They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Videos linked provide no evidence that a white van around the rally belonged to a Yearick.

Yes, it is always good to be opened minded and like Chris says start analyzing the facts first:

The fact is that all sound recordings from the side of the building confirm that the first three shots are muffled (no echoes) and the next 6 shots are with echoes. This could lead to the following hypothesis: Crooks was not quite in position when the first 3 shots were fired. Sniper teams can’t see him yet. Assuming the first 3 shots were fired from the open window below Crooks (no echoes). Crooks quickly gets into position and is frustrated that Trump is already on the floor and shoots off 6 shots randomly into the crowd. One shot either 9 or 10 kills Crooks, because snipers finally see him.

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What jumped out at me in the “3 flags” video was what looked like a LEO walking westward behind the red-shirt guy running east. He was behind the yellow tape on the fence when the first shot rang out, and by the time his image leaves the frame, he certainly seems to be running back in the direction he came from. I’m just wondering if he heard the shot emanating from the roof, would he likely run for the shelter of Bldg. 6, maybe 50 feet away? If he thought the shot came from a lower window, I could see him retreating back north…Probably nothing…

What a fantastic find! Please reference the video and time of this screenshot.

I have rendered in Google Earth a view from above of where Crooks died (third roof channel to his right of the connecting corridor) that shows the same window in your screenshot.

The connecting corridor appears in white between the tan AGR buildings.

Slam dunk: If Crooks’ head is visible in the screenshot from a perspective clearly below the AGR roof’s lower edge, then certainly team sniper 2 whose elevation exceeded the AGR’s roof’s ridge would have seen a head in that position. (I’d be nice to know the time of the day of this screenshot.)

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Sure, but this shouldn’t be covered to the exclusion of everything else, There is a lot happening in the world at the moment and I’m concerned I’m missing out as it’s usually @cmartenson putting it on the radar for me! In the meantime I’m very grateful for @davefairtex weekly summary :slightly_smiling_face:

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Looking at the " ALTERNATE ANGLE: ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FORCES TRUMP OFF STAGE AT RALLY IN BUTLER, PA - 7/13/24" from the RSBN YouTube video, you can see “big black hat guy” and “guy with red checkered shirt” both have shot 10 on video. Looking at the full official Video from the RSBN YouTubo which is 10 hours, you can see the “guy with red checkered shirt” start filming shotly before the shooting, which makes me think he is the guy that has the video with the 3 flags of which Chris is looking for. In the official video from RSBN you can see him start filming and in the ALTERNATE ANGLE you can see him stop the video. Does anybody know who these two guys are?

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If the second team on the buildings behind Trump took that shot, they are nowhere near 400m away. If Trump was 150m from Crooks, that team can’t be more than 180-ish, maybe 200 max. Why do we keep hearing 400? Was it some other team?

Multiple commenters here have opined that the relative intactness of ‘Crooks’ head argues against a 300WM or even a 308 hit. I (longtime military trauma Dr - nearly a year in Iraq/Afghanistan) would like to insert a degree of caution to that belief because:

  1. Ballistic gel is a reasonable soft tissue simulant but the harder elements in the various ‘torso/head models’ (bone in particular) are probably under-representations of the strength of the
    real thing
  2. In addition to point #1 above, the various ‘head exploding like a watermelon’ reconstructions on Youtube generally involve a shot to the vault of the skull, whereas a trajectory of ‘in above eye, out below opposite ear’ might involve a path through much harder bony elements (orbit/facial bones/skullbase/vertebral column), accounting for the failure of the head to explode.

This is not related to this post, but I just wanted to get it out there. I’m not sure if it’s been covered but I haven’t heard anything about it since I saw it happen on TV since 7/13. I noticed an unconscious blonde woman being carried off one of the bleachers by law enforcement shortly after the shots were fired. I’m not sure what happened to her because I can’t seem to find the footage or any stories involving her anywhere. But I 100% remember seeing this footage several times that day. If she was a shooting victim this would surely help mapping another bullet trajectory. Hoping someone can shed light on this and maybe find the video.


IMPORTANT, URGENT Here is a link to a video from “Guide” on YouTube whose brother was at the fairgrounds, seated with his friend and son right behind President Trump. He says that there were snipers in a location other than snipers 1 and 2. Please view. He was there early and saw the snipers arrive and go elsewhere. He points out their location in the video, and it’s around 400 yards from the shooter.


There’s a guy that saw snipers from 350 yards in bleachers that nobody is talking about. He was there early to the Trump rally. This would be the last shot that killed the gunman from a whole other angle that the rooftops we’ve been seeing in the news

Watch the whole video


Hello again Christopher. I was at the range today and stood in the pit at the target end whilst a couple of hundred 303 rounds cracked a few feet over my head from 100 and 200m away. I have a couple of thoughts:

  1. The supersonic crack of the round is much louder and much higher pitch than the muzzle bang that follows it. I think it likely that the crack will travel quite some distance, hence will potentially be audible quite some distance from the mike. Given it will travel from the bullet to that mike at the speed of sound, this will complicate you ‘crack-boom’ analysis significantly, particularly as the distance from bullet track to mike increases.
  2. Given the initial ‘crack’ is generated by the supersonic boom, and the followup ‘boom’ is not, it might be a little less confusing to call it a ‘crack-bang’ analysis, not ‘crack-boom’.



Here is a full HD video from the RSBN Alternatve angle. Unfortunatly the video starts about 5 min too late, because it would be interesting to see when the snipers get into postion, which would help us more with the timeline. It would indicate at which moment they got the information that there was a shooter on the roof. Maybe somebody can reach out to RSBN and ask them for a longer version, especially 5 min before this video starts…

İt’s indicative of how important this topic is, at least to most of us here in Peak Prosperity, that all the first-commenters have been coming out of the forum’s lurkville

Welcome to all and thanks for the thoughtful comments!



This video contains eyewitness information of a Third Secret Service Counter-Sniper Team, approximately 350 yards away, that took the shot on Crooks. There is still, at that distance, the problem that Crooks’ head is still intact.
Thank you Aaron McKeon for encouraging me to post this here, and Thank You Dr. for all your work!!


Hi, I’m a newbie here
I just wanted to share my thoughts on @realDJStew724’s recent video:

Please, take a look here:


Thank you for your sacrifice.

Drawing C has a slight error on the left, in that 2’-6" should be in red and 2’-10" should be in blue.

@cmartenson check out this link and this link New Trump Assassination attempt Video- Gun fire from the lower window? (

image- one of the shots

image- another shot.

Is that the shooter from the window climbing out of the window after firing?

@cmartenson - this feels pretty scary now. Seriously. This was a trained for/coordinated operation. Shit!

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