Boosting Your Immune System In Defense Against Coronavirus

The problem with our contemporary lives isn’t just about poor diets, but also about stress. The body burns through a lot of nutrients under stress. If you’re a Zen master or something, I guess that works, but that’s not me!

You raise a point that is raised pretty consistently by physicians and others. Why not get everything you need from your diet? My response will not cover all the considerations as books have been written on the subject.
First the food we are generally able to procure is actually more like food like substances. As documented as long ago as the 1930’s by Weston A Price our soils are depleted. They no longer contain the nutrients to pass on to the plants (and the animals that eat the plants) The situation has not improved since then. The soil structure has been destroyed, the microorganisms are missing and in their place we now have herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Supplements are necessary to replace what was once in the soil and transferred to us through the plant. On top of this our modern world is full of toxins that were not in our environment 150 years ago. Our bodies need help fending off the assault of our polluted world. One example is breast cancer which is primarily a disease caused by hormonal imbalances. Some of that imbalance is caused by xeno hormones. These are chemicals which are synthetic yet your body reacts to them as if they are natural. The end result is your body gets overloaded. We are currently swimming in a sea of xeno hormones.
So long story short we need help from supplements because our food does not supply the necessary nutrients and we are under assault from a toxic environment.
Hope that helps

Sorry but I have to disagree with you on the issue of Vit d. I suggest everyone get a Spectracell analysis. It will give you a reading on the vit and mineral levels in your blood. My wife was able to double her vit d levels by supplementing with vit d3. There is a functional medical level that is therapeutic for cancer. she was able to get to that level.
I on the other hand need vit d supplementation because of skin cancer . So your recommendation of just going out in the sun would in all likelihood kill me. I can not tolerate any radiation. I have to stay covered in the sun and use sun block.
It is never a one size fits all deal. I suggest get a test to see what you are deficient in , establish a baseline, adjust supplementation and retest.

Chris, the toxicologists say “the dose makes the poison”. In this case, the dose makes the medicine. I know you are not giving medical advice, but would you please share the dose of zinc and quercetin that you are using? I take it you are using quercetin as a zinc ionophore?

I posted this a couple of months ago but it seems to fit here so I will post it again.
Chayawanprash is an ancient Ayurvedic immune system booster. It is well over 2 thousand years old. I have been using it for almost 2 decades. The current formulas are not the original. You cannot make the original as 8 of the plants are now protected species by the Indian government.
Here is a very good link which includes the analysis of some popular brands.

I have been using these Supplements for Some time for Immune system regulation, and as anti inflamatories. That being said, the truth is there are t enough studies on efficacy, but I can say that I have had good results in past as well as familyembers undergoing chemotherapy (whose side effects were much more manageable than expected).

  1. AHCC - 3000 mg per day (1500 mg twice per day)
  2. Turmeric Curcumin with piperine (fat soluble so mix it in with almond milk shake)
  3. Quercetin - taken with Turmeric Curcumin for synergistic effects and absorption optimization.
  4. Spirulina (anti viral also)
    The cytokine storm associated with severe COVID 19 cases seems to be very similar to what happens to people with autoimmune disorders.
    these disorders affect more women, African Americans, 20- middle aged, and are very hereditary. Additionally these disorders are also more prevalent in areas with more pollution (environmental factors).
    quickly researching online (and again, not a statstical study but more basis for a personal hypothesis), it seems that white women are more likely to be diagnosed and treated for autoimmune disorders. Others that are more likely to get it also are less likely to be diagnosed and or treated due to Healthcare habits/patterns…for whatever reason).
    interestingly, women are contracting COVID 19 at a higher rate, but dying at a lower rate.
    Im hypothesizing that there may be a correlation between severe Covid 19 related infection and death, and untreated/undiagnosed autoimmune disorder.
    Being that the immune system for these people is less regulated, it would be more likely for it to have difficulty identifying infection from regular cells/molecules and so the immune system turns on the human host. Being that white women are more likely to be diagnosed/treated for autoimmunity, they are already providing reinforced balance to their immune systems and so experience less death from the virus.
    However, African Americans, Middle aged Men, and undiagnosed older men (other than arthritis), are more likely to go undiagnosed / un treated, and so are much more likely to experience the worst symptomatic cases in higher percentages.
    Also, as autoimmunity is also very heriditary, it’s correlated to family’s who are having many deaths within nuclear units. If the real % of Covid 19 related deaths is really under 1%, how likely would it be that many are experiencing “family wide” deaths (sometime later 4-6 within same nuclear unit).
    Either way, there’s another generic drug taken at low doses that interests me very much. Because it is generic, there haven’t been large scale trials, but there is lots of antecdotal evidence of its efficacy.
    it is called Naltrexone, and the regimen is Low Dose Naltrexone. I urge you to research it for yourself . Seems like it is very safe to take with only narcotics as a concern for interaction as it will reduce their intended effect.
    i have attached a link from LDN research trust and if you scroll down, there is a video from an Irish GP discussing Covid 19 related regimen.
    just some more info to consider, but again, not representing I am a doctor or anything like that so please research yourself.
    Click link above

