that pulled up to entrance of AGR 6
  5. Podium microphone
  6. shooter’s position on roof of AGR 6
  7. Alternate shooter position: AGR 6 wall vent
  8. Grass area between North bleacher and inner fence (shot 9)
  9. Hercules 1 position on top of South Barn

If you don’t have accurate lat/lon data, that’s fine, I’m mostly interested in the altitudes since I think I’ve already got accurate lat/lon in my model now.

Hi Tibbs,

You know, I have been looking for the original video from the owner, who I call the guy with the “red checkered shirt” see my post below. Does anybody know this guy or the guy with the big black hat? We absolutely need original videos taken by the people who were at the rally. All hands-on deck: Does anybody know red checkered shirt guy? We need his original video!!!

Screen Shot 07-28-24 at 02.08 AM-2

@cmartenson I just published the latest update to my TDOA analysis, and I think I’ve made a compelling technical argument for the precise location of all 10 shots. I’ve put a huge amount of effort and hours to get to this point, so I would really appreciate it if each of the participants in this forum topic would take the time to watch the video and provide feedback, if any.

And thank you @vt1 for providing the formula for calculating the crack-boom time difference. Once I implemented that in the model, everything fell into place.


Fantastic work @greg_n

Wow, fantastic @greg_n. This eliminates the vent as the shooter source.

It isnt weird that swat is out there. And her. It is weird that she is out there.

Nobody else around and… there she is, looking at AGR. And she leaves with USSS.

Does your result also apply if shots 1 to 3 were fired with a different rifle and different ammunition?

I watch them, Greg, all of them. I greatly appreciate all the hard work you put into this, and especially for posting your videos. That sets you apart. This latest video is by far your best yet. Kudos!

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To test that theory, I would would need to modify the model as follows:

  1. Choose alternate location (such as wall_vent)
  2. Use podium mic crack-boom times to determine velocities for those first three shots as if they were fired from the alternate location
  3. Apply appropriate crack-boom corrections to the recorders. For example, if the shots came from the wall_vent, the crack-boom corrections would only be applied to TMX and DJstew since the police cruiser was behind the line of fire and would not hear the crack.

Ground truth would be roof shooter @ shot 4 (unless you don’t think that shots 4-8 came from there, which would add another layer of complexity to the situation).

I will make those changes and give it a try.

The second window from the right of the two-story building would be nice (it should have been open).

So you don’t select certain types of guns and ammunition, but get values for which you then have to see if there are suitable gun-ammunition combinations?


And I’ve just been looking at the wall_vent. To achieve the crack-boom times recorded by the podium mic of 221, 217 & 212 ms for shots 1-3, a rifle firing from that closer position would have needed to have bullet velocities at 140 yards of 3260, 3150 and 3030 fps. To achieve such velocities at 140 yds, the muzzle velocity would need be over 3500. Is that even achievable? I don’t think I’ll pursue the wall vent any further.

As far as the second floor window, that position is so far off the actual line of fire that I’m sure the timing data couldn’t possibly support it.

@daniel59, what is your technical reasoning for why you think shots 1-3 came from a different location?


Too much circumstantial evidence points to a second shooter who didn’t want to hit Trump.

This is the kayfabe theory. Not very popular with Trump supporters.

I am not a gun expert. But you will get answers. Maybe some really wild ones.

Perhaps it should even be taken into account that no commercially available ammunition was used for these 3 shots, but that they were made by hand.

This could make the answer difficult.

What evidence?

Bethel Park has a long and proud tradition of military service.


Note: Distribution of Diplomas.
We ask that you hold applause for all of the names being called.

The ER physician who tried to rescue the life of Corey Comparatore was Dr. Jim Sweetman. In this CBS interview he recounts his deep affliction when after a short while armed men in military look tapped him on the shoulder and told him to stop.

edit: not military man, but “the biggest Pennsylvania State Police officers he had ever seen”. There is some other video clip elsewhere showing how they took him from the hands of Dr. Sweetman and hauled him away like a shot deer.

edit: it was this clip, and officers in military look were also present. No stretchers, but some emergency personel belonging to a police unit can also be seen.

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google earth coordinates:

respectively longitude and latitude in degrees, altitude in meters above ground. if you need above sea level, you can add 408m

there is a technical drawing that was annotated with the heights. I printed it out but do not have the digital version handy. it says that the top of the vents is at 9 ft 10 inches from the ground level, and the vents are about 12x12 inch squares

as you know, there is some discussion about the ground level values, but you can use 408m above sea level as a start if you want to show them in google earth. if you wish, I can give you the coordinates lon,lat,alt if you tell me which vent you want using the windows as reference… the leftmost window is window 1, the rightmost window 5

a couple of days ago, I annotated the heights of the green area around building 6…

I can imagine that the depression causes some echo nightmare…

I use a muzzle height of 1.7m for the SWAT officer that fired shot 9.
from my point of view, chances are very high that this same SWAT officer also fired shot 10.
absolute height of the muzzle of this SWAT officer is 412.00652m above sea level when using google earth as the reference

-79.97050189336855,40.85671273398304,6.0, so 6m above ground

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