They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Kudos Chris to open the question of sniper team 2’s visibility.

I had the same idea to use Google Earth, but found sniper team 2’s height advantage over Crooks to be smaller, less then one degree of 360:

3D view indicates the elevation as 414m of the barn’s roof’s ridge used by sniper team 2, while the elevation as 413m of the AGR’s roof’s ridge used by Crooks. From ridge to ridge, the delta is 1m. If we assume the sniper’s tripod was 1m tall and Crooks 0.5m below (to be generous) his roofs’ ridge, the delta between sniper’s scope and Crooks’ head would be about 1+1+.5=2.5m or 8.2 feet. Google Earth tells me the distance between sniper team 2’s position and Crooks is 558 feet - see above. So 8.2/558 = 1.4%, that’s how little the sniper’s height advantage is relative to the distance of the would-be shot. That’s a lot less than the incline of Crooks’ roof. In terms of trigonometry, I estimated the angle between sniper’s scope and Crooks’ head to be at most 0.82 degrees out of a max of 360 - see above.

I suspect that team 2 sniper would have had a clear view of Crooks’ forehead, as Crooks’ barrel would have been over the roof’s ridge (IF he did shoot at Trump) and his forehead would be another ~8 inches higher. But the hypothesis that the counter-sniper’s shot would have travelled through Crooks’ body seems highly unlikely, given the above calculation that the slant of the counter-sniper’s would-be shot would be a maximum of 0.82 degrees, and considering that the rest of Crooks’ prone body was lower than his forehead plus the fact his roof’s slant was much greater.

Further, a picture of Crooks’ head posted here a few days ago does seem to show an exit hole behind and below his right ear, rendering moot - it would seem - the hypothesis that the lack of fragmentation of his head/body owes to the bullet traveling along the length of his body.

The above supports Chris’ evidence that a 300 Win Mag from sniper team 2’s location did not hit Crooks’ forehead and travel through his body. But if it did hit his forehead from the red barns, it is odd that Crooks’ head is so intact and that there is no splatter as in B. Herrera’s experiment.

REQUEST: Can someone please verify that from roof ridge to roof ridge, the difference in elevation is just ~1m or ~3.3 feet? I’m using a laptop rather than a big screen, so my mouse pointing in Google Earth to get elevation may be sharpened by someone. Thank you.

On a side note in response to Chris’ yellow list, “Who was in charge?,” a recent video shows someone who looks like US Secrete Service SAIC
Timothy Burke at 0:25-0:27. He’s tall and thin, bald, wears glasses, a light grey suit, and looks 55-60 years old.


Regarding the question of why the windows would be open on the 2 story building I have to say it only makes sense to me that they would be. Mind you I know nothing about the ins and outs of shooting. However, it seems like the only thing stupider than not putting the sniper team on the roof of this building to begin with would be to put them inside the building to cover the event and then keep all the windows closed. It seems like the most basic of preparations to take a shot if needed would be to have an open window available.


You can watch this on Odysee as well. I’d go over to Google Chrome but not only do I hate them, I’m no sure I remember my password. lmao

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I can’t explain it, but it sure looks like SS counter-sniper team #1 took rifle shot #2. Also, it appears that he aimed and shot high in the direction of Crooks as his rifle barrel jerks up, maybe because he couldn’t see Crooks well due to the tree. Unable to properly aim, maybe he was trying to scare and deter Crooks from taking his shots.

Of course, this doesn’t explain why counter-sniper team # 2, with a clear view, didn’t open fire against Crooks before he took his 4-8 shots, which they should have done.


Source for alive shooter with gun.

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I agree that even though crooks roof is shallow, the position of team two gives them an ability to look slightly down the slope of the roof. I had Google Earth set English units, so I got 5 feet which gives a bit more resolution and a slightly better angle on the roof, assuming that the elevations really are accurate to the foot. Ethel slope I calculated was essentially to reduce the slope of the roof by 20%, making it a bit harder to hide behind the peak.

In any case, I think we can agree that team two should have seen Crooks early enough to take him out before he fired. The fact that his wounds did not show the heater damage their gun should’ve done suggest they never shot him at all.


Have you seen this Western Journal article posted today that states NO ESU were in the 2-story building when the shots occurred? I’ve been following all of the conflicting reports of who was in that building and when, and this explains it best in my opinion.

New Report Details Why Fully Equipped Sniper Nest Was Emptied Just Before Trump Shooting


And he certainly seems to be out of the way of any potential gunfire.


Cullen also points out that the first shot appears to go straight along the back row of the stands and it is the almost simultaneous second shot that hits Trump in an upward trajectory.

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I slowed this video down and took a few snippets. There is no brain splatter whatsoever.



Another thought to add to this: From the perspective of “Timmy “ in charge and the possible malevolent plan—deliberate mispositioning of snipers, Pac-Man defense, hodgepodge team, etc.—how would he set things up? I would want first and all shots be taken by my best snipers. Put a patsy on the roof with a non-firing rifle who thinks it’s an exercise. Is it possible that more shots would have been taken if shot 9 (possible local police/ESU) was the patsy kill shot? I wonder if shot 10 was planned to occur as a single shot to notify the shooters to stop, but look like an attempt as a kill shot of the patsy—because it took so long for return fire from an unobscured vantage point. I wonder where that bullet landed.


To clarify my prior theory, could shot 9 have not been part of the plan and they had to change course.?


Personally I’m getting fatigued by this topic. However I do want answers and perhaps a smidgen of honesty from the USSS and FBI and other relevant law enforcement agencies. I don’t expect and truth or facts from the current regime and the agencies.

