Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

From Roger:

…Of course, this video drew my attention, and I was able to find the deleted Video on X:

and maybe 5 seconds into the video you might be able to see the open window? I’m not sure, but we should try to find more videos from that perspective, where we could see the open window.

Audio from Trump’s left, which accentuates the difference between the first 3 shots and the second batch of 5-6 shots, and the final shot, timestamped for convenience:

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From Caleb:

Check this out from 3:05 onward:

Someone was up there moving about - curious movement timing with the gunshots.


From Rich:

Also here is an audio that counts 10 or 11 shots.

From JJ:

Your analysis was outstanding knowing you only used 2 videos to reach the conclusion of at least 2 different weapons.

Please consider these videos that offer a better perspective of the line of sight on July 13 at the MAGA Rally:

All the best.

From Tom:

This seems to be a much better clip of the plume of vapour that came off the railing at the top of the bleachers. It has audio so you can synchronize with Trump’s words to confirm it was the first shot that clipped Trump’s ear. This seems important to establish the rising angle hypothesis.

TikTok - Make Your Day

I do have questions about this hypothesis though. Are we sure the bleachers were not in a dip and hence at the same level as Trump? Alternatively, did the ground slope towards the shooter’s rooftop so that his shots would be fired upwards?

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From Tommy:

Hello team,

About the lifeless body position on the roof. This doesn’t add up. From the top view the body lays more closely towards the main entrance side of the building.


Filmed from the rally side you can clearly see the body more closely to the ‘rally side’. How’s this possible.


From Jorge:

Chris - i see your video on the 2 shooter theory I found another video that may assist.

At 13:00 you indicate round one hit the guy in the red white blue shirt then hit the banister. The video below from the nyt at 1:04 shows the first round hit the banister and second round hit the guy.

I do hear the echo shot in the nyt video below 4:28 that must the 10 second delayed shot. Since its an echo did it come out of the building behind the shooter right shoulder where the snipers were supposedly staged? If so this might explain the lack of exit wound on the right side of the shooter head – I think you’ve seen the pic of the shooter circulating online. It appears a neck wound in the right. I initially heard he was shot thru the left eye and out the right neck but that does no look like exit wound to me and I see no entry wound to his left eye. If that is entry it would make sense the sniper in the building behind him shot in the right neck and exited out his left side with significant damage not visible on his photo.

Also what is the pop heard in this abc video at the :24 mark when the woman screams. That is the shot you mention at 22:25. So you are saying the :24 shot in the abc video below is the sniper, the echo shot? You said it was ten seconds after the volley. I don’t think so. In the abc video after the volley is complete at :14 the agents are already up and moving around as if they believe the shooting is over it appears they raise their head off of trump. A) why would a woman near the stage be heard screaming when a sniper shot went off at :24 considering the volley of shots that were just fired? Perhaps she just noticed the dead fireman at that moment and it is coincidence. but, B) Why would a shooter take 6-7 shots then stop and wait ten seconds to be taken out? He likely had a 20-30 round mag. This does not make sense.

Also there has been a theory floating around that he came there to stand outside the fence and take out rally goers and create a mass casualty event but after he got there he realized the roof was open so he took his game next level. I would discount this since there has been no mention of him carrying extra magazines he was going to go mass casualty he would have had a vest with several extra mags.



News clip shows the USSS agents doing the site plan.

@ minute 2:51: is that the SS agent who couldn’t holster her weapon?

From Kerri:

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Shooter climbing onto roof

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Jeff Ostroff has a channel dedicated to forensics of major issues. I watched many of his videos about the Miami Beach Condo collapse or the Titan Submersible implosion.

He put out this video which contains much footage I haven’t seen elsewhere. It’s quite detailed, probably the best analysis I’ve seen. Approximately 25 minutes.

This has also better trajectories than I’ve seen elsewhere too.


