Censored Again!

Interesting map. But WHY do people from the old East have lower vaccine uptake. Perhaps they know about not trusting your Government - for your own safety. I’d like to know the age split in each colored region. Have their older folk declined vaccines at a much greater rate than older folk in the old West. Have their younger folk, with no experience of living under ‘authority’ been vaccinated at about the same rate as the youngsters in the West. That data could be quite interesting. The health decisions we all make today are influenced by our entire life experience, not just where life is at today. Lived experience of healthcare and the social determinants of health are a fascinating area.

No Surprises Here.

Chris, I am sure that none of us who follow you are at all surprised. In fact, the only surprise is that it hasn’t happened more often, given your commitment to speaking truth. I think that we here are all aware of YT’s bias and readiness to slam anyone who dares speak up against the official narrative. It’s appalling, but it’s also a joke (like FB “fact checkers”), for those who can see what sort of information is being scrubbed.
But yes, I fully support holding them accountable…


So frustrating to see this continuous shutting down of honest discussion. Youtube doesn’t worry about porn content thrown into Children’s programming. Ya if they wanted that gone, it would be - but they don’t care. They worry about people who use their brains having discussions that will lead to truths and then corruption exposed. . Little by little friends are sharing with friends that are becoming more open to hearing things that make sense. Hang in there. Thank you for all you share

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Very good point. So true. The woke perversions are OK but truthful medical inquire, oh no…

Feel Like I’m Back In Brazil…

I grew up in Rio in the 1970’s under the dictatorship of Ernesto Geisel. They regularly censored content that was deemed ‘inappropriate’. I feel like I’ve gone back in time. Never thought I’d see the day where Americans could not express their opinions.
Chris, there are other options to Youtube. MeWe will never censor you. Nor will Locals or Odysee. Isn’t it time to jump off that stinking Youtube platform?

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Chris, Maybe Youtube Is Offended By Your Sense Of Humor.

Chris, maybe YouTube is offended by your sense of humor.
“I’m not paid $453,000 a year to be familiar with this data like he is. I haven’t spent 50 years of my life pretending I’m good at this stuff. I’ve only spent the last two years pretending.”
I LOL’ed when I heard you say it. Does that make me a bad person? ?