Brien Lundin: Why The Gold Market Looks Poised For Reversal

This week, we welcome back to the podcast Brien Lundin, publisher of Gold Newsletter and producer of the New Orleans Investment Conference (Nov 1-4, 2018). FYI: both Chris and I will be speaking there again this year.

Brien predicts that the brutal period for precious metals may soon be over. In fact, he now seeing a bullish alignment of factors he's seen before, which precursored a sharp move upwards in the prices of gold and silver:

The paper-gold market is divided by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission into four or five large groups. The big players are, on one side, the large speculators. On the other side the large commercials.

The large commercials historically have been the people involved in the market and the agricultural commodities -- a good example being the big farmers and farming cooperatives. In the metals industry typically it's the jewelers and people who use metals in their everyday business, so they have to hedge the price.

However, a lot of these people in the metals business have turned to the big bullion banks like JP Morgan, etc, to do their hedging for them. So now you have these big bullion banks on the commercial side, who also have proprietary trading desks. So the picture gets a little fuzzy. It gets a little murky in that the large commercials are not just the industry companies -- the groups that are involved in the business that need precious metals as a part of the fashioning of their products, etc -- but also these big, bullion banks that have trading desks.

On the other side, you have large speculators -- hedge funds, institutions and the like that get involved in trading the metals, basically just placing bets one way or the other.

What we find over time is that the large speculators typically get the direction of the market wrong. It's the commercials, whether because they're smarter or because they can manipulate the market to their wishes, are typically right on the direction of the market.

We've seen the large speculators, over time, get very long in which case the commercials dump shorts on the market and swamp the large speculators on that end of the market. Or we see the large speculators get much less long, or even short, and, at that point, the commercials come in, they buy, and they send the gold price up. When that happens, large speculators have to cover their shorts desperately. And when that happens, you see really steep, very aggressive moves upward in the precious metals, particularly gold and silver.

So you want to look at the extremes when the large speculators are historically long or when they're historically short -- which has happened very recently. Today we see the large speculators, for the first time since 2001, have actually gone net short. And that's important because in 2001, the last time this happened, we saw the gold market turn around and embark on a multi-year bull run that made absolute fortunes for people who were positioned not only in the metals, but in the right mining stocks.

I can tell you that, during that period, there were companies that we recommended in Gold Newsletter that went up four, five, ten, even twenty and more times in value. It was just an incredible time to make money. And, if past form holds true, we may be seeing the market turning toward that kind of a long run once again.

Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Brien Lundin (44m:40s).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

We’re about to announce a free webinar we’re producing next week, which will include Brien Lundin as one of the featured speakers.
I just want to give credit where credit is due. Brien came on our podcast last August and made the reputation-risking prediction that the gold market was poised for an upturn after spending many years in the doldrums, and that it was a particularly good time to increase exposure to the gold mining companies.
With the benefit of hindsight, it was a very accurate call.
Looking at GDX, the ‘major’ miner ETF, it pretty much bounced off its bottom right as Brien made his prediction and has been in an uptrend ever since, having risen by ~ 50%: