Bunkers 'R' Not Us: Correcting Boston Magazine’s Take on This Movement

Brush it off, Chris. Slander and attack is the lot of those who take a stand, follow the truth and their heart, but all that is of no consequence - it will not hurt you or your work. Time will show what is what. Here’s my response letter to the editor of Boston Magazine:

Regarding Boston Magazine article “The End is Near” by Pagan Kennedy, published online June 24 2010:


I cannot understand how Boston Magazine came to the conclusion that Chris Martenson’s motives are personal financial gain and that his service is designed to destroy confidence in the status quo, promote doomsday thinking and encourage survivalism.

On the contrary, he is clarifying an understanding that people everywhere are increasingly sensing is the reality:  that the old economic model and human ecology is no longer relevant or positive, and that a bright new paradigm is rising, including a better economy and a higher quality of life.  He suggests how to get there gracefully and, in case the road there is rocky, how to stand on our own feet and help our society. 

I would call his motives and service a sincere concern for humanity and the Earth, basic common-sense risk management, intelligence and vision for positive outcome through positive, cooperative action at the grassroots and government levels. 

If this article was meant to be objective, why didn’t it mention the recognized limits we are exceeding in all aspects of our life support  -  especially manageable debt, natural resources  and fossil energy -  which the establishment is ignoring or not addressing adequately in favor of maintaining the status quo? 

Why didn’t the article mention the abuses of the fiat monetary system and apparent attendant manipulation of the markets through distorted government data to create false confidence? 

Why didn’t it mention that at the recent G20 meeting the majority of countries chose to bail out of the Fed’s bailout strategy, in consonance with Martenson’s objective assessment, or that Martenson recently presented his big picture assessment on invitation to government leaders at the UK House of Commons?  

Why did the article not state that Martenson’s assessment of the significance of Peak Oil on our way of life is shared by prominent oil geologists, economists and the DOE’s own risk assessment efforts in the 2005 Hirsch report, apparently shelved to maintain “confidence” in the status quo? 

In publishing this article did Boston Magazine consider that America might indeed be going down the wrong path, that we may be caught unawares and that this could be tragic?   And that the primary reason for this is ignorance due to the failure of the press in its sacred role to make the truth available to the people.  Is Boston Magazine on the status quo and ignorance bandwagon? 

What a disappointment!  This article distorts the truth and slanders a truthful person and servant of humanity.

Beautifully written. I don’t need to read the article to know that this critique of Pagan Kennedy’s standard MSM dribble is spot on.

Eah gads!! Sometimes you can tell a book by its cover.



I think my big issue with her article is that she cannot have possibly watched the Crash Course and written that. That is just plain irresponsible.

And yet, THIS woman is a visiting writer in non-fiction at Dartmouth? Wow.


[/quote]+1. My take exactly - and believe me I told her so much via an email. The 3E’s are CM’s DNA. Leaving that “little tidbit” out is like leaving BP out of who created the spill.

Bernanke taught at Princeton. Summers went to an ran Harvard. Dartmouth means nothing, all these fine universities seem to be perfectly capable of hiring morons.

Well, at least The Pagan got a good picture of your chicken. It appears that she (the chicken) pumps out lots of good eggs!Laughing

LOL and +1!!!

I think mainecooncat’s psycho-analysis is so spot-on, it’s like listening to Hannibal Lecter (no offense intended, MCC)!

I had the same impression of her from the picture as well - as soon as I saw that, I knew exactly where she was coming from.  Although I do hate to be so judgemental, sometimes it’s just way too freakin’ obvious. Chris, I would have run the other way as soon as I saw her!



And producing them =)
(…not to say some very intelligent people don’t come from there as well)

Dr. Martenson,

Thanks for the words. After giving it a day to think over, this kind of writing is going to come across as lazy and incongruous with the materal presented. It’s akin to some idiot shouting “Sure the emporer has clothes, just look!” while pointing a pompous finger at a naked emporer, head held high.

All truth truly passes through the 3 phases, and this is just a sure sign of progress.

Cheers to all,


[quote=Aaron Moyer]

(…not to say some very intelligent people don’t come from there as well)


[/quote]I know several. Each and everyone of them has common sense in addition to brilliance that got them in the school. Every moron with lots of book smarts I read about or know have 0 common sense. Leaving out the Crash Course, which is Chris’s genetic make up is definitive proof Pagan is not a journalist and probably will never be one. I like her style of writing and I’m certain she can crank out some creative fiction. But when it comes to journalism the word utter and absolute moron comes to mind.

