They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

You are right about the actual surface of the roof, but the vertical distance between the edge of their visibility and the roof surface would only get large enough for crooks to hide in approximately 10 feet back from the peak and that would be if he was entirely prone with his head on the roof.

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The simple geometry is that Sniper Team #2 is a minimum of ten feet higher than Trumps head. Ergo, they would have seen Crooks well before Crooks could have seen Trump.

I wouldn’t be surprised to discover they were 15’ higher, but haven’t taken the time to try and calculate this.


Holy hell, I’m listening to Kyle Seraphim and he is explaining how the FBI will recruit a stooge, then hand them a weapon that does not fire, and they are, let’s say, on a roof and realize the guy in the window under him has a usable weapon while you are pulling a dead trigger. Then they blow your brains out because you were going to be the target all along. This has got to be opened up and dealt with.


This post is to evidence that the shot that hit Comperatore lines just as well with a window in the 1st floor of the AGR bldg under Crooks’ position on the roof. Sources of evidence:

  • The source photo is a high resolution aerial one at the NYT. It shows Comperatore’s blood on the bleachers about 4-5 rungs from the top, at one end, and LEOs still on the AGR roof on the other.
  • The Forbes Breaking News video shows that Comperatore’s position in the bleachers is indeed 4-5 rungs below the top, and near the bleacher’s end closest to AGR, confirming the same location as the apparent blood in the above image.
    Below is the NYT image with a yellow line connecting Comperatore’s position to Crooks’ position on the roof. Note that the line virtually intersects a window in the first floor of the AGR building under Crooks. My point is that the shot that hit Comperatore could have just as well have originated from there.

    A higher resolution version of the above is here for download.

It also doesn’t cut it since Crooks was taking aim directly at Trump. That is why the whole “unidentified friendly LEO” meme does not make sense. Friendly LEO’s do not “draw down” on the object of their protective services.


I’m with you! I have noticed YouTube views have gone up significantly since Chris began to cover this material and really hope this isn’t influencing decision to stick with the subject. I’d really appreciate it if we could move on and perhaps have a recap in a couple of weeks of developments over that period. It doesn’t exactly feel like breaking news and I don’t understand the decision to focus on this subject almost exclusively.


Benny Johnson, has just put out a 90 minute video of his visit to the actual site with 2 member of Congress. I am watching it now, I think he will expose some malevolance at some very high levels.

I trust Benny to give an honest account,



Sending much gratitude and love to you for your work on this. You jumped right in to the gator-filled swamp like a superhero, yet armed only with deli meat, too much coffee and an obsession for the truth. I love your unquenchable spirit!


It would be useful if in Congressional testimony under oath the SS were asked if there were any SS training exercises/simulations/drills on that day. If so, Crooks could have been told he would play the role of sniper in the drill, and some local LEO aware of drill told to leave him alone.

The coincident timing of simulations with terrorist attacks (on same day) has happened multiple times, and seems intended to confuse and delay those elements of the security services who are not part of the terrorist plot, and facilitate collaborators to execute.

  • on 9/11/2001, NORAD/FAA had scheduled and ran an exercise called “Vigilant Guardian” that simulated airplanes hijacked. Even admits it. From what I recall reading elsewhere, computer screens at FFA would be taken over by the simulator and show fake dots for hijacked airplanes indistinguishable from those for real planes.
  • on 7/7/2005 London subway bombings, there were anti-terror drills for a bombing of the London subway, as testified by Peter Power, former Scotland Yard and anti-terror consultant
  • on 7/22/2011, the Oslo bombing and remote Utoya island shooting massacre took place, and there was scheduled for that day an anti-terror drill in Oslo for a bombing, as evidenced by a debriefing of a police officer who was in the drill (listen to 10:12-12:99), and Aftenposten article. Then Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg was supposedly preparing a speech that day to give the next day to the kids in Utoya (nice cover for a psychopath); he was promoted to NATO secretary general later.
  • on 4/15/2013 at the Boston marathon, bombs went off, but on that day there was an active drill for bombs at the Boston marathon, as testified by experienced marathoner Alastair Stevenson, who was running that day. See also this report.

