Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Not the top of a tree?

Could be. But take a look at the video.

The guy in cap is alerting the police guy to come over and look at something on the roof.

There’s something they are looking at.

Ya know, there’s something I’ve been thinking about that I just can’t shake.

What if,

First three shots,
 Crooks, he actually gets lucky and nicks Trumps ear as well as doing all the other damage. Definite crack, muzzle report.

Next burst of shots. Is there any evidence they passed anywhere near Trumps microphone. I can’t find evidence anywhere of where any of these shots land. No further damage to people or furnishings surrounding the podium. At first I put these shots down to someone in a panic just trying to do damage but after watching and listening to a bunch of videos, could these be shots taken by someone with extensive training who tapped off three or four aimed rounds extremely quickly?

Hypothesis: First three rounds were from Crooks. Next burst of rounds came from a second shooter who pumped those rounds into Crooks, possibly from just behind him from the second floor window. The final shot, the counter sniper from the roof behind Trump.

The main reason I put this forward is that soon after the event I remember reading where Crooks had 4 bullet wounds. I only read it once, and now I can’t find it anywhere. No idea where I saw it.

If Crooks did indeed have multiple gunshot wounds this would explain both them and why nothing else in the vicinity of Trump was hit after the first volley of three. The problem is, why would they hide the fact that Crooks was hit multiple times from close quarters, to obfuscate the fact that someone watched him carry out his attempted assassination before ending the threat? I dunno. I can offer no proof of anything, but it kinda fits.:man_shrugging:

Blaze dropped this bombshell yesterday.


Chris, you said we should find video coverage where we see Crooks in the shooting position. Now I found a video where shots are fired, and Crooks is not on the roof! If Crooks indeed is taking all shots, he needs to get over the roof top pointing down to Trump. Therefore, you would have to see him on this video. Looking at the animated picture, which is in scale, you can see what we should be seeing and the screenshot from the video, there is no shooter in sight. This Video seems to be damming evidence that at least the first 3 shots did not come from Crooks! Maybe from the open window below?

![Screen Shot 07-25-24 at 12.07 AM|690x455]


For consideration about subsonic waves and why a gating may have been applied to the microphone:

To fake a subsonic wave to a microphone with equipment that’s small enough to be dissimulated, you’d need to create a setup that can produce a low-frequency signal without being too bulky. Here’s a possible approach:

  1. Use a small speaker or transducer: You can use a small speaker, like a piezoelectric speaker or a tiny dynamic speaker, to produce the low-frequency signal. These speakers are small enough to be hidden in a variety of objects, such as a pen, a phone case, or even a piece of jewelry.
  2. Generate the signal: You’ll need a signal generator to produce the subsonic wave. You can use a small, battery-powered signal generator, such as a function generator or a tone generator, to produce the desired frequency. Alternatively, you can use a smartphone app to generate the signal, but be aware that the phone’s speaker might not be able to produce the low frequencies you need.
  3. Amplify the signal (optional): If the speaker or transducer you’re using isn’t powerful enough to produce the desired amplitude, you might need a small amplifier to boost the signal. Be cautious, as amplifying the signal can also increase the size of the equipment.
  4. Use a resonant cavity (optional): To enhance the low-frequency response, you can create a resonant cavity around the speaker or transducer. This can be done using a small, enclosed space (like a plastic container or a metal box) that’s tuned to resonate at the desired frequency.
  5. Positioning and concealment: Place the speaker or transducer near the microphone, ideally in a way that allows the sound wave to propagate directly towards the mic. You can hide the equipment in a variety of objects, such as a fake rock, a pen holder, or even a piece of clothing.

Some popular options for small speakers or transducers that can produce low-frequency signals include:

  • Piezoelectric speakers, like the ones used in some smartwatches or fitness trackers
  • Small dynamic speakers, like those used in some hearing aids or earbuds
  • Electrodynamic transducers, like those used in some industrial applications

Keep in mind that producing a convincing subsonic wave can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to deceive a high-quality microphone. The equipment you choose will depend on the specific requirements of your project, including the desired frequency, amplitude, and level of concealment.

