Censored Again!

It Does Matter Whether Our Tormentors Are Incompetent Or Intentionally Evil/destructive

You’ve been saying it doesn’t matter because we get to the same results. I see your point in a limited way but it’s more important IMHO to correctly identify malice where it exists. A person who is incompetent and making mistakes that hurt others will sometimes learn from their mistakes and change course. They will often do good things that help. More rarely, an incompetent person may apologize for causing harm and/or be replaced by voters or superiors. A person motivated by destructive evil does not change course. They double down and triple down and quadruple down. I’ve heard you using that phrase to describe some actors’ behavior. A sociopath never authentically apologizes for causing harm because they don’t care about the suffering of others, and in fact enjoy it. A sociopath may occasionally offer an insincere apology merely as a tactic to get (or to do) what they want, or in hopes of not being punished or removed from a position of power. Sociopaths cannot ever be persuaded to stop their evil-doing; they can only be stopped by physically stopping them (prison or killing them in self defense) or by removing them from the position they have which they use to hurt others (typically removing them from office or terminating their employment or banning them from a location legally). And as long as the sociopath lives, they will return to their evil ways wherever they are.
The intentionally evil/ destructive people are much easier to predict than the incompetent person who is not nearly as consistent in screwing things up and hurting people. This by itself is the most valuable reason for accepting the presence of evil people and correctly identifying us. Channeling Jesus, “The incompetent you will always have with you. Focus on removing the evil sociopaths.” And if we are not currently in a position to remove the sociopaths, we can at least predict what they’ll do next and prepare for it.


They Are Eating Their Own

It could be worse, you could be labeled a “Xi Propagandist” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10980715/Covid-leaked-AMERICAN-lab-claims-professor-Jeffrey-Sachs.html

i suggest you read mattias desmet’s " the psychology of totalitarianism" he answers your question very simply. the enlightenment carried the seeds of its own destruction.

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Sorry Chris. It is so frustrating. It makes me so angry. I can’t stand the absence of reason and logic. Fork Tailed Fauci can say that the vaccines prevented him from having a serious run with the disease or even death, but when it comes to vaccine injuries the answer is “there is no proof” The problem is it works. I hear people repeating this garbage. “It stops you from getting really sick”. Or “thank God I was vaccinated”. Blind minions.
That’s one of the reasons I like and follow you Chris. You use reason, logic. Easy to follow reasoning, big picture thinking with long term and short term results. Keep up the good fight. Your information is valuable, YOU are valuable, your efforts are amazing. Your energy story is like nothing I have heard. It’s the sludge that fills in all the gaps of all the pieces. F YouTube let’s create MeSquare


Here’s yet another humorous tactic of Twitter.
In this short video, I demonstrate that we can clearly see that Andrew Preti has replied to my Tweet AND that someone has made a comment on their comment.
Yet when I try to see that comment I am first warned about it, and then after clicking through despite the risks to my feelings there’s … no comment there.
This happens to me a lot. Anybody else?
So add “comment stripping” to Twitter’s bag o’ tricks!


Just showing up to local meeting and clapping, or sitting with arms crossed, looking disapprovingly has a significant effect.


Another Suggestion

Once you can post on YT again, just post a generic posting with a non-offensive catchy title. The posting would summary the subjects you cover and just just redirect people who want to know more to whatever new platform you use.

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Midterms Coming

Remember the crush of censorship and deplatforming that started a few months before the 2020 elections? We should not be surprised to see another round as the midterm elections approach. Especially if the polls are right.


I’m going to have to agree here as well. I think it very much matters if it’s incompetence or in intent. .
If have an idiot that by incompetence pops a hole in the boat vs a sabotager intentionally poking a hole in the boat…
It’s true I have to deal with the leak either way…
However with the idiot I can deal with the hole 1st… With a sabotager I can’t because while I’m patching the hole they are going to punch more holes in the boat or destroy the engine or steer us into the the rocks. Soon this case the 1st I need to do is identify the sabotager and throw them overboard … seems likes sabotager tome COVID lockdowns mandatory vaccines dr loses licenses pilot losing job money printing inflation gas Ukraine nitrogen restrictions farming frozen bank accounts boosters jabbing kids censored media… If we had identified sabotagers right at COVID iand threw them overboard it didn’t have to be this way… if we don’t do it now what’s the next hole nukes digital currency digital passports etc…


I can think of nothing more interesting to do with this video and the one below than tweet them and see what happens!


Remember the video of Fauci getting his left arm injected with what was allegedly a covid vaccine and his media appearance the next day claiming his arm was a bit sore as he rubbed his right arm? Perhaps it was IVM, HCQ, NAC, Vitamin D, Fluvoxamine and/or one of many other treatments that saved him from severe disease.
But then again, we have his Paxlovid rebound, so perhaps it’s something else.


Hello Rumble?

