Boosting Your Immune System In Defense Against Coronavirus

As the US approaches the half-million mark of # of people infected with covid-19, Chris shares his personal regimen for keeping his immune system elevated.

This is NOT personal medical advice, though Chris shares the research results supportive of his regimen.

Meanwhile, the damage to the global economy continues to amplify.

In China, half a million companies have closed already.

In the US, over 16 million people have filed for unemployment.

And the response from US central authorities is staggering in scope. $Trillions and $trillions in stimulus is now flooding onto the stage. Will it rescue the companies and households that are suffering?

Time will tell. Though it’s an easy bet to predict that the larger and more powerful parties will fare much better than the average joe.

Chris points out how the decision-makers within Congress and the Fed don’t fathom (or more accurately, can’t fathom) the magnitude of the steps they’re taking. The sums are just too big.

What ripple effects will this drastic action have for our currency’s purchasing power? To the already terrible wealth gap in this country?

Again, time will tell. But we very much may not like the answers we ultimately get.

On a more positive note: Happy Easter/Passover!

Get out there this weekend and start/work on your garden!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Get immunized against TB. There is a lot of evidence that this makes COVID-19 much milder.

Countries with mandatory policies to vaccinate against tuberculosis register fewer coronavirus deaths than countries that don’t have those policies, a new study has found.

Thought I should share a link from UpToDate, a medical library about conditions and treatments.
Link ->
I think this link works because they are sharing the coronavirus content for free.
Anyway, if you look at the lab features that are associated with poor results, among many items in the link they include “elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)” which is seen with hemolysis… which is when a red blood cell ruptures…
Link ->
Update: Recommend watching "Coronavirus Pandemic Update 52: Ivermectin Treatment; Does COVID-19 attack hemoglobin?"where Dr. Seheult specifically addresses the ChemRxiv preprint paper “COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism”.
Link ->

I know some people use supplement to augment a diet that they believe to be healthy. However, the impression I get is that many people take supplements to fix what they know to be a poor diet.
For me, the issue of supplements always raises this question. If you eat an excellent diet, containing all of the nutrients known to be of benefit, then, do supplements provide any additional nutritional augmentation?

3936 new cases and 129 new deaths in Germany
A study by the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt (an epicenter of the outbreak in Germany) and found that 2% of the population was currently infected and 14% were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15% of the town have been infected with the virus [source]
If these findings are correct, Germany’s actual death rate could be as low as 0.22% (2,607 deaths / (2,607 cases that have resulted in death + 1,172,000 cases that have resulted in recovery)). Assuming 14% of the German population of 83,700,000 (1,172,000 people) have been infected and have recovered. [source] [source]

Hi Chris,
Thank you for your dedication to parsing out knowledge on the coronavirus.
As you work on the hemoglobin and free iron video, could you please address the issue of the SpO2 and PaO2 mentioned by a pulmonologist in the MedCram video at

This is good news. However there are a few things to take into account (but even then: it is good news):

  1. Is the town representive for the whole of Germany in terms of age, sex, etnicity?
  2. It was the epicenter, Germany now has a policy of aggressive testing and quarantining/isolating, so one would expect that the infection rate is less than 14%.
  3. They should also test in several other villages far away from the epicenter for a better estimate of the total infection rate.
  4. Because of the aggressive testing, it is interesting to know how the “spread” of the testing conpares to the “spread” of the virus. If the testing keeps up with the virus, the infection rate will, worst case, be equal to te detection rate.
  5. You should take the lag into account: this will increase the CFR (0.03-0.04 i.o. 0.02).
My 5 cents.

A quercetin supplement isn’t going to be helpful here, it isn’t a strong enough ionophore. Better to just get what quercetin you can in foods - high in apples, onions, asparagus and others.
Vitamin D is vitally important but what you take as a supplement isn’t going to be in the right form in your body. Instead of orally, you need to make it through exposure of your skin to direct or artificial UVB light. Direct sunlight over as much of your body as possible, short of burning, is one of the best things you can do for your health. Biophysics tops biochemistry.

