Censorship Is Out Of Control!

Oh and I forgot to mention, a subject of recent interest is the recruitment of assets by the intel community. They use a term called MICE:

  • Money
  • Ideology
  • Compromise
  • Ego
So while I wouldn't try to make the claim that everyone in one team (Blue/Red/Both) are all pedophiles, at the same time, if your Three Letter Agency could use MICE (and specifically, "C") to compromise leading political figures using techniques normally employed on political figures in enemy nations, you could get your budget approved each and every year without fail. For the Good of the Nation, of course. J.Edgar Hoover did this for 37 long years at FBI using his secret files he had on everyone. And he was gay. Or maybe just closer to 6 on the Kinsey Scale than he'd like to admit. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/edgar-hoover-sex-men-homosexual/story?id=14948447 And we imagine this use of compromise via pedophilia is not happening today because? Why, exactly? Especially given Epstein? And Pedo Island? And the Lolita Express? And how Epstein got off virtually scot free the first time around, along with an infinite list of co-conspirators? And him committing suicide in prison? With no prison guards charged for anything after his death? And all those pictures? That evidence trove that the FBI seized and has been since ... buried for reasons unknown? Yeah. So no compromise of our leadership. Nothing to see here. Both sides of the aisle vote for both Eternal War, and Pharma, and Defense/Industrial, almost without exception. AP are you really telling us this isn't happening? Its a very odd position for a part-time revolutionary to hold - covering for compromised elites engaged in such activity. You know, you are starting to sound an awful lot like Doug.

Such clarity and elegance in the use of words;

"I no longer trust those who clamor for “curated information”. It is dystopian."

In a national emergency, a health crisis where people have to work in concert with one another to prevent spread, someone has to decide whether we social distance and mask up. If it was left up to those who are getting paid for clicks on youtube, off the backs of people who don’t have a science background, death rates would be higher. Nobody would mask up or social distance.
That’s a fact not a ‘matter of opinion,’
Youtube videos leveraging off fundamentalist Christianity, to tar those who oppose Trump as vile monsters and pedophiles, are using post enlightenment ideas and all of the technology that science provides, to push a medieval agenda.
Nobody wants to go back to the witch hunts of the Middle Ages, spawned by post enlightenment technology, ironically. Do they? If not, the process of demonization which some of the alt right favors, through their religious beliefs, has to be tempered.
It is too bad Chris got caught up in the algorithm. The fact checking must be very difficult. Those leveraging off superstition, on Youtube, pop up like mushrooms. Hard to keep track, I imagine.
Dave Fairtex
You’ve peeled one layer of the onion. Keep peeling.

