Censorship, Gov Response and MSM support of Trafficking

Msm And The Dark Bus Principal

I loved Chris’ take on digging more into what the media is censoring and trying to hide. It reminded me of something we learned in running a control panel for nuclear power plants. The human eye is drawn to light in darkness. it’s easier to see a light turn on with a dark background, than it is to notice a light go out in the middle of many others.
We may not notice censorship at first in an open society, because at first it’s just one or two lights going out in the middle of a vast sea of lights. After the past few years, we’re becoming aware that our own lights have been turned off for whatever reason. The room is growing dim as of late. Then we see really bright flashing lights turn on. Billionaire missing on toy submarine, cocaine found at White House, Chinese spy balloon flys over U.S., another mass shooting in whatever new location….
You get the point. It’s all intentional to draw our attention away from the great harm that might occur if we were ever to look into what the perpetrators have been up to. They don’t want to face prison time for treason and/or sedition. Their reputations, carefully crafted over many press releases and meticulously removed “misinformation” and “disinformation” posts, might not hold up under closer inspection by the masses.
Thank you for reporting on those lights that are going out! Sometimes we notice them, but all too often we miss them unless someone draws our attention to them.


Five years ago, I would have scoffed at the idea of an international pedo ring run by the wealthy and powerful.
Now, I not only think that is possible, I even entertain the possibility of satanic forces involved in it all - and I am not even a Christian.
I mean - when the wealthy and powerful put up satanic figures all over the place then just the hell am I supposed to think.
The powers-that-be shattered their credibility with Covid 19. Now, people realize that they are being lied to and will entertain any theory that could explain what the hell is actually going on.


A couple weeks ago, I was listening to Steve Bannon interviewing one of the guys from Angel Studios. It’s an amazing story of overcoming suppression. When Disney goes after you, apparently they come with all guns blazing. Really hard for a small company to stand up against that. I love that not only did Angel Studios produce the movie and release it, but they’re killing the competition in theaters. It makes me so happy to see that the “silent majority” speaks with their viewing choices and wallets. There’s still hope for humanity if we keep fighting for what’s right.


As Walter Kern Said On Friday’s America This Week, “hug The Consensus Koala”


The Motion To Stay Has Been Denied!

Well, Judge Doherty made short work of that lame attempt to argue great government harm would result from preventing it from taking down Biden parody accounts and running interference for Hunter.
So good news!


That’s a great point.
And it’s straight out of the covid vaccination handbook. Shame and ostracization are the go-to tactics of ‘the left’ (<- handy term for the current incarnation of authoritarians/collectivists).
What they don’t realize - or perhaps they do - they will only further galvanize those who are sick and tired of, or immune to, such tactics.
Which makes those articles really just dog-whistles for their own faithful.
And, I have to say, I agree to some extent. Our side should be doing more preaching to the choir as well. It creates a bond and inspires and gives hope…


I was under the impression they think Trump is the saviour

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On a good note, the hatchet jobs don’t seem to be working. I’m going to PT 3 days a week to rehab a broken leg. This morning one of the other “regulars” who I’ve become friendly with was telling our PT about the movie and recommending he go see it. I made sure to ask her about where it’s playing, what she thought, etc. in the hopes that a longer conversation would spur more interest. Plus I really also wanted to know her opinions. I have zero idea about her politics but we’re in a very blue city that has a majority “minority” population. Not a place you’d expect a bunch of “Q-Anons”. She was obviously very moved by the film and found it important. But then again, what normal, rational person isn’t moved and horrified by child trafficking?


A little bit sideways on your comment, but what if our “elite” are just continuing from the Roman Empire? I happened to listen to this episode of UnHerd about the book “Pax” and couldn’t help but draw possible analogies to the weird shit that’s happening like the Epstein crowd and probably many other iterations. Of course, in the interview the author claims the behavior of the Roman elite is in contrast to the elite of today. But what if it’s never really ended? The speculation that Rome never really fell isn’t new.
Edited: For whatever reason, the link I posted starts where I left off watching, not for any specific purpose. Just adjust the time back to the beginning.

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The Peterson Interview #372. The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade with Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard…is excellent.
I listened to it on Spotify.
Lots of new information for me to sift through, though QAnon isn’t of much interest to me.
Interesting - is that Glenn Beck funded many of the investigations and busts, some are depicted in the movie. People of all walks of life are supporting these efforts.
Tony Robins, single largest donor and with dedication raises additional funds. Operation Underground Railroad.
This is very dangerous work, Spiritual Warfare.
Next up…Haiti.
May God Bless everyone fighting this evil.


Chris Hedges–journalists Abandoned Julian Assange And Slit Their Own Throats

“This is not just about Assange,” Matt continued. “This is about all of our futures, the future for our kids and our grandkids. The things we hold dear, democracy, freedom of speech, free press, they’re very, very fragile, much more fragile than we realize. That’s been exposed by Assange. If they get Assange, the levies will break. It’s not like they’re going to stop. That’s not how power works. They don’t pick off one person and say we’re going to hold off now. They’ll use those tools to go after anyone who wants to expose them.”


Along the shame and ostracization theme, dial back to early 2000s. I recall that TPTB shuddered at the idea of shaming terrorists for being backwards, beheading murderers. Oh, noooo!!! We must show respect for their religion and maybe weakly prod them to behave a wee bit better, but definitely we need to show that we respect and honor them
We didn’t have a chance. They saw our tiptoeing as weakness and it elevated their status in their world, doing wonders for terrorist recruitment.
Fast forward to today… suddenly shame is an awesome tool. pffft!

Imagine the horror Walt Disney would feel seeing his creation and namesake turned into a grooming operation and vehicle of greed and deception. Could he even imagine it?

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Censorship, Gov Response And Msm Support Of Trafficking

I simply LOVE both of you and your community. I find it refreshing to see that some people SEE what is going on and are NOT affraid of talking about it. It HAS to be talked about so more people start seeing.
Have a beautiful day and embrace life… no matter what. :o)