#1 elderberries
#2 red onions
#3 white onions
#4 cranberries
#4 green peppers
#5 kale
#6 blueberries

That’s a really good question. Personally, I eat a 100% whole food, plant diet with no added oil, salt or sugars and we grow about half of our food (by calorie), organically. We grow mainly cruciferous vegetables and some fruit. We have worked the same little garden for over a decade now and have added organic matter such as composted plants, worm castings, and rock dust to it over the years. We give some of what we grow to neighbors and receive from many of them in return (gardening is popular here in Japan). That said, I do use some supplements, such as D3, B12, ascorbic acid and quercetin, as I am 69 years old and have had some health issues due to my previous lifestyle choices. Some things have been found to be lacking in almost everyone - vitamin D (depending on one’s latitude), and B12 (nearly everyone, regardless of diet). So I eat what I conclude from my research is the most healthful diet, but I also use some supplements.
Be aware that when we take isolated ingredients as supplements, rather than in whole foods, we lose the synergistic effect that comes from the interaction of the many nutrients found in whole foods. Studies have repeatedly shown this to be the case. Example: If smokers eat lots of carrots or tomatoes they develop high levels of β-carotene and reduce their chances of developing lung cancer. However, if they are given β-carotene as a supplement, their chances are worse. That study had to be stopped. So one must do due diligence before taking isolated nutrients as supplements.
These are my personal opinions and actions I take for myself. I am not a medical professional and nothing I write here is intended as medical advice.

I have been using a 12” square light box for over 3.5 years called the REDjuvenator. This light emits a combination of red, infrared, and quantum healing rays, This unit has healed many ailments and accidents with myself and my family, including our dogs that had severe arthritis -and another with a neck fracture.
I do a lot of traveling for my work and I always pack this unit, because after 20 minutes of use at night, it raises my melatonin levels and I can rely on getting a good sleep no matter where I travel. At the end of January I came home from San Francisco with a cough and some slight breathing issues. I immediately started using the REDjuvenator. This didn’t stop all of the sickness, but I felt it made a major impact on my symptoms. Did I have some form of Covid 19? I intend to get tested in the future to find out.
I consider this REDjuvenator one of the best health investments I’ve made, and a light I never want to be without. The REDjuvenator has paid for itself many times over, too numerous in fact to count -because I have avoided the high cost of many medical bills for my whole family, including the Vet. The Redjuvenator is unique in its class -and an award winning unit. It has a free month trial so you can see what it does for yourself.
For more YouTube info. see the Science of Red Light Therapy: Boost Immunity & Mitochondria Health, REDjuvenator Medical Case Studies:

I’m wondering if a good option in this economic environment - and given the hyperinflation we believe is to come - would be to cash out savings from a 401k (without the 10% penalty given the provisions in the CARES act) and invest that money towards paying down our mortgage and/or a property with more land outside of the city center. We’d still have to pay the income taxes on the withdrawal, but it is difficult to find non-paper investment vehicles within our 401k. Maybe this is a good way to put that capital towards working assets. Thoughts?

There are three suppliments most people should take, even if they eat non-processed foods, and lots of wild fish, game, and local eggs.

