
Video from the New Years Eve celebration in Cologne Germany shows one of the many instances of the “rape game” where a crowd of young ME men isolate a woman and drag her away to be gang raped. The men at the outside of the crowd hide the activity at the center.
The “game” portion is that the gang raping is being done in public.

… “The composure of an army is the anger of a nation .” (G. K. Chesterton, The man who was Thursday").
what he’s saying is that reall intense rage in an army requires composure.

Sand puppy-- Rage, particularly over hot button issues can and will be used against entire races and cultures. These videos are very alarming–and there are so many like this on YouTube now. Breitbart sure likes them. Steve Bannon calls Breitbart “Israel’s best friend,” in a recent interview with Charlie Rose. Note how the alt right is much more focussed on the evils of Islam while they have totally dropped the ball on Israel?
Try to source the video to see if it actually occurred in Europe, for starters.
Many Islamic countries have been struggling to exit medievalism for quite some time. Those that show any success (Lebanon) are bombed right back into fanaticism by Israel, or Arab Sprung back to fundamentalism, as a survival strategy.
Poverty and war require very strong family ties and the presentation of a strong face or facade to the world. Women are required to be ‘safe guarded’ from the outer world in an attempt to hold it all together. I find it repulsive too, but understand the dynamics .
Another thing to bare in mind is the effect of violent pornography, (and mich of it is) coming out of the Western world, on Islamic people. And…it’s not just then, many young men think women like rough sex and then act it out on their girlfriends. Do a Ted Talks search for this phenomenon. It’s really horrifying.
Anyway, rage aside, it is easier to understand and it limits hatred because we all know who want sus to hate Muslim people, right??

To me, it seems more like taking a stick of dynamite and blowing apart a resilient self reassembling house of cards that should have collapsed after Kennedy was assassinated.

I can see how my fury (though very legitimate) could be deliberately triggered and then used as a handle to redirected my efforts against a target that might not actually be the main mover of the drama. Sigh.
Deception is so commonly used in military operations that is considered the norm. One example was the invasion of Normandy in 1943. General Patton was tasked with deceiving the Germans into moving armaments away from the Normandy beaches to Calaise. The deception was itself a complex military operation called Operation Fortitude.

"...[Operation] Fortitude utilized a mix of double agents, fake radio traffic, and the creation of fictitious units to mislead the Germans. The largest fake formation created was the First US Army Group under the leadership of Lieutenant General George S. Patton. Ostensibly based in southeastern England opposite Calais, the ruse was supported by the construction of dummy buildings, equipment, and landing craft near likely embarkation points. These efforts proved successful and German intelligence remained convinced that the main invasion would come at Calais even after landings commenced in Normandy."
And of course deception is used in basketball, lacrosse, football, soccer, tennis, fencing, ping-pong, judo, poker, chess, checkers, marketing, politics, business, sales and pretty much any human endeavor where people are pitted against each other for advantage. A successful deception gives advantage to a more intelligent player. And the derision of "conspiracy theories" (the belief that deception is in play) is a further application of deception. Those who can be convinced that no deception is being used are especially easy to deceive.
"Be stupid. And believe that this feint is truth."

It looks like the Neocon’s are getting another chance to continue “cauldronizing” the Middle East.
Ron Paul today: Trump And Iran: Have The Neocons Won?

President Trump's Iran policy speech on Friday was riddled with errors -- the kinds of errors the neocons have been peddling for more than a decade. He did not out and out cancel the US participation in the Iran nuclear deal with claims that Iran has violated the agreement. Everyone knows -- and it has been repeatedly certified -- that Iran has not violated the terms of the 2015 agreement. Instead he claimed that Iran is not living up to the spirit of the agreement and punted the issue down to Congress -- against the advice of most of his senior staff. Will Washington's allies follow suit? Will the deal fall apart? What will Iran do if it is no longer bound by the nuclear-limiting treaty? Will President Trump follow his neocon whisperers down the path that George W. Bush followed in 2003 -- to war?
And David Stockman: Stockman Slams the 'Deep States" Bogus Iranian Threat

In a word, the whole notion that Iran is a national security threat and state sponsor of terrorism is just as bogus as the Russian meddling story or the claim that the chain of events resulting from the coup d' etat fostered by Washington on the streets of Kiev in February 2014 is evidence of Russian expansionism and aggression.

