CDC Ignored MMR-Autism Link; FBI Releases Photos of Crooks' Gun and IEDs

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Children’s Health Defense (CHD) commemorated the 10th anniversary of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s disclosure regarding the MMR vaccine and autism. Dr. Thompson alleged that significant data was omitted from a 2004 Pediatrics journal article, indicating an increased autism risk for African American males vaccinated before 36 months. Despite his complaints to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Research Integrity and an appeal to Congress, no corrective action was taken, and the CDC continues to recommend the MMR vaccine for young children. CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker reviewed the CDC’s data, reporting a 152% increased autism risk for children vaccinated before age three and a 286% increased risk for African American boys. CHD CEO Mary Holland criticized the CDC’s decade-long silence, calling for public awareness and accountability.


A 2018 Harvard study published in Joule found that wind turbines cause local increases in surface temperatures, particularly in Minnesota. Wind turbines, especially those between 100 and 150 meters tall, mix air from higher altitudes down to the surface, causing temperature increases of up to 0.8 degrees Celsius in some areas. This warming effect is most pronounced at night and is localized around the wind farms. The study notes that all energy sources, including wind, have environmental impacts. It compares the immediate, localized warming effects of wind turbines with the long-term, global benefits of reducing carbon emissions. The findings suggest that the warming caused by wind turbines in Minnesota would exceed the potential reduction in global warming from eliminating the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Center of the American Experiment advocates for repealing Minnesota’s ban on new nuclear power plants and promoting hydroelectric power and carbon capture technologies as alternative solutions for reducing carbon emissions without causing local warming.

Scientists at the University of California at Davis and the Innovative Genomics Institute are conducting an experiment to genetically modify the microbiome in cow stomachs to reduce methane emissions, a significant contributor to global warming. The project, involving a $30 million investment, aims to transform the gut of cows to eliminate methane production. Researchers plan to use gene editing tools, such as CRISPR, to engineer microbes in the cow’s stomach. This approach could potentially eliminate the world’s largest human-made source of methane. Current methods to reduce methane emissions, like adding seaweed to cow diets, are impractical for the majority of free-ranging cattle. Instead, scientists envision a probiotic pill given to calves at birth, creating a permanent change in their microbiome. The project, funded for seven years, aims to have a trial treatment ready for testing in cows within two years.


The US Treasury Department is actively working to lower long-term interest rates by shifting debt issuance to short-term Treasury bills (T-bills) and buying back older long-term bonds. This strategy aims to reduce long-term yields, impacting corporate bonds and mortgages. The increased issuance of T-bills, which started in mid-2023, has alleviated pressure on the 10-year yield, which had peaked at nearly 5%. Concurrently, the buyback program, initiated in April, has contributed to a nearly 100 basis point drop in the 10-year yield. This approach, however, is costly in the short term as T-bills yield over 5%, higher than the 10-year yield. The long-term goal is to avoid locking in high interest rates on the growing national debt, though the primary objective appears to be stimulating the economy by lowering long-term rates, which are more influential than short-term rates. The shift to T-bills has been substantial, with outstanding T-bills increasing by $2 trillion from March 2023 to March 2024.


The FBI has released new details and photos regarding Thomas Matthew Crooks’ alleged assassination attempt on former President Trump during a July 13 campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Crooks, a 20-year-old gunman with no clear political ideology, had reportedly planned the attack, focusing on Trump’s rally after it was announced in early July. On the day of the rally, Crooks registered to attend and searched for information on the event’s logistics, including the distance from the stage to the audience and historical assassination details. He was seen near the rally perimeter and later climbed onto the roof of a nearby building, where he stayed for about six minutes before being neutralized by authorities. The FBI also revealed that Crooks flew a drone before the rally, likely to assess security measures. Despite extensive investigation, the FBI has not determined a definitive motive for Crooks’ actions or identified any co-conspirators.