Covid-19 Research Treatment and Vaccine Tracker: Covid19 Tracker NEW3-24-20-REVISED.pdf

Kat43, I am going to challenge you to please be more specific and support your statement when you say something like this;

A quercetin supplement isn’t going to be helpful here, it isn’t a strong enough ionophore.
Technically, what does, "strong" even mean in this context? We know that in fact quercetin is a Zinc ionophore, acts as a Zinc ionophore, in the biological sense, based on the following study; If we settle on the premise that quercetin is a Zinc ionophore, and our hypothesis is that in this way it can and will mimic, to some extent, the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in fighting a Covid-19 infection, then my perception is that the primary challenge regarding quercetin is bioavailability. Much has been written on this topic;

Flavonoid Bioavailability and Attempts for Bioavailability Enhancement
While one of these papers I linked to suggests that bioavalability is enhanced through consuming your quercetin, or bioflavinoid foods with a high fat meal... some researchers have taken an approach that uses the same concept employed with liposomal vitamin-C, i.e. coat tiny particles of the substance in a fat like lecithin to insure that it gets through the gut and is absorbed intact. The group that patented the process called their liposomal quercetin, "phytosomal". Here is their paper; And here is the data from their study, showing comparative plasma bioavailability of regular quercetin vs quercetin phytosome;
  This last paper, which of course is attempting to promote the phytosomal product, does I think exaggerate the poor looking absorption levels of the standard quercetin product, which in any event has been shown to vary quite a bit in bioavailability based on how it's formulated. Another paper looks at plasma levels post different food sources of quercetin, noting that the charts have different scales and that 0.1 - 1.0 micrograms/ml plasma in this paper is equivalent to 100 - 1000 nanograms/ml in the phytosome paper;
So for me, the message is; Quecertin is a logical addition to anti-Covid-19 supplementation. Get the phytosomal version if you can - I just checked and Thorne is back in stock after weeks being out; Finally, remember, food is really the best and most important medicine and many foods are rich in quercetin and other flavinoids. Best regards to all, Jim

Thanks Jim H. Appreciate you digging out the pertinent reference articles supporting your viewpoint on Quercitin. I just ordered some to go with my zinc picolinate.

And thank you for your continuing contributions supporting safe use and efficacy of the hydroxychloroquine regimen as an early intervention for Covid-19. To see individual groups of MD’s banding together to document a protocol, as you linked to elsewhere today, is kind of unprecedented in and of itself in modern times… and yet MD’s are feeling the need to do this.
While I know that Corsi triggers some of our fellow guests here, I need to point to yet another useful interview that has been published on his channel, in this case with an MD and a JD who discuss what is going on in terms of suppressing access to HCQ via the pharmacists, and State Pharmacy licensing boards. It will make you sick to your stomach…

Jim, I’m sorry I don’t have a citation for you about quercetin. The information comes from Jack Kruse who states that quercetin is much weaker than HCQ and will not provide enough zinc to make a difference for this virus.
An excellent source of zinc is oysters.
What we need more than anything is as much direct sun as we can get, all spectrums but in a natural balance depending on the time of day.

In a perfect world I would want hydroxychloroquine if I get sick and suspect Covid-19. It’s efficacy against the virus is well documented at this point, as I have exhaustively cataloged elsewhere on The Gold standard, placebo controlled studies will come in time, created through the unnecessary sacrifice of many who will die on ventilators to prove what we already know.
If though our hypothesis regarding the role of HQC and Zinc together is correct, then I think it’s reasonable to assume that we should all be taking Zinc supplements at this time, and that the addition of quercetin can only further benefit us if and when our immune systems are called upon to fight off this infection.

Continuing the theme of Covid-19 being a blood disease, very interesting interview with Dr. Scott Antoine about the use of methylene Blue to combat loss of iron from RBC

Good discussion,
But as for safe and cheap ionophores, let not forget EGCG (a compound in green tea): “many a mickle makes a muckle”.

One of the most well-studied attributes of quercetin, however, is its antiviral capacity, which has been attributed to three main mechanisms of action:
  1. Inhibiting the virus' ability to infect cells
  2. Inhibiting replication of already infected cells
  3. Reducing infected cells' resistance to treatment with antiviral medication
Research11 funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, published in 2007, found it lowers your risk of viral illness following extreme physical stress, which might otherwise undermine your immune function and render you more susceptible to infections. Cyclists who received a daily dose of 1,000 mg of quercetin in combination with vitamin C (which enhances plasma quercetin levels12,13) and niacin (to improve absorption) for five weeks were significantly less likely to contract a viral illness after bicycling three hours a day for three consecutive days, compared to untreated controls. While 45% of the placebo group got sick, only 5% of the treatment group did. In another study14 funded by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), published in 2008, animals treated with quercetin were challenged with a highly pathogenic H1N1 influenza virus. Again, the treatment group had significantly lower morbidity and mortality than the placebo group.
This is just a couple of studies showing Quercetin is an effective anti-viral. The article has a whole list of additional studies: Quercetin has been sold for years to help reduce allergy symptoms, so that may be a side benefit for some people as well.

GF - Really appreciate that info!