Bombshell! Covid-19 Virus Lab-Made? Fauci Connected?

And this would be my point. In these woods, ya gotta bring a loaded gun to a gunfight; evidence and data to back up clear assertions. Sand_puppy, Jim and others do that. This new "wildtravel" person talks all fancy and makes grandiose claims but, in the end, reminds me of a balloon releasing air and not much else.




Thanks! If I’m going to spar with trolls, I prefer to keep it light and humorous, if even just for my own sanity.

Emotionally, that is overwhelming to try to process that, the degree of stupidity or arrogance is mind-boggling and heart-boggling (just made that up).
I'm not sure if "mind-boggling" is even a word, so why can't "heart-boggling" be? In any case, I may add that to my verbiage in the future, so thanks for the term!   And, yes, the stupidity and arrogance inherent in fiddling with nature in this way is just...I can't come up with the right words. Pride cometh before the fall, I suppose, and we're seeing that now. If this was created by us in a lab, we earned what we're getting. Not us as individuals, but us as a species.

Thank you for your invitation to comment Qercus_Bicolor, and hope the following will clarify my position:

An infection of the PP community with evidence’s enemy, faith, is currently contained.  It should be remembered, however, that the price of freedom remains eternal vigilance.  

Faith remains an incurable illness, which is highly transmissible and virulent, and the very best we can do is manage its outcomes.  

Faith, like a Honey Badger, is proving its rat cunning and shape shifting qualities make it impossible to ever completely contain and control.

Be alert, but not alarmed.

Fortunately, as per world’s best practice, containment measures went early and went hard.  The cluster of suffering individuals was identified, tracked, traced and provided with a Bullshit Detector to diagnose their sickness.  

Most asymptomatic cases refused the Detector and denied they were ill and a threat to the community, in their hubris that their faith rendered them immune from reality.   We are sorry for their losses.  We are pissed off about ours.  We will learn to forgive what they do to us all here, and remain stalwart never to forgive what they do to themselves.

Field trials have proven the Bullshit Detector invaluable in early detection of the symptoms of faith, arguments by logical fallacy.  It is recommended to self test regularly and apply the Bullshit Detector vigorously, both in public and in private, to protect the health of the PP community.

Remember, “I protect you. You protect me.”

Anybody who doesn’t get that is in the wrong place.

I apologise, Snydeman, for assuming you understood that Epistomolgy and Aetiology are Applied Sciences. You bet, arguing by logical fallacies is incontrovertible evidence that a person is talking BS, whatever self deception they might have about the profundity of their case. Which part of just plain wrong do you not understand?
Rather than play Pot Kettle Black with you, I’ll pick up your Wild West theme, to observe you have learned (or not)three important management principles:

  1. Never send a boy to do a man’s job,
  2. Never take a knife to a gunfight,
  3. Sometimes you need to shoot low, if they’re riding Shetlands

Good day.

Thank you for your invitation to comment Qercus_Bicolor, and hope the following will clarify my position: An infection of the PP community with evidence’s enemy, faith, is currently contained. It should be remembered, however, that the price of freedom remains eternal vigilance. Faith remains an incurable illness, which is highly transmissible and virulent, and the very best we can do is manage its outcomes. Faith, like a Honey Badger, is proving its rat cunning and shape shifting qualities make it impossible to ever completely contain and control. Be alert, but not alarmed. Fortunately, as per world’s best practice, containment measures went early and went hard. The cluster of suffering individuals was identified, tracked, traced and provided with a Bullshit Detector to diagnose their sickness. Most asymptomatic cases refused the Detector and denied they were ill and a threat to the community, in their hubris that their faith rendered them immune from reality. We are sorry for their losses. We are pissed off about ours. We will learn to forgive what they do to us all here, and remain stalwart never to forgive what they do to themselves.
What. The. Fuck? Most PPers are too nice to call you out on this, so I'll fall on my sword and say you are a completely incomprehensible idiot. There, I said it. You string sentences together which make no logical sense when taken as a whole. You connect fancy words which mean nothing. Your words sound pretty but amount to nothing.   I mean, literally, you address nothing I've said and spout meaningless verbiage. No one here on PP is that stupid. Please attempt again, in a few weeks, with a more savvy shiv.

This is a very large RNA virus–an excellent platform for loading additional RNA onto. And this virus can vary in antigens by ribosomal shifting in transcription of the viral RNA, meaning it can make the ribosomes start transcription at different starting points of the viral RNA to produce different proteins. And this shifting can be stimulated by drugs, vaccines, or even simply due to the structure of nucleic-acid triplets, meaning a change to structure can change the operation of the virus WITHOUT NECESSARILY CHANGING THE SEQUENCES. Since the nucleic acid sequences are what a researcher would typically look at to determine the origin of a virus, a structurally altered nucleic acid sequence would likely escape detection. Also, selective pressure and mutagens can also be applied to viruses in cell culture and, later, in living animals to select viral strains with desired traits without direct molecular intervention. This is done in vaccine development, but it could also be done by bad players.