
Word on the street is the source of ignition was a pair of hastily discarded pants.

Fire Erupts on Roof of Federal Reserve Building in Manhattan Oct 8, 2017 Dozens of firefighters were fighting a blaze on top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Saturday night, officials say. The fire broke out sometime before 8:40 p.m. on the roof of the 14-story building at 33 Liberty St. in Lower Manhattan.
SagerXX wrote:
My expression of this idea is to take up residence in what I consider to be a soon-to-be-rather-disregarded corner of the Empire (as the center pulls back to fend for itself). The trick will be to survive the time between that pullback and the time at which local self sufficiency comes about... VIVA -- Sgaer
Part of the “trick” will be to guess correctly regarding location among other issues. The situation we are in brings to mind Jeff Goldblum’s explanation of chaos theory in Jurassic Park.

IQ = Idiocy Quotient
This is what characterize modern time politicians, deep states, bankers, etc… everywhere in the world. The more the system is tweaked to their interest, the more easy it is to them to siphon resources and money, and the smaller the pie is, the more overt they will act and the more stupid things they will do. until KaBoom!
On a much darker note, the omnipresence of the tiny screen is not helping at all…

As they say, you feel like you’re flying, king of the world, as you pass the second floor. Then you hit the ground…
All the so called progress, a product of IQ…
If you really understand the PP PERSPECTIVE, can we really believe that having a human average IQ of 140 WOULD BE A BLESSING? Do you know what I think would be a death sentence for our species (with our current “SQ”)?


I can’t think of a worse nightmare…

Pipyman wrote:
As they say, you feel like you're flying, king of the world, as you pass the second floor. Then you hit the ground......
As a species we desperately need to be deeply humbled. Here's to "hoping" this next banking crisis does just that.

Why not mention the biggest betrayal of all:

Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

Talking about screwing the younger generation!

Why not mention the biggest betrayal of all:

Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

Talk about screwing the younger generation, this takes the cake!

Time2help wrote

As a species we desperately need to be deeply humbled. Here's to "hoping" this next banking crisis does just that
100% right. Humility is a matter of consciousness and profound respect toward life.

And as a bonus, you’re less likely to be a total ass at a party…

Random assortment of mine…

In such an environment of pervasive betrayal, it's difficult to maintain any sense of trust.
In such an environment of pervasive betrayal, it's important NOT to maintain any sense of trust in those parties. A naive inability to mistrust authority is one of the biggest blocks to clear thinking that I've run across. I had to outgrow it myself, and it took some emotional work - ongoing, actually. It's great to see the IQ discussion accompanied by awareness of EQ and SQ. IMHO, the utterly baffling poor performance of human culture has much more to do with missing elements of EQ and SQ than IQ. Our intelligence and creativity are breathtaking. I LOVE the human capacity for pure thought. But without wisdom, love, appreciation, empathy, patience, courage, integrity, awareness of consequences and so on we just aren't up to the task of living well with each other and our home planet. I don't think that crisis can be relied upon to make humans act smarter. It will make them stressed, and maybe more awake. But if the human resources for empathetic problem solving, long-term thinking, fair decisions etc. are not present, we just get horrible scenarios. I think we have to decide to develop EQ and SQ skill sets and bring them into the world. Anyway, that's what I need to do. A big part of that for me is to keep returning to what HAS been trustworthy: planet Earth. Here I see beauty, constancy, powerful, deep and subtle intelligence. I see life forms rising from the very soil and offering their astonishing selves to the functioning of a rich, nourishing biosphere. Even in a damaged state, the underlying soundness of this place carries us, carries my sanity. This, I trust. This is real. This, I rejoice in. Humans who are in touch with their own underlying soundness and who have practices that bring them back are also a joy to behold. Trust can live there too, because mistakes can be corrected, or at least reckoned with without breaking the connection. Thanks for bringing this to the discussion, PP. Late fall where I live - big rush to take care of harvest, perennials, winter wood, last-minute building projects and so on. This summer I doubled my garden size. So much food! So much work! So many exquisite creatures! The sweet, perfect onions. 3 bushels of peaches from my 5 year old tree (!). Diligent winter squash plants, growing their heavy fruits to the very last possible minute. Shiny, shiny eggplants and boxes of cukes. I've canned enough relish to feed the village for sure. Don't forget the jars and jars of applesauce! How about 2 gallons of dehydrated tomato slices, sweet and savory? A grateful heart, a joy in being here. A wonder and a love. Earth life is trauma and confusion. Earth life is bliss and gratitude. I'll try to keep up! Susan

Some of us live so close to the ground floor that we don’t get to fly until we hit the ground. It’s just a step out the window.
There are advantages to a lifetime of turning a nuckle into a dime and living close to the edge.


I'll try to keep up
Yes, we will keep up. Our choice.

