Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

The taskforce has email address.

Please post it or let me know their web site or whatever.

Here he says:

25:36 this is for any whistleblowers out there
25:38 that want to work with this committee as
25:39 we move forward or this panel whatever
25:42 we’re calling it um the email is now
25:45 live if you want to reach out it’s j13
25:48 tipline that is j13
25:52 tipline
25:56 obviously um a big part of this panel
25:59 and you know how how much success we
26:01 have or don’t have is going to you know
26:04 rely on whether or not we have people
26:05 who are willing to whistleblow and come
26:07 talk to us um and one of the reasons
26:10 we’re doing this obviously is because we
26:12 don’t want this to be memory hold and
26:14 that’s what we see going on right now it
26:16 seems like the new cycle moves so fast
26:19 um that you know it this feels like it
26:22 as 10 years ago already and uh

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Thanks. I wrote to them and told them how to solve the case.

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@cmartenson new footage of ‘Crooks’ running on the roof Gray Hughes 8/31: Fine-tuned Synch w/ Tedesco (who pulled himself on the roof) Driving to the Scene (


I now agree with the suggestion that the UFOs are insects. An object’s speed can be measured in lengths per second. If copies of the object are placed end-to-end along the path, how many lengths are spanned by the motion in one second? The UFO in the realDJStew724 video at 4m27 is moving at nearly 1000 lengths per second, as I determined using an image measuring tool. Here is a list of approximate reference speeds that I tabulated with the help of AI.

  • aircraft: 7 lengths per second (100 foot aircraft at 500 mph)
  • recreational drone: 44 lengths per second (20 inch drone at 50 mph)
  • peregrine falcon: 48 lengths per second (20 inch length at 55 mph)
  • DRL Racer4 drone: 176 lengths per second (12 inch length at 120 mph)
  • dragon fly: 205 lengths per second (3 inch length at 35 mph)
  • horsefly: 704 lengths per second (0.5 inch at 20 mph)
  • bullet: 24000 lengths per second (0.5 inch at 1000 ft/sec)
    Thus, the speed of the UFO in the video is closest to that of a horsefly. The UFO is moving much too fast to be a bird. I found a YouTube video “Harassed by Deer Flies & Horse Flies” that shows a swarm of horseflies with motion that seems consistent with the UFOs in various Trump-Butler videos.

what are the odds?
photographer doug mills also took the photo of georges w. bush jr. on 9/11…

combat photographer Michael Yon ( raises a couple of very interesting questions regarding the integrity of the images published by doug mills:

it turns out that these high-end camera types both professional photographers use beam the images straight to their back office (extremely high resolution, 30 pictures per second).
so, if these pictures have been doctored, they may have been manipulated by people of these back offices, even before the photographer saw any of the footage…

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Search that # for private videos that have not been released to the public. It is a new tag for anyone to post their video for review by groups like this who refuse to give up the fight.


FBI Releases Trump Shooter Rifle/Backpack Photos: Analysis

FBI Pics: Trump Shooter’s Rifle Too Big For Backpack?

not fit in

That’s a non issue. He could throw it in at diagonal angles and leave it partially unzipped so part of it was out. There’s no closeups of him with the backpack, so we don’t know if anything was poking out.


Incidentally there is no photo of him with backpack. Or maybe intentionally?

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this article discusses doug mills’ fraudulent image too:

the length of the streak in the photo appears to be around as long as Trump’s head is tall. Assuming he has an average-size head, that’s 18–20 cm.

The bullet flying 18cm in 1/8000th of a second, would indicate a speed of 1,440 meters per second or 4,724 ft/s (feet per second). For 20cm, the same numbers are 1,600 m/s or 5,249 ft/s.

There’s a problem: Whether chambered in .223 or 5.56, the muzzle velocity (i.e. the speed of the bullet as it leaves the barrel) is around 3,200. And most sources say that the shooter was around 450 feet away.

Assuming that the bullet did exit the barrel at 3,200 feet per second, and it did fly 150 yards, Shooter’s Calculator suggests the speed should have been 2,890 or so.

Chart from Shooter’s Calculator. Note the ‘velocity’ column on the far right.

I mean, if the photo is legit, wouldn’t that mean automatically that someone other than Crooks was also firing at Trump?

Because IF the photo is real, there’s no way that bullet came from Crooks.

Or it also means that photo is fake.

did you watch the interview with Michael Yon?

this is a very long interview, but after an intro (hehe) of about 50 minutes, Michael Yon discusses his doubts about the integrity/genuine nature of this photo too…

the only thing that Michael Yon sees as a possible explanation is that the air conditions were such that they would visualise the trail of the bullet, but even if this was the case, why don’t we see that trail before that bullet grazed Trump’s ear?

really: that photo is a fake…

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The author of the article you quote, HJ Kamps, is assuming that the streak is a blurred image of the bullet. It is not. It is also not a vapor or condensation trail. It is simply a “mist trail” from the tiny bit of flesh from Trump’s ear that was that was atomized into fine droplets (mist) by the impact of the passing bullet.

That doesn’t really make sense. The mist line would extend from the point of his ear, point of impact. It wouldn’t miraculously appear almost a foot later.


The “mist line” is a series of very fine droplets that is moving along the trajectory of the bullet. If the photo had been snapped very slightly earlier, the line would be closer to Trump’s ear; if it had been snapped very slightly later, the line would be further away (and perhaps more dispersed).

I Posted on this on 28th… its a non issue


You should still be able to see residual mist dissipating and that’s not what we see.

It’s fairly consistent from tail to front lead.

That’s not how mist trails work. Gravity and air currents start affecting them and the particles, you know, mist out, away and down.

The smoke disappears quickly.
gunsmoke dieappears quickly