Bunkers 'R' Not Us: Correcting Boston Magazine’s Take on This Movement

Well, I am quite humbled and uplifted by the many thoughtful, careful and sometimes impassioned responses to this article.  I will admit to being initially dismayed by the lost opportunity to tell the story right, and by a bit of disappointment that the author had been unable to professionally shelve her own biases and beliefs in the interest of capturing the true essence of the material at hand (which we offered up generously and on a silver platter).
No matter, what’s done is done and I, more than most, am in a position to appreciate the lack of clarity that being in “stage one” affords the normal person.  The author is not the member of some special tribe of gatekeepers, she’s just another person who has to struggle with the enormous emotional implications of this material.  No higher, no lower, no better, no worse.  Just like us, in other words.

I can (not so fondly) recall my earliest states of mind as I wrestled with this material.   I think that everybody here who is at “stage II” and beyond would do well to remember the early days, myself included.

I need to also place a very strong request here to not bombard, harass or otherwise try to “teach Pagan a lesson” by email, Facebook, MySpace, or Wiki, or any other way.   There’s nothing to gain there, and something to lose.

All in all, I’ve taken to heart the idea that any press is good press.  I’m closer to adopting the politician’s credo of, “Write anything you want about me, just be sure to spell my name right!

As far as Boston Magazine is concerned, I presume this is all a hit.  The End is Near Inc is now at the top of the Most Popular list on their web stats for the past 24 hours measure as well as the past 7 days measure.  Traffic is as traffic does, to quote Forrest Gump.

Do I lament a lost opportunity to get our core message and information out there? You bet.  Is this an unmitigated disaster?  No, there are positives and negatives and time will reveal the balance between the two. 

So, have a great weekend and thank you to everybody who contributed to the conversation, your words are still reverberating in our ears, hearts and minds. 

More later…

Hi Steph,

That isn’t my reasoning toward Pagan Kennedy’ Wikipedia page. There would be value in updating the account, as it appears to be outdated, based on present events. Simply put, if Wikipedia isn’t drawn upon soon, I will personally put it to task.

There is a president at stake here, and it is one that has been proven to lack honour. It is obvious to anyone that has read her article that she hadn’t taken the time to watch the Crash Course, let alone digest so much as a tiny amount of its subtle nuance.

I’d very much like Pagan Kennedy to become a “Patsy” Kennedy. Yet, my intention isn’t a public castration, she’s achieved that for herself in this community. I would simply like to draw upon her stupendous ignorance, and use it against her as a weapon.

I am fully tired of reading posts from people who appear super glued to their seats in front of their computers. I’ve read all of your worthy posts and don’t consider you one of those however.

Why not read Pagan’ book The Dangerous Joy of Dr. Sex and Other True Stories on line as I have yesterday, so as to acclimatize yourself to the kind of trite cr*p that is considered to be readworthy enough to give opportunity to write a hatchet job on Dr Martenson’ work in a mainstream magazine?

I would have given my high teeth, and without anaesthetic, to have been given the opportunity to spend several days in Chris’s company, so as to write a valuable article for mainstream review. You can be certain that even though the message I would have written would have been brave to many circles, it would at least have been worthy of payment. After all, I’ve done my homework forward and backward, and can walk the walk and talk the talk.

I also advise anyone wanting to comprehend the level at which Pagan has stooped, to watch the 43 minute John Pilger film at <a href=/comment/82369#comment-82369" rel=“nofollow”>post #96 of this thread, so as to fully realise what journalism isn’t, and what journalism is …

With the greatest of respect to you Chris … 

~ VF ~

Once again, Chris Martenson provided a great service to the people, the thinking and caring ones anyway, in revealing the true nature of the national media: distorters of reality, transmitters of false signals, imagineers of the hallucinated future.  The media continues to promote the myth of America being the “richest and most powerful nation on Earth” while deflecting any serious attention and discussion about the $13.1 TRILLION dollar national debt,  Unending Global War, resource depletion, militarization of police, environmental poisoning, destruction of the middle class, and the rising tide of discontent and anger around the planet.   The Banksters, with the full cooperation of the media, are leading a misdirected and blinded public to a point of crisis - an artificial crisis of their own creation - in order to take possession and full title to the collateral:  the people, their wages and their personal properties.  This tragedy recently occured in Argentina, but the media will never reveal it to educate the Americans about the dangers ahead. 
All Americans will receive their “financial restructuring” from Banksters with no recourse, except those wise enough to consider the advice of people like Chris Martenson: get out of debt, liquidate Wall Street paper and use the proceeds to invest in yourself, your family and neighbors, become a producer rather than a simple media-obediant consumer.

Thanks yet again Chris, and do not be too concerned about potential damage to your effort by this media assassination piece.  They remain exposed for what they are: propagandists and servants to our would-be oppressors and feudal lords.  The truth is getting out.  Let’s keep going!!! 



















(duplicate post removed, apologies)




Here’s an email I just received.  For the record, I truly think that the best approach here, and always, is to be as clean and clear as we can be.  That is, keeping our emotions out is important.

I am happy to provide this opportunity for Boston Magazine to get their views and clarifications expressed with precision and clarity.    The distinctions they draw between the role of the author and the Magazine are important towards understanding how things work and who does what.  I am always grateful for the opportunity to learn more.


As you know, the story about you in the current issue of Boston magazine has generated a lot of feedback on the magazine’s website, bostonmagazine.com. And while we normally take a hands-off approach to reader comments, I’ve noticed a couple of recurring ideas amid those remarks that I want to address, especially as they pertain to the author of the piece, Pagan Kennedy. Pagan was not responsible for the article’s headline or the subheadline, and any criticism of her over either is misplaced. Same goes for the photo illustration that opened the story. The concept, tone and execution of a story’s artwork are determined by a team of editors and designers here at Boston after a writer has completed his or her work. I have no problem with readers critiquing Boston magazine. In fact, we encourage people to share their thoughts on this or any other story we publish. However, I think it’s unfair for a writer to be disparaged for something for which she wasn’t responsible, and I would appreciate it if you could post this message on your website or faithfully relay its contents to visitors there.

Andrew Putz
Boston Magazine

The response of Boston Magazine, I think, indicates that they perhaps bit off more than they could chew when it came to their collective and sloppy misrepresentation of Chris Martenson, his work, and his followers. I would imagine that with most cases of poor journalism there isn’t enough of a constituency, so to speak, to generate a well-deserved backlash – but in this case there was. Good goin’, gang!
But to the point here, and I won’t belabor it any more than I have to.

The part of the article that Pagan wasn’t evidently responsible for – headlines, graphic layout, etc. – stunk and was misrepresentative to the point of dishonest. So whoever is responsible for it deserves whatever disparaging remarks their unprofessional work generated.

And when it comes to the parts of the article that Pagan was responsible for – the writing and tone of the article – she also deserves whatever disparaging remarks her lousy work generated.

Please don’t cry us a politically correct river BM and try and flip the tables so that you’re the party who’s been mistreated. If anyone here has been disparaged it’s CM who honestly and sincerely let you into his life and work.

Thanks for that informative post. I’m a Boston Magazine subscriber and now realize that it is ALL about selling magazines, not informing the public. Ms. Kennedy’s reportage plus BM’s editorial policy combine to produce…well, the stuff that goes into hot dogs when they aren’t all beef, 100% kosher. I’m sure that your message  is being more fruitfully disseminated here and elsewhere. Good luck in Northampton; I’m afraid seven hour RT is too much for me tomorrow and I’m already in the loop. I did email several folks there about it.