Biden's Taxpayers Fund Censorship & Controversial International Trade

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The Federal Reserve, national debt, and banking crises are among the topics of concern in the financial world today. The importance of diversifying investments and being self-sufficient is emphasized, with a particular focus on the role of precious metals and physical assets. The housing market also demands caution, with a clear need for understanding the financial implications of homeownership. The value of community support and neighborly connections during crises is underscored.

In a separate vein, the Biden administration is under scrutiny for its use of taxpayer funds to support what critics are calling the “Censorship Industrial Complex.” The National Science Foundation (NSF) has reportedly spent millions on projects aimed at censoring non-government-approved viewpoints. While the NSF denies direct involvement in censorship, it has been linked to funding projects that engage in such activities. The Judiciary Committee and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government have exposed the NSF’s funding of AI-powered censorship and propaganda tools, as well as efforts to avoid scrutiny. This has raised concerns about potential First Amendment violations.

Meanwhile, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in international trade and investment agreements are facing rejection from cautious governments. These provisions, which allow foreign investors to sue host governments if new laws or policies affect their expected profits, have been criticized for their potential for abuse and corruption. The Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network has called for an urgent review and removal of ISDS clauses in the country’s agreements, citing a lack of transparency and the potential for excessive claims. The need for developing country governments to be more aware of the risks associated with ISDS participation is becoming increasingly apparent.


Developing Countries Urged to Withdraw from Neocolonial ISDS Agreements

Developing country governments need to be much more wary of ISDS and its implications, and should urgently withdraw from existing commitments.

Source | Submitted by Slin

Biden Administration Funneling Millions of Taxpayer Dollars into “Censorship Industrial Complex,” Report Reveals

The government is not the arbiter of truth. Our Founders understood this, which is why we have a First Amendment.

Source | Submitted by Shplad

“New Text Predicts Major Crisis, Blames Current Leaders, and Advocates for Self-Sufficiency and Gold Investment”

Source | Submitted by rhollenb