Likewise, it's part of the same tissue of lies which led to Washington's massive, destructive and counterproductive interventions in Syria and Libya -- when neither regime posed an iota of threat to the safety and security of the American homeland.

To the contrary, all of these false narratives are the cover stories which justify the Warfare State's massive draw on the nation's broken finances.

Iran has actually never attacked a single foreign nation in modern history whereas Washington has chosen to unilaterally intervene in or arm virtually every surrounding country in the region.
The Saker: Trump Collects his 30 Silver Shekels
Robert Perry: How Netanyahu Pulls Trumps Strings
Robert Perry: Fake Arguments for Killing the Iran Nuclear Deal
Mohammad Sahimi: Deconstructing Neoconservatives Manifesto For War With Iran
MJ Rosenberg: Neocons: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran
Robert Perry: US Neoconservatives: Seeking War to the End of the World
HuffPro: Why do the "Bomb Iran" Neocons want Israel Dead?

Jack: Well, then, I confess: It is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer me weaselly black guts out.
Murtogg: I said no lies!
Mullroy: I think he’s telling the truth.
Murtogg: If he were telling the truth, he wouldn’t have told us.
Jack: Unless of course he knew you wouldn’t believe the truth, even if he told you.
[Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl]
Asuka: Anyway, how did you do that earlier?
Shinji: In situations where denial or dishonesty is expected, the truth can often be dismissed as fabrication. Control of a situation is not just based off what you do, but what others expect you to do.
Asuka: You… lied by telling the truth?
Shinji: Think of it like pretending to make a feint in combat. If your opponent expects you to feint, if you follow through then the expected strike was the lie while the feint was a real attack.
Asuka: Okay, that makes a bit more sense when put into those terms.

[Thousand Shinji]


You have nailed it!

In the movie Eddie and the Cruisers one of the members of the defunct band, Wordman is trying to convince the former bass player, Sallie to get back together.
Wordman ; We can do it Sallie
Sallie; Wordman ; Guys like you and me? They discover oil under our garden? All we get is dead tomatoes.
There are only so many ways and times you can have the same discussion before you realize the futility. It is obvious some are not there yet. The forces arrayed against you have been at it for centuries. Your rage will change nothing.

SP- While I don’t necessarily have a problem with Dimitry’s post, I was reminded of why I don’t follow him when I read his responses to a couple of comments:

If we abandon mechanized agriculture (which we'll have to once fossil fuels are finished) we'll find that we can't grow enough food without the help of ruminants—horses especially. And letting an animal suffer or go to waste is both disrespectful and stupid. Plus we depend on the services of obligatory carnivores—dogs and cats. So, meat will remain on the menu for as long as humans survive. As far as the "feeding enough people" canard the solution will emerge naturally; it's called a die-off, and it's what happens to every species that exceeds the carrying capacity of their environment. The problem isn't that we've been eating meat; it's that we've been eating fossil fuels. Less fossil fuels will naturally result in a smaller population. As far as critiques of "patriarchy"—that's the sort of ideology I certainly have no time for. It always amazes me how commenters (especially on the public, non-subscriber site) somehow manage to completely ignore what I write and shoot straight for the weeds, here yammering on about meat, patriarchy, dead old Engels and, lo and behold, treating the Bible as if it were a historical treatise and the mythology of a marginal and decidedly weird little desert tribe as if it were the crux of human progress. But do feel free to march into battle under the banner of veganism, though people may laugh at you.
I understand the eating fossil fuel comment and his Bible comment. I take issue with denigrating someone who is a vegan and his implication that only smart people pay for his content. Also, while horses may be necessary for farming grains, they are not necessary for much else. My wife and I grew more this past year on our 1/4 acre city lot than we can eat in a year and we haven't converted much of the property from crabgrass to garden yet. As far as dogs and cats go, the accounts of collapse that I've read indicate that they mysteriously disappear in the earlier stages... Also, in these times it is perfectly acceptable to turn a critical eye to the subject of patriarchy.

To a home near you. Quite possibly your own.

Depending on the neighborhood you live in , Ferguson, Charlotte, etc. it is here now. Isreal is considered our closest ally, yet in reality they own us