Censored Again!

Science Doesn’t Work Any More

Every since the tobacco corporations started the “buy a corrupt scientist” program, we’ve had a problem with the ability to buy and “expert” who will say anything for enough money. If we don’t care about the method, it’s easy to design an experiment that will prove anything.
Remember, science never proves anything. It’s about designing clever research to DISPROVE your own pet theories. If nobody can question the experts’ assumptions then science is not happening. It’s all about the civil debate.


What’s Behind All Of This…

Thomas Malthus. It all makes sense now.

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No more honest lawyers to take those on anymore. Too busy defending sleazeballs.

Shutting down contrarians has been a problem in science for decades. The “big names” who never do research, just hire a stable of low paid post docs to do it for them do the “peer reviews”. Try to propose a study contrary to the theory the big guy founded - sorry his peer review says not worth funding. Try to publish a finding that obviously disproves one of his (and it is primarily he) less rigorous studies and the peer reviews say not good enough for this journal or my lab couldn’t duplicate.
The comment that progress is made over dead bodies of last generations’ experts is often true. People whose reputation depends on NOT being contradicted are going to undermine the naysayers at every turn.
What we learn from this is to follow the data, not get stuck in our own ideologies or be too tied to being right in things we thought last year. Harari says the most important driver of the renaissance was the idea that current thinking could be WRONG. I could be wrong, you could be wrong, we could be wrong. The world is so complex now that we are certainly wrong in some details, although probably not about the damage of Woke crap.


to be fair, Ford also said his workers should be able to afford the cars he made.
The agora never was fully open. Ask Socrates about the result of dissent.
I take Ford’s no colors philosophy to be a much more basic idea: you can have functionality or you can have bling. The US auto industry sells fancy fins and oversized engines. Model T’s just did the job as practically as possible. Hmm?

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Yes, get out of YT. We’re just legitimizing these Surveillance Capitalists by using their services. If we all leave they have nothing. Vimeo may not be perfect, but better than YT. How about PeerTube?

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No, actually I personally know another, a Ms. Zenaida Moya who has a weekly show here in Belize. She got into YT jail and FB jail in the same week, after she published the documented Vaxx Injuries just in this little country of Belize.
If I were Chris, I would wear “Banishment” as a Badge of Honor.
That’s exactly what I told Ms. Zenaida, when it happened to her.
“Wear it Proudly,” I said. She said she would.
Zenaida is a truly lovely lady and I’m so lucky to claim her as a friend, too.
As Bob Dylan once said,
"The Times, they are a’Changing.
All of us here are part of that.
Strap in, and try to enjoy the ride.
It may not be a smooth one.
– Chuck

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My plan is to firmly remain in the Control Group.


The Color Purple?

A Little Dark Humor

Trust it will not come to this. We’re more civilized now. We have technology.


I think it was Chris’ reporting on the European farmers uprising that the google-employed sensors objected to, as evidenced by the mainstream media black-out on the subject.
While Newsweek did manage to publish an ‘anti-vaccine-narrative’ piece last month, (search terms Dr. Makary, Newsweek), there is no mainstream reporting on the spreading of populist protests in Europe.
People have power. Individuals have power. Each of us has the power to do what is right. That’s scary to ‘the powers.’