Okay, then, this is a slam dunk. My instincts and rough calculations were spot on.

While Benny missed the most obvious thing to do which is to recreate Crooks’ peering over the edge of the ridge vent, he got close enough

Here’s the full frame to ID on the YT video timestamp it for other curious people:

And here’s a section from that image:

I estimate the camera as being ~1 foot above the ridge. My visual reference/interpretation has me thinking that one could lay one’s head all the way down sideways before the sniper’s position would disappear from view.

In other words, there’s zero chance of Crooks being in this position without being seen.

That’s now settled science, as they say.


(5 spent rounds on the roof)*****
This Video on YouTube shows there were only 5 spent rounds on the roof next to the body. This is when the Military first got up on the roof. 5Min. into this video the camera \man counts the spent rounds.


Excellent catch! I watched last night and missed this part, miffed that he apparently had not gone to barn #14 - but he says that more footage is yet to be edited and posted.

The clincher for me would be whether there is a view of barn #14 from about 8-15 inches (Crooks’ forehead) above the surface of AGR roof at the position where Crooks died, about 4-5 feet away from the ridge. Does anyone know the dimensions and slant of this roof, to compute how much lower the AGR roof is where Crooks’ head lies?

It’s curious to me that Crooks’ head at death was not closer to the ridge, because his barrel would have had to be over the ridge to aim at Trump well below. So I see two possibilities: (1) If Crooks did place his barrel over the ridge, he then backed down before receiving what we think was kill shot #10 from the lack of report in source 1 near Trump. (2) If Crooks did not place his barrel over the ridge, then he did not hit Trump’s ear below (a physical impossibility), and may not have fired at all - strong evidence of being a patsy.

What evidence can we gather in favor/against each hypothesis (1) and (2)?

If barn #14 ridge is not visible from 8-15 inches above Crooks’ position at death, then shot #10 from there could not have killed Crooks, it would have to have been #9 from behind. If it is visible, then for me this would clinch #10 as the kill shot.

Food for thought:

  • If (1) is true and Crooks did fire 4-8, then why did he back down five feet from the ridge? He may have tried to hide from CS, of whom he surely was aware? Or perhaps shot #9 spooked and/or hit him (and did not come from him)?

The video was posted on this forum the 25 July by Roger Knight.

The twitter video is 2.34 MB and the Google Drive version is 4 MB, so I guess it’s a little bit better.

Link to post:


Hi Chris, you mention that the raw version of the video is of the utmost importance. I think it is reasonable to assume that ‘people from the other side’ follow your work. So they will therefore be very interested in making sure this video never surfaces. If the owner of the video sends you the raw material through the mail address you mention: can ‘the other side’ not intercept it? And go to the owner and make sure it will disappear? Is there any way that this can be prevented? Regards, Dan


Hi Chris,
I was the person who found this video and posted it here in this forum. I was seeing some versions with people putting circles to the police and the quality was very bad, then I made a google search by Image from a screenshot and found a much better version without any red circles. The YouTube video only has 37 clicks up to now. This is where I was able to download this video. Maybe you want to reach out to Novarey and ask him where he got this video?


This video appears to conflict with the TMZ video showing Crooks on the roof aiming but likely not shooting a rifle during the first shot. Am I missing something?

In the iconic bullet photo, if one used the podium as level. Wouldn’t it be possible to trace the bullet trajectory to its estimated height?

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I watched this today it made shed some light on people saying that the shooting came from behind.


In this graphic gif, which shows someone taking a head shot, there’s not actually that much splatter. Or, at least, it disperses widely.

I don’t know how to post the link without it showing the video, sorry.

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Yeah I been watching some 300 Win Mag hunting videos and there is no deer head exploding like a watermelon… maybe if you are really close but not 400 yards away.

How do we know it was 300 Win Mag?