Censored Again!

Opportunity To Build Parallel Structures

I’d like to suggest that you post what would have been the public presentation on the other platforms that would allow it like Odysee and Rumble as you usually would. They are parallel structures and it seems to me they will grow best if we feed them. They have their weaknesses but also strengths, the prime strength being that they will share what YouTube censors!


Youtube Censorship

I’m pretty sure it was the uk data they didn’t like. That is what struck me, suggests a period of increased danger following vaccination (21 day timepoint listed), but if you cross that hurdle you are relatively safe again.
No normie who took the vax and thinks it saved them from their mild covid (ie current strain) wants to believe they are making a dangerous choice for themselves or their grandchildren. They are old and fully locked into their narrative. It is sad.


The Bit That Got Us Censored

In case anyone is wondering (and assuming that YouTube actually yanked this video for medical misinformation) here’s the relevant bit:
I can’t see anything that counts as misinformation in there.


Enemy Action

I just don’t see a way out of this that doesn’t descend into a civil war or other terrible conflict. Reminds me of the ending of the Mark Whalburg movie - Shooter. “You can’t always clean up the streets with a gun. Even if that is exactly what’s needed.”


You do excellent work, Chris Martenson. I have followed you since mid-2008 and became an enrolled member in January 2009. I know of people who view your videos but have not signed up with PP. All of them speak highly of the site. Your track record is superb.


Fauchi is nothing more than a murderous criminal. And, he works for the biggest crime families in America.


Thank you. Thank you both.


Safety First!

YouTube made the right choice here. Several weeks ago I died of a massive ivermectin overdose. If not for my Irish genes and the close proximity of a fifth of Jameson to revitalize me, I would not be able to comment here today.
Remember kids, if any of these internet charlatans offer you the devils anti parasitic, just say “Neeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy.”


You’re most welcome. And thank you.

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I too have been following Chris since 08/09. He, along with a couple others I follow inspired me to completely change directions and earn a BA in Emergency and Disaster Management and follow the preparedness mindset, since.
Thanks for being you, Chris.


Badge Of Honour

Chris you could do what Bret & Heather Do which is tell your folks tuning in on Youtube to go over to Odesse and give them a link

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The Censorship Train Is Back On The Tracks

You’re the second Screwtuber I follow who went to screwtube jail this week. Seems they have again decided to silence the truth. Guess they ran out of distractions so back to censorship we go.


We can’t post anything for a week. All we can do is post comments on old videos and alter their descriptions to try and alert people…


Bull’s Eye!

This must mean you are right over the target!


You are one of my most important sources of information I feel that I can trust!~


Humorous Twitter “censoring”

The worst thing to a wokester is being shunned. So they come up with all sorts of amusing ways to try and get under the skin of people such as myself.
The shadowbanning is both rampant and obvious on Twitter. I have followers stripped off with great regularity. I am held under big round numbers (like 100K followers) for weeks on end.
But this one makes me laugh. Watch the “like” counters carefully as I go about liking people’s responses to a comment/thread of mine.
Oh no! LOL
The purpose of “like stripping” I assume is to make people who comment on my threads feel like they don’t get any love or engagement on them?


Never Beg! Laugh In Their Face!

With today’s tech, we all better move fast to stand our ground! If the truth is censored, then an onslaught of truth is EXACTLY what must happen! An insane amount of truth from every corner of the internet. Never beg for permission to be treated with dignity when speaking truth. It must hurt SO BAD they will recoil into the dark cesspool of scum from which they came from. Finger pointing must follow, expose them individually, they are scum, embarrass or sue every liar, every single one, one-by-one. That is how they fall, share the data!!


Badge Of Honor

Congratulations on a direct hit on the target, I for one will continue to follow and support your work for as long as I am able.
Best regards,


Keep Going!

I completely understand the frustration you’re having regarding these strikes. And I feel that most of the time this idea of hypernormalization is getting more and more the new normal in our lives (always aware of the idea of ‘what do I say and to whom do I say it?’). I just want to write a message and commend you for explaining your side of the story. I’ve listened to your video with Evie when it came out and I thought there was nothing wrong with it as well. Must mean (yet again) that you struck a very sensitive nerve.
That said, I think your point on ‘fighting the giant’ is at the same time a non-fight if you try to fight it on their terms, on their platform and with their means. I agree that accountability is long over-due, however, I feel that this is the case with many points of interest. Data-collection, privacy, and attention molding to name a few.
It reminds me of a reference one of the Google employees, Tristan Harris, makes when he talks about ethical design within their products. Here’s a video of a Ted Talk from him with firsthand experience: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day | Tristan Harris - YouTube
I’m glad to hear you’re still pushing out your videos on your website, I’ll continue to promote your platform and keep watching your content. Good luck and much love from the Netherlands!


Have you considered posting a 1-2 minute video on YT just to let folks know there’s behind the paywall “new stuff” or whatever? I listen to a couple of sites that announce on YT and then bypass to another site.