Can Our Leaders Get Things Right In Time To Prevent A Market Rout?

Originally published at: Can Our Leaders Get Things Right In Time To Prevent A Market Rout? – Peak Prosperity

Things are just getting weirder and weirder o the financial and economic landscape. Can they hold it all together iu

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Can you post the screenshot of that WikiLeaks paragraph about manipulation via the paper market?

There’s an old rule about journalism: “If the newspaper’s headline is phrased as a question, the answer is always ‘No.’” :joy:


So much “loss of faith” of everything. It’s a strange time but I’m grateful to have my eyes wide open. It’s going to be interesting to see how things progress with people realizing that things are not what they thought, losing faith in those pillars that are made of sand. I’ve been listing first to FLCCC, then political dissidents and now listening to financial advice. Trying to catch up to truth and how to prepare for this new reality. Thank you for the interesting dialogue.


See paragraph # 4


Very informative as always, though I think Paul mentioned it could take many years to recover the losses from inventing at this peak, comparing it other bear markets in the past, but this may be the highest peak ever in the US stock market in my opinion.

I’ve heard the argument from Rozencwajg that if we adopted the latest nuclear reactor technology (not even fussion) it would raise civilization to new levels because electricity would be so cheap we could do all kinds of silly things with it in terms of forms of energy conversions. I don’t even have a superficial understanding of such technology but I’m pretty confident that’s a fantasy (what about poor ores, topsoil depletion or pollution?). Otherwise, I love the stuff Rozencwajg puts out.

I guess you don’t remember one of the first claims about nuclear power in the 50’s and 60’s was that “electricity would be too cheap to meter.”

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I know. In “Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet” -free textbook- Tom Murphy goes into that.

Apparently the technology is better know, but how much better?

My financial situation is pretty boring, but i volunteer to be a case study if anyone is interested. As knowledgeable as i am in some areas, I am more than uninformed when it comes to finances. I never knew where to start. I came from the family raised in the depression that didnt use credit etc as described. Im so happy to have been connected with Paul. On a different note, are kids free to attend the summit with a parent? Id love to bring my “old soul” 12 yr old daughter.

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