Censored Again!

LOL… OMG… Like Stripping. Who even thinks of this stuff. Clown world.


Not Sorry About The Ban

I hope YouTube continues to ban all the good creators. Maybe we’ll collectively wake up and walk off stage at the same time.
Centralized platforms beg for this kind of content filtering. Well meaning, or nefarious - doesn’t matter as it all ends up with the same outcome.


Let’s recall what the new German paper on antibody Ig type testing uncovered. The odd phenomenon of class switching toward production of IgG4 antibodies didn’t kick in until well after the second shot, and more heartily after the booster.

Here, we report that several months after the second vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies were increasingly composed of non-inflammatory IgG2 and particularly IgG4, which were further boosted by a third mRNA vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 variant breakthrough infections
If you get the mRNA transfection your normally operating immune system will be on a slow burn thanks to long-lived mRNA-based spike antigen. Do you think that is normal? The authors of this paper don't think so;
Since Fc-mediated effector functions are critical for antiviral immunity, the described class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes, which otherwise rarely occurs after vaccination or viral infection, may have consequences for the choice and timing of vaccination regimens using mRNA vaccines
There will be "consequences".

If it were not for the ivermectin, you would have had more severe dose of death.


We would love to, but we can’t upload to YT for at least 1 week at the moment.
We did add a comment to a few of the most recent videos to let all know though.

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Censorship has nothing to do with misinformation and has nothing to do with science. It has everything to do with authoritarianism.
These people who censor while pretending that we live in a free country absolutely sicken me.


Please Read This Chris

Dear Chris
I am a tech person and my specialty over the last 2 years has been backing up endangered YouTube and other channels, at least those I like. I fear very much for your channel and have backed up the publicly viewable part of it in its entirety. My backup is quite thorough - I backup descriptions, thumbnails, subtitles, auto-generated subtitles, basic metadata, even live chats. The only thing I don’t back up is comments, though I’m looking into it. I’ve devised an excellent way to organise everything. But I’m sure there are NUMEROUS unlisted/private videos on your channel which are not publicly listed. Your Odysee channel only backs up the publicly viewable part of your channel.
If you want I can show you how to back up everything and organise it for later reference. Same goes for your Vimeo channel. I’ve written up all the scripts. I can liaise with your tech team. It would be so tragic if we lost your entire channel including all the lesser known videos which even you’ve forgotten about.
Do you have a comprehensive backup archive of your own? A backup containing dates descriptions, thumbnails etc? I’ve looked through your past posts and noticed that there are many, many videos missing from posts which should contain embedded videos, though they may still be on YouTube. I can’t back these up if I don’t know their video ID’s.
Let me know
PS: Give YouTube a break and post on other platforms for a few weeks.


My girlfriend and I were just discussing this:
“ so it’s possible that people vulnerable to vaccine death were ‘harvested’ during shots 1 and 2 so that death goes back to baseline?”
Seems logical deaths follow this logic, the worrying part is the “mild” impact like possibly life-long compromised immunity. Won’t kill you (or at least not immediately) but makes you into a less energetic opponent and obediant medicine addict.
Time will tell but this nightmare is far from over.
Btw please get out of YT, it’s just toxic and we can’t change it. I understand there is a profit motive as it widens the net for more subscribers but it’s too much distraction and frustration for you. Let the community spread your message and if necessary to support you and Evie increase the subscriber fee to enable hosting the public videos yourself. Sharing a link to this and spread on all possible “contaminated” platforms by a crowd (maybe even a bot) to draw people in. Access to your videos should be maintained during these crazy times to enforce the remnant.
Anyways, your work is much appreciated, provides for some sense making and mental sanity on this side. A big thank you to you, I will support and endorse as long as I can.


But Important To Keep Speaking Out In Public

Just when things started to seem to be getting better, and the narrative was breaking, it seems it was just a lull before the storm. Maybe they were hesitating to see what would happen with Elon Musk, and now that is not happening, they are back to their old ways. There has been a recent pogrom on twitter with the likes of Jikkyleaks and Igor Chudov, who were getting away with being quite explicit for a while, and now youtube it seems. I hear the DHS recently stated that there was no need for the Ministry of Truth at this time, and I am wondering if this is because they have reached some new agreement with the big tech platforms to do their dirty work for them, and this is what we are now seeing?
There is no point trying to argue against the censorship rulings based on facts, data, and logic, because this is not what it is about, and you are just wasting your energy. The only way this will change is through legal action, a la Alex Berenson.
I am also disturbed that you are retreating behind the paywall, and are becoming a bit paranoid about googlebots etc, as this is exactly what they want, It is a form of self-censorship, which precludes discovery by new people.
Remember what Mattias Desmet says about the importance of continuing to keep speaking out in public to avoid the worse of the atrocities happening…


Anti Renaissance

Who would have thought that there would be some kind of anti Renaissance. Back to the Middle Ages? How can a group of people have so much power to bring that about?


