Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Aaron - is their any way to change the post order to where the most recent posts show at the top?

Using a limiter and gate can be a clever way to manipulate the microphone’s signal and create the illusion of a subsonic wave.

A limiter can help to:

  1. Suppress high-frequency content: By limiting the signal’s amplitude, you can reduce the high-frequency components and create a more subtle, low-frequency-heavy signal.
  2. Create a “soft clip”: A limiter can introduce a soft clipping effect, which can help to create a gentle, rounded waveform that resembles a subsonic wave.

A gate (or noise gate) can be used to:

  1. Create a threshold for signal passage: By setting a threshold level, you can control when the signal is allowed to pass through the gate. This can help to create a sense of a low-frequency wave “pulsing” or “breathing”.
  2. Enhance low-frequency content: A gate can be used to selectively allow low-frequency signals to pass through, while attenuating higher frequency components.

By combining a limiter and gate, you can create a more subtle and nuanced signal that mimics the characteristics of a subsonic wave. Here’s an example of how you could configure the limiter and gate:

  1. Set the limiter to reduce the signal’s amplitude by 6-12 dB, with a relatively slow attack time (around 10-30 ms) and a longer release time (around 100-200 ms).
  2. Set the gate to have a relatively low threshold level (around -20 dB to -30 dB), with a moderate attack time (around 10-30 ms) and a longer release time (around 100-200 ms).

By adjusting the limiter and gate settings, you can create a signal that has a more subtle, pulsing quality, which can be perceived as a subsonic wave. Keep in mind that the specific settings will depend on the type of microphone, the desired intensity of the subsonic wave, and the overall audio signal chain.

Remember, the goal is to create a signal that is perceived as a low-frequency vibration, rather than an audible sound. Experiment with different settings and techniques to achieve the desired effect.

The 9th shot (the one immediately after the 5 shot volley) was apparently from an ESU officer taking a shot at him. If so, he might have swung his rifle around and spent a few seconds checking the coast was clear, before returning his attention back to the stage.

In this video, a spectator can be heard saying “he’s turning this way, be careful guys” in that 10 second gap.

That’s just my guess.

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Apologies if you’ve already got this one, shows 2 storey buildings immediately after the last shot.

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I do not think so.

The first shot was actually TWO shots from different weapons that were synchronized using a “countdown” into headphones or earpieces of the two Deep State shooters.
(Crooks was instructed to hold his fire until after he heard three shots)
Just as members of a military honor guard practice firing multiple rifles simultaneously, these two would be assassins practiced rigorously until they perfected two instantaneous shots which sounded like only one shot to those at the rally.
Chris has labeled a cellphone microphone as Source Four in his acoustics analysis.
Listen very carefully to shot 1 versus shots 2 and three. Shot 1 is definitely louder than shots 2 and 3. This is due to two weapons discharging at the exact same instant. The goal was to mask one weapon’s acoustic signature with the signature of the other weapon.
One Deep State shooter only took one shot because it would have been too difficult to synchronize multiple shots.
The two bystanders in your video were both hit at the same time by different bullets fired by these two shooters.
There is no possibility of a single bullet following a trajectory from the AGR building through Trump’s ear, hitting the first bystander in the upper right corner of the bleachers, and then reversing itself at an acute reverse angle to hit the bystander in the upper left corner of the bleachers.
If the shooter firing one shot barely missed Trump, it is easy to reverse trace the bullet’s trajectory by drawing a line from the bystander in the upper left corner (red cap & light pants) to Trump’s position and continue the line which appears to place the shooter in the front parking lot of the AGR building or possibly on the roof of the AGR building on the far side of the parking lot.

I like this theory could be right

Yeah totally agree and wasn’t trying to pick at you- just adding my two cents- probably shouldnt comment obvious things, i joined this discussion to post the bodycam footage and then realised others had already posted it - what a crazy unfolding event- Its interesting seeing the fog of war in real time. Cheers mate.

I think all that mystery which is trying to be covered up would be easy to figureout what happen if ABC News would explain why did they show not full montage of footage of that law enforcement officer climbing on the roof. Why that movie was stopped just before the recording camera on the ones head would show were they first on the scene or someone was already there? I did attention first day to that small window on the side of the building where snipers were located so I assume someone came from that place quicker to add up the additional shells and if not, we still don’t have any evidence that really 8 shells has been found. I wouldn’t think is susspisious if that recording would come from some indepenedent media but ABC News
 come one , who you try to cover up?

If you reverse trace the first bullet it leads to the lower window. According to my calculations the bystander in the upper left corner is higher than trumps ear, therefore the shot looks like it is comming from bottom to top (blue line). Crooks position would be top to bottom. Does everybody agree that Trumps ear is lower than the bystander corner?

OK so we have full footage which from some reason ABC cutted
Worth to watch:


It is. Thank you, yes cheers to you too. Hopefully we all come out better together from all of this.

I can’t really tell if the blue shot is a descending or ascending shot. Is this a descending shot?

The blue line is ascending. I could give everybode the 3d points of interest such as Crooks position in XYZ, Trumps ear in XYZ and the corner of the bystander in XYZ. And if somebody comes up with more accurate data we can update the model together

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In this case, it doesn’t match up with the photo taken by Doug Mills that shows a descending trajectory.

Latest dron video recorded from the scene after the shooting, hope it will be helpfull somehow to give better perspective of situation happened:

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I asked myself the same question and compared the simulation with this photo today and it seems that on the photo it is a shot from Crooks (it debunks my previous comment that Crooks never shoots). The angle of the bullit is exactly the same as the one from Crooks (red color). But it is not the first shot, maybe the second or third, because the bullit is much too low to be hitting the ear, do to the fact that Doug is taking the photo from bottom to top, the bullit should be much higher than Trumps ear. It looks as if Crooks is a bad shooter

The audio equipment used to record Trumps Mic has a Compression Effect ( three settings are adjusted by the operator ) that will lower (compress) the audio level when the recording level becomes to high for the equipment to handle ( max audio level ) to reduce distortion in the recording. The Attack setting tells how fast to reduce the volume, and the Release setting will allow the recorded volume to return to normal levels. Both settings are set in Millisecond ranges, the Attack is set to a very fast setting and the Release is set to a slower setting, as your sound track displays.

As you can see, Trumps mic was so over saturated with volume ( Sonic Boom ) that the compressor reduced the overall volume in a reverse ratio to the over saturation, and then released in a slower time to protect the recording, I believe the settings where normal for a normal recording.

Try to find the recording company from the rally and see if they also have a RAW recording, before Effects have been applied.

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Assuming the photo hasn’t been tampered with, there is no doubt this is the first shot because Doug Mills published a series of 3 photos, the first one being the one with the bullet then 2nd and 3rd being Trump bringing his right hand to his ear with the third one showing marks of blood on his hand. He was already starting to go on the ground after the first shot.