Hey Chris - why not move the videos to Rumble.com where there doesn’t appear to be any censorship?

Cognitive Dissonance

if this is “enemy action”, which has been stated here frequently then it is important to identify who the enemy is. if there is an enemy then there i am not sure we can say " these are not bad people.
if we are at war and you stick your head up out of the fox hole and get shot i think it naive to express dismay. if it is enemy action then all discussion of “incompetence or stupidity” needs to cease. as thc said there is a difference between intention and accident even if the outcome be the same. with accident then a corrective can be employed to prevent it from happening again and to rectify the situation.
my position is pretty clear and has been for almost 60 years. this is a war. there is enemy action. the objective of the enemy is clear as a bell. it is nothing less than total world domination. there is no ambiguity in their intent. their very own words and deeds have spelled it out.
one can go as far back as the round table group in london (though it goes firther back than that. history tells us of many empires, such as the aztecs, greeks , romans, mongols, etc etc. world domination is not a new concept. the only things that have changed are the concept of “world” and the tactics and tools.
the people who are the enemy have survived and actually thrived through wars, revolution, pandemics, famines etc. they are few but are organized and have the resources. they control all the global markets, all the resources, all the media and through that control the narrative. we are the many but have few resources, we are unorganized, even here that fact is apparent. in other words this is an assymetric war.
google owns youtube. google was created out of the u.s. intelligence community. if you are playing on their court you will play by their rules or you won’t play. the wef is the outward face of the enemy. the plan has been clearly spelled out. reduce population, make the remaining population serfs, and rule the entire planet. their blueprint of control is china.
many including mattias desmet think they are doomed to fail. why? well because they have always failed. hmmm is that true? if they are in control of everything then perhaps they have already succeeded.
one key component , perhaps THE key component , to their power is the fact that they are able to create currency out of thin air. they have given themselves the license to do so. they have passed legal tender laws which compel people to use it. how many of the plebes are aware of cbdc’s? how many here? not many. how many know the implications of cbdc’s? not many. in a matter of months they will have near total compliance with cbdc’s simply by doling out a ubi. close to 45 million are already getting “food stamps” . homeless in san francisco are getting 3 meals a day.
as demonstrated by the trucker protest in canada not much will be accomplisehed by protests. what did the arab spring accomplish? really considering the u.s. , what did the amerikaan revolution accomplish?
wars, revolutions and protests have not removed them from control. the only mechanism which will take back control is to take away “their” ability to create currency out of thin air. the u.s. constitution was an attempt to do such and it ended in epic failure dec. 22 1913.
one can prep all one wants and i have for over 50 years, but if they decide to take everything you own they will.
this is enemy action, not stupidity or incompetence.
are they “bad” people? you decide if the enemy who wants to do you harm is bad.


Long winded rant (you left no stone unturned) but I stand with you Joe.

Class action lawsuit?

Chris Maybe Try Another Public Forum - Odysee Or Rumble

Hi Chris,
I’m a paying member but it would be nice if you still had some public content, maybe on an alternate platform. I think what you say is too important for it to be hidden. Hopefully at some point we get a mass migration from censored platforms to uncensored ones, as the quality of content declines on the “youtubes” and people walk away to something better.

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Deborah Birx’s “silent Invasion”: A Guide To Destroying America From Within

The glowing response from Chinese state media should come as no surprise, however, because every sentence of Birx’s book reads like it was written by the CCP itself. Chapter 1 opens with what she claims was her first impression of the virus.
Indeed, as recounted in Snake Oil, that BBC article, which was posted at approximately 9:00 AM EST on January 3, 2020, was the first in a western news organization to discuss the outbreak of a new virus in Wuhan. Apparently, Birx was scanning British news headlines just as it appeared. What are the odds!
Birx wastes no time in telling us where she got her philosophy of disease mitigation, recalling how she immediately thought Chinese citizens “knew what had worked” against SARS-1: Masks and distancing. …
But in researching this topic for over two years, few things have made my hair stand on end more than the clues Birx gives about the man who did appoint her to her role. This man, who will be the subject of my next deep dive, is a little-known, clean-cut, Mandarin-fluent intelligence operative who arguably played a greater role than even Fauci or Birx in bringing China’s totalitarian virus response to the United States, acting as a direct liaison between Chinese scientists and the White House on key items of pseudoscience including asymptomatic spread, universal masking, and remdesivir: Matthew Pottinger.

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Censored Again

You were censored for refusing not to be who you are–Chris Martenson. Your very existence is an existential threat to the powers that be. All of them.
Speaking Truth to Corruption since [pick the year].


Thanks For The Heads Up

Should have checked here first, but have been checking your channel every day for new content. Usually watch there first, then come here for the after party.
Sorry to hear about YouTube being YouTube, but as you say, that is why I subscribe, to keep your valuable insights coming.
Stay strong my friend!