That is exactly what I was thinking.
We are undergoing de-evolution.

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There is no such thing as an uncensored public platform to speak out on if we keep using anything bigtech related. Once they decide to hammer down on you, your eliminated from the “public”. I strongly recommend deplatform yourself before they deplatform you. The agenda is far from complete.
Trouble is any platform eventually becomes like this. Power corrupts, absolute power… well you know.


Great idea Shox, maybe we can crowdfund your actions for PP! Add me in!
I’ve been suggesting a better structure to the website in general so it can be used as a data driven scientific “reference” to current state of affairs regarding the topics most discussed with links to all underlying data/publications. One should be free to explore but it is also necessary to provide the current state of affairs towards i.e. magic juice injuries, “not so safe and hardly effective”, reasons for inflation, global energy situation etc concise and summarized. The current site is great as a news channel, a daily pulse if you like but not so much a curated data repository.

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Disinformation Governance Board Kaput…but Is It?

Well, according to ZH, "the Department of Homeland Security on Monday said it has concluded “there is no need for a Disinformation Governance Board.” 
Of course there’s no need for the Board…I suspect they have contracted with social media to do it for them. Public/private partnership has become a way for government to achieve what it can’t by itself.
Lots of government $$ out there for a consortium of national labs, universities and private entities to achieve, for example, quantum science and computing or advanced manufacturing to include nano-science.


Hey Terminator! I think we had an exchange under another blog post about China.
I am also a little ambivalent about the structure of this website. My issue is similar to yours. Stuff is kind all over the place. It is not organized in a simple, pyramidal type of scheme. When you go a Wikipedia page, there is the information itself, then invaluable links to similar information embedded within the article. When you go to Youtube, you have tabs and playlists. They’re both so simple and intuitive. And I love when there are links on the side to very similar posts/videos/bits of information. It makes learning seamless.
But right now, the PP Youtube channel itself is in danger. I REALLY NEED THE PEAK PROSPERITY TEAM TO TAKE HEED OF WHAT I’M SAYING, and back all videos which are hosted on platforms run by censorious leftist types. This would be Youtube and Vimeo. I can help do that. IT’S ALL I’VE BEEN DOING FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS. The backups need to include descriptions, thumbnails and other metadata in order that the videos can preserve their context too. Take a look at snapshots of my backup…


Your Getting A Little ‘spicy’ Chris.

My favourite comment was, how they managed to turn around a vaccine so quickly early 2020, but are struggling to make a variant inoculation two years on. That was good I laughed hard. Love you brother.


Local Accountability

Each of these organizations that are contributing to the destruction of our civilization have common features that are often forgotten if you think of them as a corporate blob. While YT, CDC, NIH, etc. are leviathans, they are also made up of individual people with identities, and corporate headquarters with with addresses. There are people who make these decisions, and people who execute the decisions. Some are “useful idiots” and some are true believers.
Identify these malefactors in your local area so that when some form of accountability emerges on the other side of the catastrophe - they may be held to account by the citizens. Perhaps there will be tribunals - perhaps other local forms of accountability - but either will require evidence so that these people can get the lawful process and justice they deserve.
Just something to do while waiting for 1/3 of the population to succumb to vaccine injuries or the war to start.


We appreciate your courage, humor, and grace under fire, Dr. Chris.
I wonder how any thoughtful person could, in good conscience, spend their life working for one of the tech overlords.
Is that how they want to be remembered when they’re gone? (“I wish I had shadow-banned more people, and un-clicked more likes!!!” – said no one ever on their deathbed.) :slight_smile: What a meaningless life they are living.
Censoring and controlling people, instead of respecting and loving them. Such a sad waste of their God-given talents and abilities.
Thanks again, Chris. You (and many in the PP tribe) are an inspiration and encouragement.


Indeed. This is not a “natural” way forward. I can not imagine how much force and therefor power it takes to push back humanity 5 centuries.
By the way, talking about “Imagine”… I heard that song on Spotify a few days ago… “Imagine no pocession… It isn’t hard to do”. Well, for me it is ?.

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Youtube Censorship

You finished Strong. We are all sooo sick of this irrational and unfair behavior !!
One thing this does is opens up opportunity for competition. However, we get there, Billionaire with a moral compass, crowd funding, fundraising; there must be a way for old fashioned ingenuity and courage. (and/or paying for a few representatives, lol) You are carrying the torch for us Chris. Thank you.