If you’re planning to fake a subsonic wave to a microphone using compact equipment, adding a gating mechanism to the microphone might be a consideration for a few reasons:

  1. Preventing overdrive or distortion: If your fake subsonic wave is too powerful, it could overload the microphone, causing distortion or even damage. A gating mechanism could help limit the signal to prevent this.
  2. Filtering out unwanted frequencies: A gate could be set up to filter out frequencies outside the desired subsonic range, ensuring that only the intended signal is captured by the microphone.
  3. Enhancing signal-to-noise ratio: By only allowing the microphone to capture the fake subsonic wave when it’s above a certain threshold, a gate could help improve the signal-to-noise ratio, making the signal more distinct and easier to work with.
  4. Reducing interference: If there are other sound sources in the environment that could interfere with your fake subsonic wave, a gate could help mitigate this interference by only allowing the microphone to capture the signal when it’s strong enough.

However, it’s worth noting that if your equipment is capable of producing a clean and controlled signal, a gating mechanism might not be necessary. Additionally, the specific requirements of your setup and the characteristics of your fake subsonic wave would dictate whether a gate is truly needed.

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204-07-24_pbd comment_loadness sonic crack_slide markup_water tower shooting position


The loudness of a sonic-crack I think is dependent on two (2) main things:
(1) How far you are away from the path of the bullet (you identified this in the 7/24/2024 PP video) AND
(2) The speed of the supersonic bullet (which means distance to the gun makes a difference).

Therefore assuming same tangential distance to bullet flight path – THEN the sonic crack from an outgoing shot will be louder than the sonic-crack from the same incoming shot when at a longer distance from the gun.

RELEVANCE – to citizen investigation into plot to assassinate Trump:
 Sonic bullet crack for outgoing shots from SS counter-snipers near Trump probably will be significantly louder THAN
 Sonic bullet crack for incoming shots from a shooter say positioned on top of the Butler water tower.

Use or lose as you see fit.
As always thanks for your excellent reporting and analysis
Best regards,

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I have some questions from this (quite good) video.

At the 3:55 mark, what prompted the guy in white tshirt and sunglasses to turn and intently watch the snipers? Was he undercover and listening to radio chat? Also, why is the camera trained and zoomed in on this area, then zoom out to Trump just before the shots ring out?

Change the speed on the video to slowest speed. The first shot hits Trump’s ear, because he flinches and says a slight “oh” just after he says the word “happened.” Then he reaches for the ear.

Notice a sort of plume of smoke or something from the back rear side of Trump’s hat on the second shot. What is that? Was it blood splatter? Maybe the first shot barely grazed the ear and the second one hit it again?


I found a video that doesn’t have many views on youtube as of yet despite the fact that it was uploaded pretty soon after the event. It only catches the 10th shot onward, but you will find the second story window above Crooks’ shooting position to be open moments after. I believe the first frames that clearly show the window/s open to be at the 1:03 mark, about 25 seconds after the 10th shot. At the 5:55 mark, while looking at the building, the author of the video mentions that, “it’s weird, 'cause earlier I noticed the glass, the windows were open
Also, another man in a grey suit at 6:24 apparently tells people to leave the scene.


Two new John Cullen videos

Good Morning America news release of extended helmet cam footage.
Counting 8 shell casings on camera.


Fuller length footage of the GET OVER Here Ross video. Released by Fox News.

-Showing clear reaction from the crowd that they witnessed him get head shotted on the LAST final shot. Before then, they still reacted scared clearly because he was not dead, and moving.
-Making it more confusing as to what the butler county officer shot was after the string of 5 shots from Crooks.
-Was it not even a clear shot at Crooks? But instead a messy shot from a ground officer to create cover fire and stop him from shooting? If so, it worked, he stopped shooting that second.
-Also claimed here via a still footage from the video, is him turning to that crowd after he took his shots (clearly alive and well and not hit yet, but stopped shooting after hearing a shot go over his head from my claimed cover fire shot).
-Then was sniped in the head, and the crowd reacts big time and says yeah he’s down.

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Need bodycam of initial officer that approaches first- gun looks to be moved away from crooks, casing could have been planted.

True. Just wanted to post the most updated info. It’s very concerning that any piece of new evidence is always released day by day after each end is tied for such event, or moment, or piece of evidence in question.
We shall see how it all pans out as more is collected from all sides.

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Chris - regarding the identity of the shooter on the roof, note that in the picture with the LEO holding up the shooter’s left arm, both arms appear to be heavily tattooed, but it is hard to say for sure. And in the second picture which is supposedly of Crooks, there does not appear to be any tattoos on his left arm. This is worthy of further investigation.


Could someone use some video tool that freezes a video frame that shows the clearest shape of a person moving on this water tower?