  1. Magnesium. Humans used to get this from their water and plant foods, but it’s now all stripped out due to industrial farming on the soils (fertilizer). So we add Mg powder to our meals to compensate. You can also make Mg water using MgCO2 & carbonated water (like nature does). Or you can rebuild your own soil’s Mg if you garden. But the historical way to get Mg is by spring water, and we don’t do this anymore.
  2. D3. We use powder when it’s not summertime and we can’t get sun on our skin. Of course we also eat lots of liver and this helps, but most of us cannot get the needed sun.
  3. Iodine. We eat kelp and also add a bit of Iodine to stews and such. This one is probably not needed but it’s been shown to help with al the toxins our culture has.
    But other than those 3, we don’t supplement. Rather, we eat lots of eggs, salmon, wild game, and vegetables. High-nutrient food eliminates the need for supplements (except Mg/D3/I) as you rightfully point out.

One advantage 401k has is that it is protected from lawsuits or bankrupcy. Even OJ Simpson kept his 401k after all the lawsuits/criminal convictions. With the potential craze of medical bills, this protection is so valuable I wouldn’t give it up.
Also, dividend paying stocks should be a part of any portfolio, even if only 10-20% to stay diversified. Look at this latest “crisis”; carefully selected quality blue-chip stocks have actually broken even so far in this bear market (and made double digits over the last decade) PLUS paid 2% dividends. The US government will do anything to keep the fat cats fat, and so it is prudent to play along with said fat cats at least in part.
Note I would never skip 10% of my NW in physical PM. This is bluntly life insurance. If you don’t have this, I would sell enough 401k to get 10% of my NW in my personal possession. This IMO is non-negotiable. It allows me the confidence to sleep well at night and take the chances in the stock market, knowing that when it all comes down I still will do fine.

Bruce - Chris presented the answer to your ? in his recent video.

Note I would never skip 10% of my NW in physical PM. This is bluntly life insurance. If you don’t have this, I would sell enough 401k to get 10% of my NW in my personal possession. This IMO is non-negotiable. It allows me the confidence to sleep well at night and take the chances in the stock market, knowing that when it all comes down I still will do fine.
I would even go one step further and suggest that for this 10% (I am closer to 20%) you consider diversification, not just across different metals, but across different means of storage. Keep some close to home, and some in a different geo entirely (I use Singapore). Keep none in a bank of any sort... that's my advice.

Today’s soils are low in nutrients that are taking up by plants eaten directly or fed to domesticated animals. Oceans are full of toxins. Do what you want. I take a LEF Multi and other stuff.

This video from a front-line ER Doctor in NYC describing how patients do not need traditional ventilator applications which force air into their lungs but rather increased oxygen. Sounds like the virus may be damaging our blood cell’s ability to bond with Oxygen in the lungs and using a ventilator to force air into the lungs is actually damaging to the patient’s health and not helpful as employed.

Today’s soils are low in nutrients that are taking up by plants eaten directly or fed to domesticated animals.
Amen to this. Our solution is to 1) hunt and fish wild game, 2) garden, 3) harvest wild berries & plants (this is actually very doable). In a garden, you can compost wild plants plus use the guts of wild animals and especially wild -caught seafood to replenish nutrients. Also even buy nutrients and put them into compost. It’s amazing what soil looks like with lots of fish guts and heads. Nutrient heaven.
But toxins in fertilizers and whatnot are probably even a bigger problem than declining nutrients. Which makes gardening & hunting/fishing even more important - that is, avoiding the toxins is even a bigger plus than the nutrients gained. The book The Toxin Solution. (2017) really drove this home in his observation health doesn’t always bounce back when diet is improved if one has a toxin source in their environment, which nearly all commercial foods have, even if one is supplementing (and this assumes supplements taken in pill form are even remotely close to the real thing in foods, which I don’t believe).

I also would like to see this concern addressed. Is it better off the mortgage now?

Amen to this. Our solution is to 1) hunt and fish wild game, 2) garden, 3) harvest wild berries & plants (this is actually very doable). In a garden, you can compost wild plants plus use the guts of wild animals and especially wild -caught seafood to replenish nutrients. Also even buy nutrients and put them into compost. It’s amazing what soil looks like with lots of fish guts and heads. Nutrient heaven.
I officially give up. Hippocrates and Socrates knew what good nutrition was. They tried to sell the idea as early as 400 BC. The idea still hasn't caught on. There is an excellent Plato/Socrates discourse on animal vs plant nutrition that says a lot about our society in just a few paragraphs. Neither Hippocrates or Socrates convinced people then and no one has been able to do so since.