Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game

The book Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game seems to be one I have found on a number of friends' and resilient community member' shelves recently, and it is one of my favorite go-to books to reference for when we start thinking about incorporating new livestock into the homestead.  Great instructions and visuals, and it get high marks on Amazon reviews.

From Amazon:

This is the book for anyone who hunts, farms, or buys large quantities of meat. The author takes the mystery out of slaughtering and butchering everything from beef and veal, to venison, pork, and lamb. The text is clear and easy-to-follow. Combined with 130 detailed illustrations by Elayne Sears, the reader is provided with complete, step-by-step instructions.
Here is everything you need to know:

  • At what age to butcher an animal
  • How to kill, skin, slaughter, and butcher
  • How to dress out game in a field
  • Salting, smoking, and preserving
  • Tools, equipment, the setup
  • More than thirty recipes using all kinds of meat

If you are thinking about taking up hunting or raising animals for food, this is a great resource to have on your shelf:  Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game

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I have this book, and I use it as a reference after having been led through the process by someone with more experience with me. Unless it was a necessity I wouldn't use this for slaughtering without that initial helping hand. Like a lot of things. But hey, another good reason to build community and share skills with neighbors and friends.