They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

That Fox released video with an embedded image showing Crooks turning his head does not include that view in the video. I’ve been trying to figure out what time that image was captured in relation to the shots. Without that time I hesitate to use it to argue a kill shot angle, as helpful as it would be.

This guy is pointing towards the shooter just before the shots.


This is the very first frame in said drone footage that the south roof face of AGR building 6 is visible. some 20 feet off the ground and half way across the field between the red showground barns and the AGR complex.

Therefore both USSS Teams 1 and 2 could not have seen Crooks until he raised his head and gun above the roof line.


I haven’t read much of this blog but Chris has not addressed that the white van belonged to Yearick, and more info: Yearick Armory, lisa, terra, pilot, are they connected to July13th, missing person report filed by parents. Yearick explosive company, more links. More imates of Yearick from FB and Tumblr before accts deleted. More on this Arizona company. Serial number on van or license plate number run by the Butler Police that found the van, got to Yearick, and serioal number on gun got to crooks. That’s why 10 outlets reported Yearick was the shooter before Crooks was discovered. That is why they want to suppress the white van.


150 yds is an easy hit on target for an amateur. Professional, with professional grade equipment, it’s the equivalent to a 3 foot putt for a PGA champ.


To James:
Yes, I just found the same thing… “big black cap guy” and the guy in the “red checkered shirt” both seem to get up after the shooting and film twards the shooter before the last shot (shot 10)! They probably have it on video…


Here’s my biggest problem with that picture. Crooks/Yearick’s body is too far down the roof to have been a threat to Trump. He is several feet below the roofline when he’s killed. Either that bullet literally shoved him feet down the roof, or his head was never above it. I may be wrong and I believe there is video of his head above the line, but tell me how his body was so far down that line when he was shot.


Exactly my problem as well. His body is too far down the roof to have been able to see over the roofline.


I suspect he will look into it and Yearick is making the rounds ever so slowly. John E Hoover is putting together one hell of a scenario regarding a shooter in the window right below Crooks/Yearick. And remember, one of Chris’ first thoughts was that there was a shooter below Trump and the trajectory went upward. The two of them are coming to gether on what the hell happened out there, but all good things take time.

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He’s pointing the wrong way if he’s looking at the roof where Crooks was. It would be interesting to find him and ask because if it was someone with a weapon, it’s another gunman.

That makes sense as someone else spotted another sniper team about where this guy has them as well.

I keep trying to figure out how he could be shot in the head, yet be that far down the roof. I can’t make it work and am hoping people far smarter than myself can bring some answers to that question. There would have to be someone one hell of a lot higher to hit him from that position and the only place that could be is in the trees to his left, yet the bullet seems to be to the front. We shall see.


Exactly. Chris eluded to this in the begining and John Cullen put it together yesterday. Slow but sure.

I get the point of the guy who said if the bullet was from the back there would be damage to the roof. We are forgetting who is behind this and where they will make the evidence take us. If his head was high enough, and his shooter was under him, would that not also account for a behind the ear entry that did not damage the roof when it exited?

Looking at the position from where this video has been taken, it seems he is in the middle bleacher in the top left corner. Looking at the RSBN wide angle video, the guy we are looking for seems to be the guy with the red checkerd shirt. He is filming the three shots, takes cover and gets back up after the 6 shots, continues to film and probably gets the shot 10 on video. Does anybody know this guy?

Screen Shot 07-28-24 at 02.08 AM-2


Been following all your vids… great job. I’d like to add a perspective… If I’m a professional sniper in the window… (first 3 shots) I’m anticipating, taking only one shot… I’m not anticipating Trump turning his head… My first shot misses… Move forward in my stance out the window some… Take my second and third shot… With my third shot being even farther out the window as a lean forward as my target is going to the ground… This would count for the measurements… food for thought. Rich Michaelson aka ToPDoGG on FB AKA Major Dick🫡

sniper team three ? watch this

I really appreciated your forensic analysis.
Seems you may need to add a new theory. Sniper team three.

Also, a body shot from behind would leave a very different splatter cone, if any, as he was flat on the roof surface. One photo on this website shows what looks to me like a thru and thru the right shoulder and then into the head, behind the right ear.

I posted the same video

I might be late to the party? Not sure if you’ve seen the Candice Owens segment in which you are featured? She interviewed Greg Smith (the red headed eyewitness). He makes it clear that the tattoo sleeved agent was on the roof “behind Crooks” not adjacent to him! Here’s the link:



A good video here showing the front of the buildings just after the shooting from (10th shot) No people appeared on roof till after the crowd was moved on.

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