Chris, as someone who has written for Boston Magazine (it’s not the Boston Globe Magazine, by the way, it’s an entirely different publication) I suggest you let this go. This is standard slick magazine journalsm.  The last article I wrote for BM (obviously, my name here is not my byline) was about one of the US’s richest men, who happened to be a lovely human being, a philanthropist, and someone who changed my life simply by letting me interview him.
The editor accepted my draft as submitted, but wanted me to go back and ask him how he felt when his 8-year-old daughter was killed by a motorist while riding her bike. I refused. I’m sure you don’t need me to explain why.  I never got another assignment from that editor.

Negativity is what sells. That’s the fault of the audience, not the publication. They’re just responding, trying to make a living.

Step back a bit, put your ego on hold for a while, and you’ll see that the article says more about the writer and her world view than about you and your motives. Think like a politician and you’ll realize the wisdom of the saying, “Say whatever you want about me, as long as you spell my name right.”

Readers will be intrigued by what they read about you. Some will seek out your work. None will stay away because they’re turned off by the fact that you get paid for some of what you do.

This article will not hurt you, unless you let it.

2000 posts and the most sensational statements she can make are:
Now I want to see what Martenson’s brethren say about firearms. On his website, I click through various forums and a “definitive firearms” thread, which contains more than 2,000 comments, plus instructions for building a home arsenal. “I dread the day that I might need to defend my family and friends with a gun. But, I realize that is a very real possibility,” a member writes in one forum. Another comments that once enough people get desperate, “it might be too late to avoid some blood in the streets.”

I found that to be very telling of the CM community’s altruistic nature.

If this were any other forum community discussing firearms and preparations the posts she’d read would have led her to peg us all as Ruby Waco.

The DFT is a valuable part of the CM community.

In publishing this article did Boston Magazine consider that America might indeed be going down the wrong path, that we may be caught unawares and that this could be tragic?   And that the primary reason for this is ignorance due to the failure of the press in its sacred role to make the truth available to the people.  Is Boston Magazine on the status quo and ignorance bandwagon? 

What a disappointment!  This article distorts the truth and slanders a truthful person and servant of humanity.[/quote]

+10!  Well said, solarphil!

Boston Magazine, refered to as BM in several post on this thread.  I got a good laugh from that.
BM was the code word my wife and I used for a certain bodily function while potty training our children.




The ethics of newsgathering has been a point of contention for reporters for years.  “Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible,” Janet Malcolm wrote in The Journalist and the Murderer, an ethics study rated as one of the Top 100 works of non-fiction in the 20th century, “He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people’s vanity, ignorance or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse.”


...the propaganda model of journalism.  One that is marked by reporter’s dependence on officials for “information subsidies” and a fear of reprisal for reporting unkind information.


The Fourth Estate or the Fourth Stooge? Mainstream press react to ...

I'm sure Pagan Kennedy already had preconceived notions of CM - a fringe survivalist, gun-toting, anti-government, end-of-days, gold-hoarding movement. These narrow views may be selectively drawn from some of the threads in the discussion forum, but in no way do they appear in the central message of the CM Crash Course, something Pagan evidently overlooked in her zeal to put out a titillating article. She took advantage of a real concern that CM has for this country and the world and twisted it into a loony tune bunker mentality. And so one would have to conclude that CM's best interests, as well as that of the American public and the world, were not best served. 



Dear Chris,
I wrote a brief post yesterday to let you know that I, too, have sent my 2 cents in to Boston Magazine.  Can’t find it on the blogs here on CM.com, so I am reposting.  Mostly I just want to echo what others have said.  And also to say, to BM… what a shame that they missed an opportunity to produce an important piece of journalism and to make a contribution to our world, the sort of contribution you have been knocking yourself out to bring to public awareness. 

from my letter:

"I rushed to read the Chris Martenson article in the July issue of Boston Magazine, and I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that Chris Martenson’s ideas aren’t reported with the gravity and substance they deserve. Your writer doesn’t even mention Chris’s core premise about how the three E’s (energy, economy, environment)are linked in an unsustainable way. Chris’s ideas are wonderfully accessible to average people, his website is visited every day by serious thinkers and he has received growing recognition around the world for his ability to explain complicated economic theory and to address audiences composed of average folks, serious academics, and professional investors. He has been invited to speak all over the country and most recently in the UK and in Norway. He’s made himself and his urgent message available to anyone who is willing to listen and learn. He is a person of integrity who works tirelessly to promote ideas that he realizes we all need to understand. I am just awfully dismayed to see him and his family misrepresented and private information revealed in such a careless and flimsy article. And what a disappointment that an opportunity to educate your readers has been missed. "

Well said, thank you for sharing that first post.

I was recently slammed and name-called elsewhere when trying to promote awareness of economic and energy issues, but I just let it go - because I realized it was not about me - it was about them.


