Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Here is a new to me video of LEO counting FIVE spent casing on the roof. Twenty minutes later it turned into eight. 10:58 minute mark.

video shows that some people running toward the waterpower moments before the shooting started!

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My photos (1 at a time because I’m a new user) from being at the event. File name has time. So how do I upload my video?

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Hi All, Quick background on myself. I’m a photographer, videographer and video editor. I’ve worked in broadcast video as a camera op for major news networks. I’ve grabbed footage from the RSBN fixed ENG camera and used it’s audio as my primary audio source and synced up a couple of different angles. I quickly threw together a breakdown of the first two shots and what was happening on stage.

Shot one: Vimeo

I play this clip over a few times at different speeds. After the first shot you hear Trump say “Oh” and notice the first round hit the rail. It appears Trump was hit by the second shot. The man on the left drops very fast. At first I thought he was hit but no record of that. The man on the right in the white shirt/black shorts was hit and I believe they reported damage to his liver. There is a clip of him being carried off but it appears he’s holding his left side but hard to tell. Notice he is turned to his right looking at the monitor and grabs his side just after the bullet hits the railing but Trump hasn’t flinched.

Shot two:
After shot two Trump reacts and after shot three Trump and the crowd collectively get down.

Interested in hearing your thoughts.

Here’s the Utube link about the window below Crooks and the 20" barrel rifle making sense and supports your claim of a second shooter

The shot that hit Trump was from the window below Crooks that’s one of the first shot sounds a little different. Chris made the point that the first shot is slightly different unless, it came from a window, then the room would absorb some of the sound.
I watched a video that critiqued Chris’s video and it was Very compelling and supports Chris’s idea of the first shot sounding different.

  1. The shot came from the window Below Crooks that also messed with the distance of it was a 2,500 fps bullet from a 16" barrel, it doesn’t add up but…if it was a 20" barrel it would increase the velocity to around 3,000 fps
  2. That window put the shooter at an angle below Trump, that’s why the bullet hit the railing behind Trump 2 ft above Trumps head.
  3. The shot the hit Trump came first from window below then Crooks shot twice. I’m just wondering why the following 5 quick shots missed everything… Didn’t hit anyone if it was intended for Trump, he was wide open for several more shots. Those 5 quick shots seem odd.

I have already posted today the information with this recent video and I am also waiting for Chris contrarguments as John story make sense too if we take to consideration speed and type of bullet and distances between microphone and shooter position

Maybe its a silly question as I’m not living in US but whether any of this institution could have satelite view on that specific place during the event where someone could request for it? I know all of them have capabilities for doing pictures and video from their satelites:

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
Maxar Technologies
Planet Labs
Airbus Defence and Space

This is unedited body cam footage from beaver county on YouTube channel : PoliceActivity
Thank you Chris for tireless pursuit of the truth!!
Chris McKinney


I think that the deceased spectator (Corey Comperatore) shot to the head that blocked Shot 6 did NOT eliminated the bullet sonic crack recorded at Trumps microphone. My speculation is that the sonic crack was BOTH attenuated AND the corresponding sonic crack – gun report delay was shortened.

Assumptions – for calculations:

  • 430 ft - DJT to Crooks shooting/death position (mapping)
  • 80 ft - DJT to Corey Comperatore (shot block by his head) in bleacher to Trump’s right
  • 4th shot crack/boom delay 0.212 sec. (PP July 18, 2024)
  • 5th shot crack/boom delay 0.213 sec. (PP July 18, 2024)
  • 4th/5th shot crack boom average 0.2125 sec.


Crack/boom delay 6th shot (minus 80 ft) = 0.175 sec. (350/430 x 0.2125 sec.) – which is exactly where you can see potentially a putative attenuated supersonic wave audio peak in the Trump Mic audio file.

As always thanks for your excellent reporting and analysis.

Best regards,


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The different sound of the first in bullet, the angle by which it hit the railing behind Trump…i believe it’s the missing piece for why Chris noticed a slightly different sound of the first shot.
My question is, what happened to those other 5 shots? They didn’t hit anyone so if it was a professional shooter, what was he shooting at?

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I’m not in the military, I’m a shooter for going on 30 years, which means I’ve tossed more brass than many people in the military have in their entire career.

Some things I think you should investigate.

