They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Originally published at:

The lack of noticeable splatter on the roof behind Crooks’ body does not comport with the idea of a .300 WinMag round hitting it while he was alive and in an upright position with his head held up.

That would have pretty much taken it clean off and left a huge cone of spatter/splatter that clearly wasn’t there. We know this because the on-scene officers walked right up the roof lanes on either side of the body.

If a .300 WinMag had hit a head, they would have been stepping gingerly through a scattered field of biological material.

So the only explanation is that Crooks was already in a fully prone position, and the bullet from Sniper Team #2 hit the top of his head and traveled deep into his body.

Maybe that’s what they meant by “one in a million” when describing the shot? Almost nothing was visible to the snipers above the roof ridge cap because he was already fully prone?

Again, that would be consistent with Crooks already being shot and dead by the ESU sniper. So we’re going to keep that hypothesis alive for the moment.

Speaking of which I cover my approach to the analytical process and describe the green, yellow, and red versions of data and investigative material and how those support or help reject various hypotheses. It’s how I think, put down on slides.

Also in this report, I cover the fact that Sniper Team #1 had no view of Crooks and was in no position to take a shot. A tree was in their way.

But Sniper Team #2 was not only in position but a solid 10-15 feet higher than Trump meaning that it would have been impossible for Crooks to poke his head above the roof ridge an see Trump enough to take the shots without the Sniper team being able to spot Crooks first.

This is simple geometry and it can be safely and immediately tucked into the green category. To explain this away, the only possible excuse for Sniper Team #2 is that they were looking some other place for some reason and didn‘t see him for the 2.5 minutes Crooks was bear crawling about on the roof of building 6.

Other possible, but also deeply unsatisfying, explanations might include (1) they were told to stand down or (2) they were told it was a training exercise or (3) they were misinformed by someone that the figure on the roof over there was a friendly.

That last one doesn’t cut it for me because with the scopes they had, this clearly wasn’t an LOE SO they’d have had to have been told it was an undercover LEO on some sort of mission.

Finally, I end with a plea: We NEED the RAW, uncompressed, and unprocessed version of this video:

Link to above video:







Between you and John Cullen, this will be cracked. Do you remember in the first days you postulated the bullet was going in an upward trajectory? Cullen may have just proven it. You can watch the first part of the video, but the meat is in the last ten minutes. He surmises the shooter was in a window right below where Crooks/Yearick was laying. They would have shot together. As I think about it, watch the entire video as he gets into Yearick and has the first photo of the body with the head shot. Thanks as always.


@25:50 into the video: the SS guys phone shows 7:07 pm but the body cam time shows 7:08:51 pm?! So there is a 1-2 min time difference between, maybe this is relevant for the timeline.


The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.

Anyone else see this error?

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Appreciate your heroic effort spearheading Citizen’s Investigation

Hoping that “training” during a live event isn’t an option


It just happened to me as well. This is the second time it’s happened. I’m listening to the audio, which works, but I have no idea what the problem is as it starts just fine, then some minutes in I get the big X. I use Brave. What browser do you use?

Credit to @raulund for the TikTok link.

This is just to show that security and/or spectators were scrambling before the shooting.

Video shows spectator sitting behind Trump at the top of the stand noticed a commotion to the right side.

She panned out the cellphone to the right. Split second showing someone running. Can only see the head.

The 2nd time she panned out shows what look like 2 people running alongside the fence.


Yes. I’ve been getting that same message using Microsoft Edge for all the videos when they are first posted. The strange thing is they work in Chrome for me and 24 hrs later they will work in Edge, but not the first 24 hrs or so immediately after being posted.


The picture on John Cullen’s page looks like he might have been shot in the mouth. I’m an idiot when it comes to gun shots, but have a look and kick it around. I’d love to get your thoughts. Also, The Benny Show has a lot of great information. He took the two congressmen who are also snipers along and found out some interesting stuff.


Grand Thumb did a video like this too, he gives an explanation on the ammo at the end.

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could the bullet have literally traveled down to his knee and created the holes on either side of his knee?


Yes. I saved it to my desktop and viewed it, without problem, with Media Player. Rumble might be another option.

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I’m watching it on Odysee now. It’s working great over there.

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My spouse’s take.

We need to ascertain what kind of 300 Win mag bullet/cartridge the sniper use for the killshot.

Hard to know what kind of splatter produced without knowing actual bullet use.

Custom cartridge may also be used by law enforcement so as to exhaust/limit collateral damage beyond the target. Especially in a crowd.

This link shows an example of frangible cartridge.

In no way are we saying the link is what was used by the killshot sniper. This is an eg only.

Just saying it would be helpful to know what exact cartridge was used.


My guess is that shot #10 (kill shot?) came from this roof 40°51’22.2"N 79°58’23.0"W
The distance to the dead body on the AGR Building 6 is about 345 yards and would fit the direction the brick-colored SS guy is pointing at.
(8) Wild Arms Research And Development LLC (@Wild_Arms_RandD) / X


Google earth says that the roof peak sniper team two is on is 5 feet in elevation above the roof peak Crooks was on and the tripod was 555 feet from Crooks. Give 3’ for the gun elevation above the peak. So we have 8/555 which is approximately 1:70. Crooks’ roof slopes down at 1:12. 1:12 - 1:70 is about 1:14.5. So 14.5 feet beyond the roof peak, Crooks has only a vertical foot of space to hide in. 7.25 feet from the peak, he only has 6 inches. They could definitely see him. The spotter probably had another 2 feet of elevation. Which gives Crooks even a bit less hiding room.


Looks like the “recovered” gun is different to the gun the roof shooter was using. And to top it off they tried to blur out the gun in the official photo. (I also posted this in the evidence section)


I use Brave as well. I tried turning off the Brave Shield for PP but it hasn’t helped.


Here are the 4 guys who were on the roof 1st, including the arm sleeve guy. At this point the body hasn’t been moved and the gun is between his arms, which they have attempted to blur out.


@cmartenson couple of things in that video stand out to me:

  1. The people in front of the building start running before the shooting starts, clearly they see/hear something. Potentially the law enforcement officer had yelled out to them, did he know?

  2. The law enforcement officer looks up, keep ‘casually’ walking across the grass and looking up until the first shot is fired, clearly from a place he didn’t expect. He immediately shifts his weight back onto his back foot and runs.

  3. The blind is half down on the second window compared with the first window and next window along after. The window looks like it might be open also. I think going back over the video I can see a flash (I am not sure if my eyes are playing tricks).

  4. The guy in the red t-shirt really looks like he is focused towards the window with the blind (definitely looking back from that tree position). He appears to be filming with his phone? He disappears very quickly even whilst the shooting is ongoing.

  5. I can’t see Crooks on that roofline, have scanned it and looking for it, the officer must have seen something, what did he see?

  6. Guy with the tat sleeve pops out from behind the flags, we have seen him before and heard about him from eyewitnesses. Looks like he is signaling something.

  7. The lady in white at the fence grabs towards her shoulder. Would she do this at her height- say 5’5" if the bullet was coming from the roof? Is the bullet therefore more on an upward trajectory?

  8. Can see now there is another window further along with a blind half down.

Ok so modifying this- Potentially window 1= Sniper 1 (cover fire- hits the crowd in the bleachers), window 2=Sniper 2 (Trump shot and Corey shot). Crooks doesn’t fire a shot. So who was the hot shot meant for? was this directly firing into the air at Mr. Nobody?