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Just today I saw another doctor on Rumble talking about Pfizer’s animal trials. (I believe it was Pfizer, but might have been Moderna?)
It was a similar pattern of shot mortality as we are seeing in the current human data, but fewer shots in the series. A certain percentage of animals died in the first two to three shots. But the last group of animals, that had survived all the shots; died of antibody enhancement from a natural wild variant of what ever the antigen was of what they’d been mRNA vaccinated against.
I don’t remember if it had stated what type of infectious agent the shots had been used against. (Whether or not it had been a coronavirus, or what type of coronavirus it might have been?) That trial might not have actually been a coronavirus. But if it was not a coronavirus, than their data would have been skewed / invalid anyways. (Having used mismatched antigens as their study data for “coronavirus mRNA vaccine”.)
But maybe, here’s where Omicron comes in?
Because Omicron was so different than the original Alpha / Beta / Delta; and the reason the original one “died out” is because Omicron spread so much faster. I know there’s speculation that Omicron was another lab release. But if the reason Omicron was released, was to prevent the 4th generation of the original from circulating: (which according to the animal model data, would have killed all the rest of the vaccinated due to antibody enhancement)! That could have been why the mortality rate for booster #3 returned to “base line”. (They eliminated the infectious agent that would have caused mass death.)
Because if they intentionally stopped generation #4 of wild variant, as a means of preventing the deaths of (at least what they allege to be) some 4.5 billion people who’d gotten at least one shot. That might have been the reason if Omicron was an intentional release. Because half of the global population dying in the next wave of Covid would have certainly sent the entire planet into absolute chaos!
But just as they’ve fudged the Covid deaths data; I suspect they’ve fudged the numbers of “global vaccinated” too. Which is probably true because allegedly the nations with the highest numbers of vaccinated; are not the ones with the highest populations. (In addition to the fact that India was one of the first countries to stop their “vaccine” program.)
Back about 4 months ago, China was allegedly having another “Covid” outbreak. And at the time they commenced the lockdowns in Shanghai; there was a lot of speculation that this was something other than Covid. There were stories that it was a hemorrhaging fever of some sort and others speculated that these were politically motivated lock downs. These were hard lock downs and a lot of people starved to death before they died of what ever the infection was alleged to be.
Now if the real reason China went hard lock down, was because this was emerging generation #4 of Wuhan Covid and all the vaccinated were dying; the hard lockdown until (Omicron had made at least it’s first round) would make sense too.
Also though could raise other questions because I don’t think the majority “vaccine” the Chinese used was an mRNA one?
Other caveat to throw into the mix here too is “development” of an Omicron “vaccine”? The media has been fairly silent on that, as data is now starting to come out that “too many boosters might not be a good idea”!
So granted; only my speculation, but there might be some truth there; seeing how my speculation would explain some of the actions that have been taken since.

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Totally agree. Except the “self defence” part.

hadn’t considered that the homeless situation is also a practice run for something…

Changed My Subscription

Chris, after reading how Youtube has censored you again, I upgraded to VIP in response. What you do for those who listen is too important and too valuable to lose. I will do my part to help ensure you have a platform to keep disseminating the truth to the masses. There is too much at stake and so much to lose to the ego-maniacal, sociopaths who are referred to as “” leaders.“” Don’t change anything about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it, (to quote my former captain) “and I’ll back you through hell wearing gasoline pants.”


Hi Shox,
Yes, we did exchange thoughts on our mutual appreciation for China indeed :wink:
Having a backup of what Chris has shared over time with context is a good idea, Chris would have the original material and all he uploaded originally but to build it into comprehensive library sounds appealing to me. Hope Chris or his team responded.

I’m thinking about downgrading my subsription. Why pay for supporting google et al.? Youtube has no added value, it’s steeling my attention.

It is indeed time for me to read the book. I have ordered it just a few minutes ago.

Is It Just The Advertisers?

Are your YT videos monetized with advertising? I can’t tell because I pay for ad-free YT.
It could be that the advertisers oppose being associated with your content and thus YT has no choice but to censor in order to protect their income streams.
Everything that happens in this society is usually about money, so this seems like the simplest explanation. I wonder if you removed monetization from your public channel if YT would continue to monitor your content?

It Seems To Be Getting Worse

My Twitter account was just locked for this: “@AspiringOne @misscrisspdx503 @BostonGlobe Long covid is easily avoided with early treatment using the FLCCC protocol. AND they have effective protocols for long covid and vax injuries too.” 
It seems the censorship is getting worse. I’ve replied to tweets many times mentioning early treatment and providing the link to FLCCC’s website. Maybe daring to mention vax injuries was what got me this time.
Sorry you have to deal with this BS from YouTube, Chris. Don’t let the bastards get you down!?