Aloha! Earlier today I read a comment from a PhD candidate at Duke who called the current administration “fascist”. What was his major? History! The sad reality of a failed education system that can’t even tell the difference between Trump and Hitler. The Nazi hallmark was violence and rigged elections underpinned with propaganda of a new world order and ample helpings of scapegoating the perceived lesser beings. Who is violent? Who rigged a nomination? Who talks incessantly about a new order? Who has assigned middle America as the fly-by deplorables? We are seeing Trump as the byproduct of the most corrupt two party system.
The problem is there has never been a new world order … only the 1% and the 99%. No matter capitalism or communism or the compromise of socialist democracy the 1% is always on top. The 1% always owns the military and the 1% always owns the media.
Perhaps the generational war will be waged by those naive enough to major in history at Duke. The brainwashing of liberalist colleges, liberalist government jobs, liberalist media and liberalist rich will deservedly become the target of the angry millennium mobs who finally wake up to their indebted servitude. Not unlike the servitude their parents are chained to. If it all works to the plan of some divine interventionist then the millennials and the boomers would join forces. One generation to fund the other in total all out karmic revenge.
Lets visit 1% diversity in the media …

The 1% reality!
Mostly shown laughing all the way to their bank!
Ditto for top government!
Ditto for the industrial and military complex!
Hook, line and sinker …

The content of you character speaks for itself over and over again!The depth of your life speaks for itself over and over again.I see and honor you over again…The Contessa from the Cape…

herewego wrote:
A big part of that for me is to keep returning to what HAS been trustworthy: planet Earth. Here I see beauty, constancy, powerful, deep and subtle intelligence. I see life forms rising from the very soil and offering their astonishing selves to the functioning of a rich, nourishing biosphere. Even in a damaged state, the underlying soundness of this place carries us, carries my sanity. This, I trust. This is real. This, I rejoice in.
Beautiful. Thanks.

At least on 2 levels:

  1. As you all know, I have lots of emotional energy on this network of lies. Deep bitterness. Fury. Fury at both the liars and those who cannot see the lies despite great intelligence.
    It helped me to name the feelings. Thank you to Chris and the community here who are able to talk this out.
  2. Dimitry Orlov’s post (quoted by Chris above) also really spoke to me. It is not just “a lie” but an entire “tissue of lies.” A network of linked, false understandings.
    Paradigm shifts are difficult because a whole network of assumed truths are shaken down at the same time. This seems to be prohibitively difficult for many, even those of great intelligence.
sand_puppy wrote:
At least on 2 levels: 1. As you all know, I have lots of emotional energy on this network of lies. Deep bitterness. Fury. Fury at both the liars and those who cannot see the lies despite great intelligence.
I can't remember exactly where I saw it recently, except it was on Facebook, where somebody commented; "My friend recently told me 'you seem angry a lot' to which I replied 'No, I am infuriated. Big difference." If you are not infuriated by what's going on right now, you are not paying attention. The good part about such an emotion is that it provides plenty of energy to get the job done, whatever that job is. So embrace the fury! It's one of the gifts of our time.

you’re going to need a reservoir of rage deep inside on which to draw when you have to physically fight for your life. I fear we can’t all avoid those situations forever, just the lucky ones. If you don’t have such an easily tapped reservoir of rage, you’ll either be passive or not respond quickly enough when faced with an immediate threat to your life. Both passivity and delay (trying to figure out what the right thing to do is) will lead to your death or serious bodily injury.
In Kipling’s poem below, it might be helpful in this light for us (who clearly see the coming days of rage) to identify with Kipling’s “Saxons.” Realizing of course that the hate of which he speaks is really a rage that fires one’s soul and actions when finally backed into a corner from which there is no escape except through those who would take our freedom, wealth and very lives. It would behoove us to have mentally, emotionally and spiritually worked out all the angles before we find ourselves backed into a corner with no escape.

THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON by Rudyard Kipling It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate. Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
"... a whole network of assumed truths are shaken down at the same time."
I call that the House of Cards.

When dealing with con artists, either interpersonally or politically, rage is NOT your friend – long term.
Most people relate to them from an emotional position, after being charmed, lied to and then sunpbsequently betrayed, be it politically or otherwise. Normal people will rage, cry, and those hot emotions becomes fuel for…more of the same.
You must give yourself time to heal from the realization of deep political abuse…and then quietly map your strategy to bring them to their knees. The most important question to ask, for example, is…what does the political animal serving corporations want, more than anything? They want compliance and consumption. They can get both, no matter how many guns you buy. You are more likely to kill each other than make a dint in profit margins.
But if you cease shopping at Wal Mart and opt out of the system every way you can, you will slowly starve the beast. Every time you purchase locally and eschew the beast you are pulling the trigger and aiming it squarely at its deceptive, evil heart.