Bad Science: This is The Worst I've Seen

I’m having the issue with the Vimeo link in the first part of this. Haven’t tried the second part yet.

Mask Data

Dr Chris M, as a practicing internal med physician (MD and PhD from UCLA), I can say that very few of my colleagues keep up with the medical literature, read only abstracts or just the heading, and are not trained in critical data analysis. I have heard of this meta mask study, but since it corresponds to current practice, I accepted at face value without fully reading. Thank you for bringing the faulty datails to my attention…


Niacinamide or nicotinamide?

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Turns out - same thing. Niacinamide = nicotinamide.

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Dutch Rabo Ceo Carbon Bank

How poor people can pay for masks


Overdesign Graphics

Do we need these graphics underneath or behind the content? I must say, the subtitles and moving backgrounds destract me from listening and interpreting the message.

Bad Science

The Brownstone Institute joins in, in ripping this garbage study:

The poor quality writing is readily apparent, both from their repeated phrasing of “facemasks” as one word, and the fact that of 1,732 studies considered for inclusion, only 13 actually met the criteria.

That’s correct, a mere 0.75% of the studies they apparently examined were actually used to generate their conclusions.
But that did not stop politicians from lauding the study. The German Federal Minister of Health did just that.
The translation, according to Google, reads as below:

"For everyone who is still unsure whether masks protect against COVID: here is a new American mega study that evaluates over 1,700 studies. The benefit of the masks is very large, undisputed and applies to many areas."

Brownstone Institute
"... evaluates 1,700 studies?" I don't think so. I think that they ignored 1719 studies and then promoted 13 poor quality studies. This is the danger of misinformation.

A Good Critique Of The State Of Science

One of the best critiques of the state of modern “science” I can recall reading, was the introduction to by Prof Gerald Pollock to his book “The 4th Phase of Water”.
[Here is the Prof in a TEDx talk

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This study is so bad, it looks like it came from grade school kids

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Robert Malone