Hi Chris,

In regard to your video: Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People…

In the audio from Video #2, at about 18:40 into your above video…

I noticed that the camera direction swung around about 180 degrees after the first three shots. Could that change in camera/microphone direction make shots 4-7 sound different? Also, maybe the camera operator moved his fingers around, perhaps over or near the microphone, to make the shots sound different.

To me, however, it does sound like 4-5 total shooters.

Shots 1-3 from Crooks [1].

Shots 4-5 from Crooks [1], or somebody from a similar range [2].

Shot 6, from Mike Adams analysis, from a shooter [3] about 50% farther away than Crooks.

Shot 7, from the furthest shooter [4], perhaps around 500 yards.

Shot 8, return fire onto Crooks from SS sniper [5].

How to identify the location of each of the shooters:

  • Identify the microphone positions of both Video #1 and #2. The latter seems not close to the bullet path, so there is no bullet crack, just the gun report.
  • From Video #1 audio, draw circles on the map around the microphone position for shots 1-7 to indicate the shooter distance from that position for each shot (based on time difference between bullet snap and gun report, as you know how to do).
  • Use the bullet snaps in Video #1 audio to get the time difference between when each shot (1-7) was actually fired: shot 1 was fired x seconds before shot 2, shot 2 was fired y seconds before shot 3, etc.
  • In regard to Video #2 audio, assume Crooks made shot 1. Identify the distance from Crooks location to Video #2 location. Use this distance to identify exactly where in the audio that Crooks actually fired his first shot (a little [like 0.22 seconds] before the first gun report). Then take the time difference between each shot (1-7) that was found in the previous step to identify when in Video #2 audio each of the shots 2-7 was actually fired.
  • From Video #2 audio, use the time difference between when each shot (1-7) was actually fired and when each gun report (1-7) is heard in the audio to identify the distance from the microphone position of Video #2 that each shot is fired from. Draw circles on the map around the microphone position for shots 1-7 to indicate the shooter distance for each shot from this microphone position.
  • The two sets of circles, from the second step and the last step above, will identify two possible locations on the map for each shooter.

The actual location of each shooter can then be figured out using common sense and the echos of each shot.

Roughly, for each of the two possible locations for each shot, look at the map for likely echo possibilities. Draw (straight) lines of audio travel from the possible shooter location, bouncing off echo surfaces, to eventually reach the microphone position of the audio. See if the timings of the echo sounds in that audio match up with the time it would take for sound to travel the echo path, starting from when each shot was actually fired.

Since there are two audio sources, from Video #1 and from Video #2, the actual shooter locations should be adequately determined.

Note: Of course, bullet speeds are estimated. For high precision, though likely not necessary, the above method (before echo analysis) can be used with each the minimum and the maximum bullet speeds for each bullet. This will show, for each bullet, not just two possible shooter locations on the map, but two lines representing the possible shooter location. The remaining analysis above can then be used to find both the shooter location much more accurately and the bullet speed for each bullet.



I haven’t seen anyone ask this yet…but I may have missed it.

Assuming the Null Hypothesis that Crooks was the lone shooter - why did he stay in place in the ten seconds between the 8th/9th shot and the sniper’s shot that killed Crooks. You’d think the assassin would have continued shooting OR created more chaos with the bombs OR he would have attempted to escape (which I haven’t seen any evidence of this). Ten seconds is quite a bit of time - enough for him to leave the roof and/or detonate his explosives (assuming this part of the narrative is accurate).

Any thoughts on this? I’m having trouble picturing what was happening in this window of time.

Video from AGR 2nd Story open window (were the USSS was headquartered)to the the white roof Crooks was on when he was shot, allegedly:

NO BLOOD POOL on White Roof?
Headshots produce copious amounts of blood.

Here are some screenshots from the open window from 2nd story AGR room the USSS used as a staging room:

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Hey Chris. At 1:02:28 you can see something or someone on top of that retaining wall. You don’t see it “later” in the flyover at 51:56 in your video. Maybe Crooks was on the retaining wall and that was a different person walking around or vice versa?