I now agree with the suggestion that the UFOs are insects. An object’s speed can be measured in lengths per second. If copies of the object are placed end-to-end along the path, how many lengths are spanned by the motion in one second? The UFO in the realDJStew724 video at 4m27 is moving at nearly 1000 lengths per second, as I determined using an image measuring tool. Here is a list of approximate reference speeds that I tabulated with the help of AI.
- aircraft: 7 lengths per second (100 foot aircraft at 500 mph)
- recreational drone: 44 lengths per second (20 inch drone at 50 mph)
- peregrine falcon: 48 lengths per second (20 inch length at 55 mph)
- DRL Racer4 drone: 176 lengths per second (12 inch length at 120 mph)
- dragon fly: 205 lengths per second (3 inch length at 35 mph)
- horsefly: 704 lengths per second (0.5 inch at 20 mph)
- bullet: 24000 lengths per second (0.5 inch at 1000 ft/sec)
Thus, the speed of the UFO in the video is closest to that of a horsefly. The UFO is moving much too fast to be a bird. I found a YouTube video “Harassed by Deer Flies & Horse Flies” that shows a swarm of horseflies with motion that seems consistent with the UFOs in various Trump-Butler videos.