I’m still of the belief that Crooks was the only shooter at the site. I am nearly certain this was planned by high up in the Government with the approval and support of too many government agencies. This was a setup and Crooks was enticed and groomed to be the shooter.

I think that law enforcement was complacent and lazy at the site, including ESU. Benny Johnson outlines why the ESU 3 person team was absent at the time of the shooting, here:

:rotating_light:SCOOP: The REAL Reason Trump’s Assassin was not Eliminated on the Rooftop before Firing on Trump

This Information comes from a first-hand source of highest credentials.

The attached video is a view from the second story window of the AGR building in Butler, Pennsylvania. The rooftop it overlooks is where Crooks fired on Trump. This room was the overwatch view where a Butler County SWAT sniper team was stationed at the direction of the Secret Service for the Trump rally.

The Secret Service is responsible for stationing all protective teams for the President. Local and State law enforcement officers go where they’re told.

The snipers in this location should have easily been able to engage Crooks before he ever came close to scope site of Trump.

Yet, Crooks was able to fire that day without anyone engaging from this position. Why?

That answer is total and complete incompetence from Secret Service.

There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof.

The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.

Crooks crawled across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.

Obvious infuriating questions:

  • Who was running command that allowed this fatal tactical error?
  • Who gave the order to abandon post?
  • How was there not an officer on the roof who could engage Crooks directly?
  • Why was there not overwatch from the water tower - a far superior position than this?

We need a Congressional Select Committee to investigate the Trump Assassination immediately.

There is a video included in his tweet which the text is posted entirely. The bold in the quote is mine.

I think Crooks shot the first 3 while prone. He was more careful with his aim on these shots and fortuntely he missed his target. He may have knelt or crouched for the next volley of 5 rapid fire shots. The difference in his position may account for a change in the echo of the shots in various videos.

I mourn for the Comparatore and his family and the other injured victims. His death and those injuries are the responsibility of the USSS for their poor performance at the event (of course this was planned) but they will never see even a forgiveness from the present government. The next President (hopefully the previous President), I’m sure will recognize the Comparatore family and the other injured victims.

I think the USSS was involved and this could help explain why the Sniper Team #2 wasn’t fully “observant”. They were looking but they weren’t really on guard and looking seriously. They waited until after the shooting (at least the first 8 shots) were taken before taking aim and ending the “threat”. I think it is easier to think they were complicit and complacent than incompetent.

I don’t know what specific round was fired but it may not have been exactly the same rounds as the one shown exploding the ballistics gel head in the video. I have seen images that show the shot entered Crooks head above his eye and exited at the base of his head. Consistent with crooks in a kneeling position with this rapid fire pace.

This whole damn government is busy destroying the country. This incident was part of their doing. This has to stop. We need some honesty and accountability. Has such a thing ever been witnessed in the history of the country? It’s clear the MSM cannot report honestly and is an enemy of the people.

Until I see more evidence that clarifies this situation. This is my hypothesis. This is an interesting story and of major historical record for US and world history. But it’s tiring.

There is much other news we need to hear and understand that is taking place in the world that probably has much more consequence to the core Peak Prosperity Tribe. I’d like to see more of that, along with this. I want a some real scouting reports.


There’s a part of the helmet cam footage i found a little peculiar…when the officer bends down to crooks’ body he immediately goes to get the range finder off him?? then the ERU guy says something like “it’s in the front right pocket” …. First off crooks was FACE DOWN so it’s not like he could see an outline?? How did he know exactly where to find and why was that given such high priority but the casings and crime scene preservation wasn’t….



I wonder if Google Earth factored in that the building Crooks was on was down a little slope? The site must have been leveled for construction, but by my eye the base of the foundation is easily 2 maybe 3 feet lower than the surface of the fairgrounds.

I presume this topography is why people could so easily see him on the roof. The cameras from the side were nearly coincident with the entire roof surface and people could easily see Crooks even though he was some 3/4 of the way to the other end of a long roof?


Some good perspective in this drone footage


Google Earth shows elevation above sea level and seems to account for buildings including the slope of their roofs. The elevation is higher by about the amount expected as you move the cursor along the peak of the roof. The elevation near the front entrance to building six is about 3 to 4 feet lower than the elevation in front of the sniper team building and around the stage. Elevation in the back of building six where the cameras were is about the same as the area around the stage and the sniper buildings. So you are correct in your thoughts about why Crooks was so visible on the roof from that direction.

I need to amend my previous estimate because the roof peak would give about an extra 3 to 5 inches of hiding room.


No splatter indeed. The origin of the blood flows appears to be just behind his right ear, which suggests this as the exit hole of a bullet. (It probably could not have been an entry hole, as the bullet would have damaged the roof, and drone footage indicates no such damage.)


Evidence that sniper team 2 could not see the far side of Crooks’ roof appears in drone footage at 6:15-6:21 of the YT video titled " Aerial Investigation: Drone Footage of Trump Assassination Attempt Site in Butler" by Spa Guy. The drone at 6:15 starts from barn #16 of sniper team 1, and only once it has flown high and forward enough can the drone start to see the far side of the roof at 6:20. From the vantage point of barn #14 of sniper team 2, much farther back and lower, there would be zero visibility of the far side of Crooks’ roof, whatever the differential elevations of the buildings. That said, if Crooks’ barrel was over the ridge of his roof, his head would have been visible.


I’m pretty sure that was a postmortem shot. You can see tissue spatter up the leg on the shorts, but there’s no bleeding whatsoever.