Censored Again!

Google = Cia

in another post i said it is important to know your enemy. the following medium article gives a rather in depth view of what exactly google is and how it came to be. one item i found particularly interesting was the involvement of saic with the intelligence community . in light of recent events two of the major players in intelligence/plandemic ops are saic and pfizer. i think it would be great if chris would share what he knows as an insider what they are up to since he worked for both of them. he has not really said much about either and maybe that is because he has signed nda’s with them,
it would be cool to get some inside scoops on them both.

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i guess i should mention that google owns youtube for those who did not know.

Ons All Cause Mortality Table

Hi what is the ‘Ever Vaccinated’ category? It’s not a typo because there is an unvaccinated group? I’d like to refer to this table but want to know my way around it first.

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So sorry Chris. This is so frustrating and makes me extremely angry. Fork Tailed Fauci can say that vaccines reduce risk of hospitalization or severe illness, no evidence or proof. A matter of fact the opposite. If you say vaccines potentially cause injury, that answer is prove it. Unfortunately it works. I hear people repeat this all the time. “Thank God I got the vaccine”. Or if I wasn’t vaccinated it could have been worse. Blind minions. I can’t stand the absence of reason and logic.
That is one of the things I appreciate about you Chris. You reason and logic. Easy to follow. It makes sense. I appreciate you saying when you don’t know or understand something. You let us know when it’s your best guess or opinion.
I want to let you know that you are doing great work. Your research is valuable. YOU are valuable! Keep up the great work you have my support. I look forward to your videos each week. Thank you so much! P.S. - F YouTube let’s create MeSquare!


I’m not completely clear. I assume it means “the block of people who have ever received any vaccination, be that 1, 2 3, 4, of one type or any combination.”
If you find out, let us know?

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That’s always possible…but it would be even better if YT would bother to state exactly what their issue(s) is (were). They don’t tell you. They keep it 100% vague, and then there is literally nobody to call, nothing to do besides lob an 800 word or less defense over a blind wall.

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Yeah - there’s a pogrom afoot for sure…

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If misinformation was truly a ground for censoring something, CNN would have been shut down a long time ago.
This is not about misinformation, it is about moving to totalitarianism.


I don’t remember that but that is funny! I love when the BS is caught. Liars can’t keep track of all their lies.

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I am working closely with one such possible competitor. That’s Ben Swann’s efforts to build out a new platform called “Sovren”
It’s already up in beta version, Sovren.media, and I’ve got a placeholder channel there.
Should be fully functional by early September.
Full disclosure, I have both helped Ben raise a significant amount of funding and I am on the board. So I am not even slightly impartial.
It’s the first/only solution I’ve seen so far that directly confronts the big 3 weaknesses; (1) it’s not going to be on a Google or Apple app store, (2) it’s not going to use AWS infrastructure and (3) it’s going to be on and use the blockchain for all sort of purposes, not least of which is to skirt dependence on DNS for routing (address lookup and IP resolution).
Each of those three areas is a critical weakness of other platforms. As in “we can turn your lights out by flicking a switch.”
Plus I like Ben - he’s a committed truth-teller and firm non-believer in the two-party system.


It’s so true. My 8 year old told me yesterday Russia keeps bombing everyone and that’s why prices are going up. First of all he has no concept of prices nor does he care. Someone repeated what they heard on the news and told his kid and that kid told my kid. I told him that is incorrect. I said the federal reserve printed trillions of dollars (as I held up a dollar bill) and that is why prices are going up. Tell that to your friend! The agenda keeps getting pushed out there and majority have no clue. They just repeat it as talking points with no idea what they are saying.


Starve The Beast

I only use YouTube with an adblocker. Gave up cable tv 2 years ago, don’t miss it. Subscribe to those substacks and individual websites that provide info as close to factual as they can get.
YouTube, Facebook, Google make too much money doublethinking and propagandizing for totalitarian incompetents.
Take away their revenue and they collapse. Feed the beast and you’re its next meal. Even feminists and lesbians are learning this. The woke are mocking women and making them irrelevant. Men can get pregnant. Drag queens are wonderful expressions of freedom.

Germany is dangerously close to breaking the spell…they are openly now admitting officially that the vaccines cause serious AE issues in “1 in 5,000 people” which is vastly higher than the rate at which Omicrpon causes issues.
I will note that I think that “1 in 5,000” is quite optimistic and that Germany has in their health data clues pointing towards something closer to 1 in 200 or 1 in 300.
Once this insight penetrates the common mind and becomes common knowledge, then everything will turn on a dime.


I’m pretty sure that the intention is to continue with public content, on YouTube, at least until a good alternative is selected to completely replace it.

Yes, and another example of Germany’s slow but steady institutional awakening is how the Robert Koch institute is now at least admitting that the stunning infection map of Germany, which perfectly paints the old pre-unification East as having lower infection rates (which we know to be thanks to lower vax. rates) is, possibly affected by lower vax uptake. Described in this post by Eugyppius, the German substack blogger who first popularized the map;

The observed geographic differences in reported incidence may possibly be explained by regional differences in previous infection waves, in addition to differences in testing and vaccine uptake.

What a world we live in. The whole issue irritates me immensely. My belief that free speech is alive and well in America is totally destroyed when this shit goes down.
Acceptance, acceptance, take deep breaths and focus on the change that will happen as a result of no leadership at our various levels of government. It is not pretty but is is coming our way big time.
I have long since withdrawn my consent. On another note, California has a bill pending which will allow the state to charge people on wells for the consumption of their groundwater. The resource grab is picking up steam for sure.

I Got A Yt Slap On The Wrist This Week, Too

It’s official, they want us depressed and demoralized!
5-6 years ago I posted a few yoga videos on YT and they’re still up. I got an email telling me I had a violation and a slap on the wrist (but not a posting ban since it’s my first “offense”) for a link in a 3+ year old video…to a feel good human interest story website called Good News Network! Apparently this link was “harmful and dangerous” and they have to keep YouTube a safe space. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So there you have it. Feel good stories are harmful and dangerous to the YT agenda.

Simple Question

Chris, all things and past experiences considered, why do you still bother with YouTube ?

Dump Youtube!

Chris, Geesh–a Ph.D in pathology and former V.P. at Pfizer gets pinched by Youtube for spreading “medical disinformation”! Please dump Youtube entirely. I actually don’t trust anyone who is on Youtube to give me the fully straight story (or their fully truthful opinions). There’s always the potential for “self-censorship” so it’s not the platform that I favor if I’m interested in ferreting out the truth. Dump Youtube and elevate your credibility up a notch.

Censorship Pigs

Go Chris, Evie and your team, anything I can do from NZ let us know …cheers, steve