  1. Regarding the world record attempt speed. I believe there is a slight fractional delay when a gun is in full auto between the first and second round. Which I think explains the small deviation between shot 4 and 5, and 5-8 being almost perfectly spaced. The minor difference in 5-8 could be manufacturer variation as a reloader I’m sure you get that… However every shot is faster than the last and it’s so close to evenly spaced that those shots are almost mechanically spaced in my opinion. An automatic would explain the rate of fire. Take a base M4…~700 RPM ÷ 60 = approximately ~11.67 RPS. In 4-8 every shot is faster than the last, which to me again screams automatic. If at the fastest rate of 0.156 he was holding the trigger 3 additional rounds could have been discharged before the second was up. Brining it to 8 which as I said is assuming the rounds stayed at the current speed of 0.156 and didn’t continue the trend of getting faster, puts it near the 11 rounds per second. It’s nothing to use a coat hanger or make your own auto sear, if one where do inclined. If given more time would the rate of fire keep increasing?

  2. The echo on 4-8… What occurred to me based on the location of the cameras was the metallic report you hear appears to be only when the camera recording was on the side of the 2 story building. As sound travels like ripples off a surface my thoughts would be the 4-8 came from the interior of the building and what you’re hearing in the metallic report is actually the building reverberating from the inside and not a report off another building. At least that is what I thought until I saw your video.

Now… Let’s turn this on its head. As you pointed out he doesn’t appear to be shooting in shot 1-3… What if 1-3 was inside the building suppressed and the metallic report was that of his unsuppressed rifle in 4-8 echoing off the roof. That would explain a lot. The best shooters in the world like Lucas Botkin still show a little recoil when shooting. This explains WHY the cops on the roof in camo count 5 shells. Later after a cut they say 8.

The first shot was the best shot and a PERFECT shot IF he didn’t move.

Now watch this video by “the AK guy” using Crooks setup. You’ll see the problems instantly with a red dot making the perfect shot on the first round. Also a REAL sniper would never skyline themselves. EVER.

Let me know if you’d like to discuss further.

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Urgent *WTF, ABC edited this full video in which camoed officer counts out only t shell casings, not 8 which is a coverup & crime! FULL Police Bodycam Video is Released of the Frantic Moments Following Trump Assassination Attempt
At approx 5;40 on the complete unedited video below & in this email, the cameoed officer states to others to watch out for the shell casings, then he takes few steps & counts off only 5 shell casing, not the 8 which ABC & George Stephanopoulos tampered with evidence for FBI & Director Wray in order to correspond with their coverup of attempted assassination of Trump and their false lone shooter story, very similar to Lee Harvey Oswald & JFK assassination!
FULL Police Bodycam Video is Released of the Frantic Moments Following Trump Assassination Attempt" KYLE BECKER JUL 26, 2024

Mike Adams, who is already collaborating with Chris, further explains the same video I posted in my earlier reply Brighteon Broadcast News, July 26, 2024 – New body cam footage shows somebody TOOK THE BRASS off the roof as crime scene was SCRUBBED Health Ranger Report 45069 followers.2043 views • 1 hour ago 7/26/24 Brighteon

Good question! Satellite would tell us EVERYTHING that happened but…I’m sure CIA and Secret Service knows this also

Also, Mike Adams is posting all his Trump attempted assassination videos on his Twitter/X @healthranger, so go there & comment & repost to potential huge audience!

So…since when does police or FBI mop up and sanitize a crime scene the day after it happened? They fully investigated this in one day
“Nothing to see here.”
No one is asking Wray about this?
“Why was the sight of a presidential assassination attempt sanitized a day after it happened?” No tape where the bullets were found? Nothing taped off? Bleachers gone?


That’s a good video. First time I’ve seen proof of blood on Trump’s hand, as he moves it from his ear. Might help convince those who think it was staged.

First time I’ve noticed that Trump say’s “oh” on the first shot too. Hadn’t noticed that before, so thanks.

Could the plume of smoke, be light reflecting on the lady’s blue Trump sign? Cause I thought the same thing at first too.

And I suspect the man at 3:55 was looking at the snipers because I believe the commotion was fairly noticable by that point. There are other video’s of people in the bleachers noticing it - - and I’ve heard witnesses say that they could hear the shouting beyond the perimeter.