Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

The fact that the first bullit is assending can be confirmed by a complete different approach. Everybody saw the wonderfull 3D animation in Youtube which allready got 1.8Mio views: “Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump Part 2”. I was wondering why she got a different result (decending). But if you look at the hight of the podium in the animatoin, it is much too high at least 2-3 feet or more. It is easy to see, because she is using a 7 high step staircase but during the rally there is a 6 low step staircase…

So what do you make of Doug Mills photo? First shot can’t be descending in the photo and ascending in the simulation. Something is wrong here.

This may be a recording from someone’s phone that we have not posted yet. The shots start at 3:43.

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The first shot is ascending (comming from the window) and the second shot in the photo is decending (comming from Crooks).

Doug Mills photo is 100% the first shot so both can’t be true.

Doug is lower than Trump when he takes the photo and the the shot is lower than Trumps ear. Imagine Doug is at the same hight of Trump taking the picture, then the shot is even lower, it is almost hitting his shoulder…

Maybe you just found evidence that Doug Mills photo was tampered with but there is no doubt that this photo is supposed to be the first shot.

@ time 4:54 Officer on scene only counts 5 spent shell casings.


This is the big one. The raw footage I was about to add here. Thank you. Simple math and no one corrected him. The news channels that showed the edited film should be ashamed.

@ 1:00 min mark the crowd reacts to the shooter being shot in the head. This proves which shot was the kill shot.


Your trajectory is likely correct for the first shot which struck Trump’s ear and then continued on to strike the bystander in the upper RIGHT corner. If you walked from that bystander’s position directly to the opposite side of the bleacher stand you would come to the location of a second bystander in the upper LEFT corner who was hit and went down before the second shot rang out.
So, TWO bystanders were hit at opposite sides of the bleacher stand at the sound of the first shot.
Your trajectories do not and cannot account for the bystander at the upper LEFT corner. The same bullet would have had to strike Trump, strike the bystander in the upper RIGHT corner, and then make an acute reverse angle travelling backwards to strike the second bystander in the upper LEFT corner.
There is acoustic evidence that the first shot was actually TWO SYNCHRONIZED SHOTS fired at the exact same time, much like military honor guards fire multiple weapons simultaneously giving the impression of one very loud report.
One shooter fired from the AGR building and the location was very near to the decoy/scapegoat, Crooks.
Reverse tracing from the hit bystander in the upper LEFT corner to Trump’s position and then beyond creates a trajectory from the front parking lot area closest to the AGR building. The trajectory can be continued across the parking lot where it intersects a section of the building on the far side of the parking lot. This shooter only fired ONE round at the exact instant that the shooter within the AGR building fired the first shot. This would have been accomplished with a “countdown” transmitted through earphones or earbuds worn by the two shooter’s.
The audio recorded by a cellphone in the grassy area between Crook’s body and the front parking lot supports this synchronized “two shots” first shot versus a widely mistaken belief that there was only a single first shot.

Ah, I was not aware that there was an impact on the left corner as well. I was able to trace that shot according to your infrmation. Since the corner of the bystander is higher than Trumps ear, the shot would have come from floor level. Since I am only alowed to post one picture at a time, I am sending you the top view only…

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Thank you, Roger-Knight! The green trajectory is exactly what I had traced initially. I then realized that the bystander was not at the extreme far left and a retrace brings the trajectory closer to the AGR building but not intersecting the building until it crossed the parking lot and barely intersected the most northern portion of the building on the far side of the parking lot. Since you believe that the shot came from ground level, it’s likely that tge shooter fired from a vehicle in the parking lot.

We are extremely lucky to have so much information about the fist shot, namely it hits Trumps ear, and it goes straight into the bleachers corner. These two important points makes it possible to trace back the bullet. I like to be transparent (not like our government) and I don’t want to be the guy that shares information and a lot of conspiracy theories are born and later if it comes out that my calculations were wrong it would be very embarrassing for me. Our power is that we are many people with much knowledge. I therefore would like to share the 3D points of interest and everybody with an 3D Software can evaluate my data. This way we reduce the possibility of error.

Trumps ear 0.00 10.78 0.00
Crooks position 145.51 18.35 -460.11
right corner of bleacher stand -26.47 11.66 82.60

The way I got this data is as follows:

Basis is Google maps, which is a good starting point. That data seems to be accurate. Then I added photo from a drone top view of the rally. There is a nice photo from Reuters that gives you a perfect top view of all elements. Putting the two photos in scale together gives you a quite accurate 2D sketch of which we can retrieve all of the points of interest. Then I had to find out the heights of each element. This is trickier and I gathered a lot of photos and made comparative measurements to get the exact heights. Anybody with a 3D software can do the same and verify if you come up with the same results. The X Z plots I am not so worried about since the basis is fairly accurate and the distances are very long, therefore if you have a foot inaccuracy it has no influence because of the long distances. The heights however (Y axis) are much more critical. They can change the angle quite a bit. The fact that the first shot leads back to a window and not to Crooks is of course very suspicious, therefore we should make sure that our analysis and data is correct.

Please guys, let’s do this together…. I am open to your feedback….



I tried to post this video link in the comments of your recent YouTube video, but YouTube immediately deleted it. Earlier on someone only counted FIVE shell casings on the roof!

Keep up the good work!


I just wanted to make sure you have the link to the full 28 minute bodycam video Chuck Grassley posted that ABC edited. Early on in the video they refer to 5 shell casings. But at the end of video they state there’s 8. They along show where ladder comes from. If you already have this video feel free to delete this. I’m new to this site and can’t sort through it all. Thank you. Mary Kollenkark

this video includes a few frames of the window that the 2nd shooter may have used to fire at Trump. there are only a few frames right after they approach Crooks’ body where this window is visible.

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On the video from PoliceActivity.

Things I noticed. Timestamp on bottom of video. When officer with camera got on the roof, he counted FIVE casings. Unless I missed the other ones.Might that mean, that a “second” shooter took the first three shots, Crooks took the five shots and that’s the muzzle flash the SS sniper team saw and fired on? At @24:00 minute mark they do recount the casings and there is now “at least 8”…
Sorry, not trying to theorize.


seems like editing on the reverse order. u start with the 2nd video from 19hrs some minutes and then jump into the 1838 video.

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Drone video with POV