Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Here is another cell phone video that includes audio of the shots fired. The location of this cell phone was in the big crowd. It was posted by Mia Kopps on YouTube.


This is new to me.

Crooks was on top of the roof of another building. The building next to the one he was lifeless on.

Video link is below the still pics from the video. It looks like the guy and the police officer were looking at that person on the higher roof. The building with open windows and SS snipers were in.

Edit to add: maybe it is not Crooks but someone else. ?


This video claimed to show the first 3 shots came from the counter-sniper above and behind Trump shooting towards the assassination-sniper as Trump drops down. It would be interesting to see the unedited raw video but is worth taking a look at that vantage point in search of the whole truth.

Not saying it was staged, just searching for the truth. Btw, I love your research, spot-on!


I found what maybe the original video and it does show a definitive movement of the riffle and tripod at the moment of the gunshot, very noticable at 0.25 speed. there maybe colilation of movement in register to the other 2 shots but the camera shake makes it hard to discern.

Looks like the top of a tree in the distance to me.

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Could be. But take a look at the video.

The guy in cap is alerting the police guy to come over and look at something on the roof.

There’s something they are looking at.

deleted by author

New video showing where the picture of Cooks sitting on the retaining wall was taken from.

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Wow!!! Glad someone FOIA that exchanges on the roof.


  • Beaver County sniper in the window of the 2nd floor took the pic of TC on the retaining wall below the building.

  • same sniper saw TC got off his bicycle.

  • someone was detained who the law enforcement thinks is the owner of the bike. However, the guy who is questioning assumes the dead shooter on the roof is the guy who came in the bicycle.

Now I am entertaining the possibility that there are 2 guys with similar T-shirts and glasses at the same time in the vicinity.

Hence, two different sets of hair condition.

One of TC who has been walking around in the hot sun resulting in sweaty limp hair.

Then another similar lookalike TC came later about 5 mins or so (edit to add: before shots fired) to climb the roof and bear climb to get in position. Hence, the hair that is not yet sweaty and nice bouncy looking.

Could the lookalike TC came in a motorcycle?


I think so too. Breck Shampoo model/motorcycle/long pants


Don’t know if this has been posted yet

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Footage of the shooter that I haven’t seen before.


New footage apparently


Thanks @yioppoiy

This is new from your link. Shooter on the roof at one time pointed his rifle at the eyewitness.



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This video shows one of the sniper teams reposition briefly to look towards what I think might be the water tower. But it doesn’t prove a lot, because he doesn’t stay there long, and shifts back to his left again.

Graphic footage shows US officers stood over body of Trump gunman

this video shows videos u may not have seen b4. Max Igan:

posted in another thread



Hello, my mother-in-law was at the rally, and although she was further away from the former President, she captured some interesting footage. Feel free to listen to the audio of the shots: IMG_0994.MOV - Google Drive


Just came across this video and haven’t seen it elsewhere yet. It features the man believed to have been struck by the first bullet (the one in the red white and blue shirt) located in the far stands behind Trump.

There is a clear line of sight to the rooftop where Crooks was located, and you can see the stands are actually lower in elevation than Trump on his podium. Also appears to be a dark figure on the distant water tower.


Here are clips I found somewhere about Yearick. I am not saying it was him, but it is worth considering. In any case, I do think whoever that guy was was a patsy.