Thomas More Society attorneys have filed a lawsuit challenging the inclusion of Missouri’s proposed Amendment 3 on the November ballot. The amendment, known as the “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative,” aims to establish a broad “fundamental right to reproductive freedom” in the state constitution. The lawsuit argues that the initiative petition was improperly certified by Missouri Secretary of State John Ashcroft, violating state laws and the Missouri Constitution by failing to specify which existing laws and constitutional provisions it would repeal. The proposed amendment’s broad and undefined scope could potentially nullify numerous state regulations related to reproductive health, including laws on abortion, cloning, IVF for stem cell research, and gender transition surgeries. The plaintiffs seek to reverse the certification of Amendment 3 and remove it from the ballot, arguing that the initiative process did not comply with state election laws designed to protect voters.


CDC Whistleblower’s MMR Vaccine-Autism Link: A Decade of Silence and Controversy

“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics.”

Source | Submitted by AaronMcKeon

Harvard Study: Wind Turbines Could Heat Minnesota More Than Emissions Reductions Cool It

“The climatic impacts differ in (at least) two important dimensions. First, the direct climatic impact of wind power is immediate but would disappear if the turbines were removed, while the climatic benefits of reducing emissions grows with the cumulative reduction in emissions and persists for millennia. Second, the direct climatic impacts of wind power are predominantly local to the wind farm region, while the benefits of reduced emissions are global.”

Source | Submitted by Barbara

Gene-Edited Cows: The New Frontier in Combating Climate Change

“Let’s solve it for all cows, not just a fraction of the cows.”

Source | Submitted by Barbara

From Crime to Common Practice: How Fraud Dominates the Housing Market

From Crime to Common Practice: How Fraud Dominates the Housing Market

Source | Submitted by Barbara

Treasury’s Bold Bet: T-Bill Issuance and Bond Buybacks to Tame Long-Term Yields

The US Treasury Department has been doing two major things to aggressively push down long-term yields on US government debt, and thereby long-term interest rates in the economy, such as for corporate bonds and mortgages.

Source | Submitted by rhollenb

Missouri’s Proposed Amendment 3 Faces Legal Challenge Over Alleged Constitutional Violations

“The petition proposing Amendment 3 violated both state law and the Missouri Constitution, so the Secretary of State was wrong to certify it.”

Source | Submitted by Walberga

FBI Releases Photos of Weapons and Explosives in Trump Assassination Attempt

The FBI on Wednesday provided additional details about would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ activity before and during the July 13 campaign rally that left one man dead.

Source | Submitted by joe tenaglia


I’m fairly new to this site and have been searching for how to get to discussion and comment threads, particularly related to the attempted assassination of DJT. With this FBI photo release of the rifle used by Crooks, I remember that recently it was reported that shot 9 was from a local LEO on the ground, striking the butt of the rifle and at the very least incapacitating Crooks from shrapnel. Then shot 10, reported to be from a SS counter-sniper on a building roof south of the AGR complex, was likely the “kill” shot. My question is, why doesn’t the rifle purported by the FBI to be Crooks’ rifle show some disfiguration from being hit by shot 9. The photo looked like a stock photo of that particular AR not “the” rifle used by Crooks.


I thought it had been reasonably established now that gene therapies don’t stay where you put them - why then do “scientists” think that the gene splicing pill will stay in the poor cow’s gut bacteria?
I’m expecting an unexplained spike in stomach cancers in the affected cows.

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The biggest thread w.r.t to the attempted assassination is “Audio Analysis is Most Consistent with Two Shooters at Trump Rally”. It’s the Energizer Bunny of comment threads. There are a couple of other ones with a lot of info too.

In general you can look at the “community” dropdown and check “trending conversations”.

Thank you. I’ll get in the habit to go there when I login.

If you click on “Citizens Investigation” in the sidebar, it will take you to all the trump-shooting content.

Please note that only content that is public will be displayed unless you are a Peak Insider or Key Supporter.