Hi Dr. M,

I’m surprised 2X.  I didn’t think the article was THAT bad… actually it didn’t fall TOO FAR BELOW my expectations. But, those are pretty low these days, especially for anything “mainstream.”

I’m also very surprised by this community. I didn’t find myself gettting all up in arms until I started reading many of the comments. Upon reflection, my outlook is very different living in Alabama. We are rarely treated as well as you, but we’ve come to accept it.

I remember last year when I found out from Janet Incompetano that I am a right wing extremist. (… those that are former military, oppose abortion or attend church regularly are more likely to be…) I had NEVER thought of myself that way.  Most of my coworkers found out about the same time. We talked alot about it and supported eachother thru it. Now we’ve come to terms with the labeling and can even joke about it. But we do not have an important message that we are trying to share with the world.

While I jest about coping mechanisms, my best suggestion is to continue doing what you are doing. Your message is clear from your website and your works, and I think it is important. You might take a few lessons from this, though. Resist any overture that might detract from or distract your message (like the shooing range). Be clear about what photographic editing you will allow. Maintain final approval rights. etc.

Most of all, don’t stop your mission because of one misleading article. After all, the author might be truly incompetent, totally biased/stereotyping, or THEY might have kidnapped her small child and forced her to do it!!!

Well I admire the high road some take. I’m not putting my hoofs on that path.
I myself have a major issue with the press not doing it’s job. IMO it is why we are where we are today. This charge card that our elected morons and the “Fed” toss around so they can get re-elected and God knows what from lobbyist- the bill for their reprehensible spending comes to us, and our kids, and our kid’s children. If people had a financial clue they’d put a stop to this insanity. Bailing out criminals for criminal fraudulent loan making - that is what the bailout was, and it wasn’t 700 billion it was north of 10 trillion with an additional hook for another 10+/-.

And where is the press on that? Covering some small time moron like Madoff, that is where. 

I’m totally convinced that she didn’t watch the Crash Course, which literally is the DNA that makes up Chris. It is what Chris lives for, lives by and promotes. She missed it. She didn’t even hit the side of the barn. She shot the other way.

If she watched it and printed that then I’d have to use the M word to describe my thoughts.

I emailed her and flat out told her she is a talented writer but should stick to fiction, she has no business as a journalist, she should find a different career. And I’m not being mean - that is just the reality of the situation. Jeremy Grantham and the billionaire who sent me CM’s link and the ex-Governor who chimed in on CM’s work wouldn’t recommend some bunker loon.

The press has lost it’s pedigree and I am thankful for fine blogs and virtual communities like this.


In regard to Wikipedia, isn’t this particular issue somewhat newsworthy?
Surely there must be a seasoned writer lurking in our midst who has the way-with-all to write a little something into an inordinately squeaky-clean Wikipedia past history?

Here, let me give a helping hand …

Pagan Kennedy’ Wikipedia page

…taking into account a piece of script at the bottom of it:-


This article about a fiction writer from the United States is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. 


Before you take the bull by the horns however, have a watch through John pilger discussing what real journalism is about, from an old-school perspective …

~ VF ~

“Martenson’s average client is a type-A male who has watched Crash Course and fears losing his savings in a blink.”
Hey, I resemble that remark!Wink

People, I know it’s tempting to want to go out and trash Pagan’s Wikipedia page, but if she gets attacked too much, her next article will be “How those Crazy Chris Cultists Stalked Me Online” or some such nonsense. Let her be. She’s not worth it.  

Personally, I don’t think the article is nearly as bad as some think. I found it quite readable and could bring me to check into what Chris is talking about. I think that almost any publicity is good ( some better than others admittedly), but this one comes down on the plus side as far as I’m concerned. I posted the following on the Boston Magazine site (or at least asked to have it posted)

I have been a follower of Chris for several years now and have developed the highest of respect for him and his message - especially his "Crash Course"
While the article may not entirely capture Chris' story and position as accurately as one could hope for, I find it acceptably done and will, I hope, encourage more people to look deeper. I don't think any article will really capture what is going on here anyway.
I strongly encourage any readers of the article to take the time and go to the source at www.PeakProsperity.com to find out what may be the most important information you will ever learn.
I have been a follower of Chris for several years now and have developed the highest of respect for him and his message - especially his "Crash Course" While the article may not entirely capture Chris' story and position as accurately as one could hope for, I find it acceptably done and will, I hope, encourage more people to look deeper. I don't think any article will really capture what is going on here anyway.I strongly encourage any readers of the article to take the time and go to the source at www.PeakProsperity.com to find out what may be the most important information you will ever learn.

