Bombshell! Damning Evidence Leaked!

I suppose that it’s still possible that the virus was created out of pure scientific curiosity, and then was released by accident. But those who think so, need to also explain why there’s been this worldwide attack on all sorts of early treatments. And, why now there’s a worldwide campaign to get a poorly designed, ineffective and dangerous mRNA vaccine into every arm, carrying the toxic spike protein everywhere.
Trump tried to blame the leak on the Chinese government. Ron Unz wrote a series of articles blaming the USA, on the grounds that the initial targets of the virus were the Chinese people and their economy; and also (oddly) the Iranian central government.
Unz is well worth reading, but I think there’s a third possibility: that non-governmental and corporate entities such as the WHO, WEF, Gates Foundation, and/or Wellcome Trust could have been the hidden hand guiding the course of events. Although I haven’t seen the slightest shred of evidence, we cannot rush to judgment and blame either China or the US government until this can be excluded. From the point of view of “cui bono” (WHO benefits?..)… well, WHO ELSE did so well?
It’s also important to recognize that, even though a lot of the research that went into the virus has been revealed, we can’t assume that we know everything. Completely black labs could have been working in parallel to the EcoHealth Alliance project, to contribute aspects of the SARS-Cov2 genome.
Early on in the pandemic, Moon of Alabama dismissed the idea that SARS-Cov2 might be an engineered bioweapon, on the grounds that it’s simply not fatal enough, and it targets the wrong population. And, The Saker argued that the US would not launch a bioweapons attack when it was so poorly prepared to deal with a pandemic.
Indeed, there are major problems with the use of a virus as a bioweapon. If it has a very high infection fatality rate, then extreme public health measures (effective quarantine and contact tracing) will be deployed to contain it. But if it’s less deadly, it is ineffective from a military conquest point of view. And if highly contagious, it’s impossible to contain to the original target.
Both of those objections are overcome, if the virus was meant primarily to produce fear, compliance and division, to be exploited by international corporations and NGO’s.
And if indeed the purpose of the virus and/or the vaccine is to create mass casualties (for population reduction, or to destroy the world economy for “building back better”), wouldn’t it be ideal to design the spike protein for delayed effects? There are many ways that the spike protein could cause long-term damage, including: Capillary Thrombosis, in which the spike protein causes inflammation of the capillaries, leading to poor circulation and increased cardiac load, possibly leading to heart failure; neurological degenerative disease caused by prion-like effects of the glycene zipper motif in the spike protein; multisystem inflammatory disease and other serious auto-immune syndromes; and heightened susceptiblility to cancer due to immune disregulation. Not to mention the possibility of loss of fertility. Or, renewed waves of mutant viruses, evading immunity and causing antibody-dependent enhancement of disease intensity.
Watching for these long-term effects, and the search for effective treatments, deserves the highest medical priority. And, we deserve answers from the government agencies and individuals who have been identified as participants in creating the virus.
Having been listening to Chris for years, I’ve put myself in a semi-rural and somewhat resilient environment. I’m fortunate (and privileged) to be able to maintain a reasonably high level of social distancing and isolation. And I think this is the best survival strategy. I have a lot of respect for those who intentionally seek to catch the virus under controlled conditions for natural immunity. But for myself, I’m still hoping to avoid the virus as well as the vaccine.