The subject line says it all. If someone is promoting the idea that either the democrat elite or republican "elite" are engaged in pedophile rings...that's atrocity propaganda....and it can...and has...promoted violence on a small scale already.
Evidence? Republican elitists ARE involved, and also have to be taken down. Some of this was exposed by Sen. John DeCamp of Nebraska a long time ago. As Q has been saying from the beginning, this is not about R vs D, this is about rooting out unacceptable evil.
Should false or unsubstantiated claims of pedophile torture, cannibalism etc.. be censored? Yes, because they obviously incite violence. As Penguin Will said, there are no clear cut answers here.
Who decides what is "false or unsubstantiated claims"? The "fact-checkers" (i.e. the MSM)?? Evidence for ANY such false claim ever having "obviously incited violence"? I'm pretty sure the only thing you will find is more lies from them (but show me). Don't you think that's just the cover story they tell you?
In an attempt to clean up misinformation, social media has cast too wide a net and there is collateral catch. They may be catering to big pharma, or they may just have a tough time keeping on top of it all.
If it were the other way around, and all those absurdly false claims they make about Trump were censored by the MSM and Big Tech, would you be trying to justify their actions saying that they have "cast too wide a net and there is collateral catch"? And do you seriously not realize that they will censor YOU too, eventually, if you so much as don't believe some aspect of their false narratives (such as autism possibly being caused by vaccines, a major bannable offense)?
If Chris is being deplatformed from Youtube, it may have to do with the Mother Jones article, in which case he should consider a defamation suit against Mother Jones.
So the actions of the censors are justified because some ideological fellow-travelers at some "news" outlet made up falsehoods about Chris? They're brazenly trying to "steal your democracy" and you're justifying their censorship of Chris and HCQ that resulted in who knows how many thousands of deaths... That's pretty incredible. You think it's not the result of extensive exposure to mind-control?
The film Plandemic was immediately deplatformed by Youtube and seeing as the misinformation contained within was interfering with the message that we have to mask up, that was a plus.
Wow. You really should have a closer look at the plague of corruption that Dr. Mikovits is exposing at the cost of her own well-being. But OK, what about all the others that were censored, all the doctors pushing HCQ and that "nobody has to die", getting censored as well? They tell you who the "enemy" is, then they censor that "enemy", and you cheer them on...
Because the film developed work arounds, online it has caused no end of cultural stress during an emergency situation. Now, does it mean that big Pharma is interfering with Google, Youtube? In this case, likely not.
What has caused more "stress", the suppression of HCQ and all the other effective cures and the resulting unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the restriction and erosion of humanity's freedom, or some supposedly wicked internet conspiracy theorists with alternate viewpoints? Your defense of these people is unconscionable.
It is too bad Chris got caught up in the algorithm. The fact checking must be very difficult. Those leveraging off superstition, on Youtube, pop up like mushrooms. Hard to keep track, I imagine.
WOW. He didn't get "caught up in the algorithm" by accident, it is deliberate censorship. It's incredible that you're defending the people peeling away your rights, your free speech/1A, keeping the pandemic alive by suppressing all cures, deploying mind-controlled NPCs to burn your cities, openly in-your-face trying to steal the election by censoring information that would destroy their candidate (info that should've been exposed a long time ago), censoring ALL info that is damaging to their false narrative... They're doing all that and you're defending them over us and justifying their crimes... Truly shocking.
And tbp, I would appreciate it if you ceased insulting me with subject lines, suggesting someone is controlling my mind. Fair enough?
You can choose to perceive it as an "insult", but it's simply an accurate description (this new title is even more accurate), with open questions for you to address if you wish to dispute my assessment. You're not addressing any of the points brought up, so should we take that as you confirming that, to you, it doesn't at all matter what the facts and evidence are, it only matters that the MSM and Big Tech (that single source of information that doesn't control your mind) says one thing or the other? Again, what are your thoughts about the MSM and Big Tech censoring the most relevant facts about Biden, such as his obvious dementia and inappropriate child touching videos that would've ended the career of anyone who isn't one of them (one of their cabal/criminal network)? Will you address the facts and arguments, or will you continue sticking to the superficial narrative those who don't REALLY control your mind are feeding you?
You've peeled one layer of the onion. Keep peeling.
My goodness. "Objection. Non-responsive." Again. I asked:
Yeah. So no compromise of our leadership. Nothing to see here. Both sides of the aisle vote for both Eternal War, and Pharma, and Defense/Industrial, almost without exception. AP are you really telling us this isn't happening? Its a very odd position for a part-time revolutionary to hold - covering for compromised elites engaged in such activity.
Epstein certainly corrupted somebody - probably a lot of somebodies - through pedophilia. He had an island. And a plane. And a whole lot of money. And some really amazing connections. Bill Clinton, for one. Bill Gates, for another. And here you are, asking for a world "curated for our protection." Calling those people out who are apparently worried about the pedophilia control axis that Epstein constructed (at whose bequest?) as committing an atrocity? They are somehow Nazis? Them??? And not Epstein??? If you are successful in suppressing this line of questioning, who wins? The elites corrupted and controlled via Epstein, of course. I'm pretty content with my onion-peeling to date. This "first" layer is good enough for me.

But you obviously trust somebody for information. Correct? You think there is some authority you can trust? Maybe its someone who aligns with your fundamentalist Christian beliefs…if you are fundamentalist. I have no idea if this is true, or not.
I do know a many people are of this ilk. Because government lies…and they do, (except for Donald Trump. He’s honest, apparently) alternative opinions coming from alternative right wing media, must be true and not agenda driven.
Once you’ve decided folks are satanic pedophiles you don’t have to give them a fair trial, or a fair anything. Fundamentalist Christians in America do not believe people have rights who are ‘taken by the devil’.
The end result is that they would trash the Constitution with joy, because…Satan.

Evidence for ANY such false claim ever having "obviously incited violence"?
Here's a sample: https://time.com/4591411/comet-ping-pong-shooter-complaint/ Do some reading about "Pizzagate". Freedom of speech means we're free to say the things we think, but where does it follow that anyone else is obliged to help us say them? I think this is relevant: Tristan Harris had a nice interview with Timothy Wu, author of The Attention Merchants, about the rise of ad-supported newspapers in the 1830s and how that played out over time, leading to a rash of fake news, a handful of wars and fascism, but in the end, to the journalistic standards that guided the industry for a few decades (don't report rumor, verify with two independent sources, etc).

No, I am not telling you that those specific things you mention aren’t happening. That’s why I made the comment that I did. You have peeled back one layer of the onion. Good for you.
And my comments about censorship involve targeting specific individuals or the elites of one specific party as being Satanic pedophiles, without evidence.
With Epstein there was plenty of evidence and the investigation into this dude and his ties to the Mossad and Israel need to be looked at, as well as all of the people he has the goods on. But that’s not going to happen because people in power are still protecting that information.
There is enough circumstantial evidence against the royal prince that assumptions of his involvement are fair. But, that doesn’t mean that the entire royal family are baby eating reptilians, which actually is a very popular theory out there right now. See how it ratchets up?

Evidence? Republican elitists ARE involved, and also have to be taken down. Some of this was exposed by Sen. John DeCamp of Nebraska a long time ago. As Q has been saying from the beginning, this is not about R vs D, this is about rooting out unacceptable evil.
The singular focus on elites being involved in Satanic pedophile worship, drinking the blood of infants is ridiculous…and takes focus off the real rings that are operating. I don’t know how many, how many people are involved, but then…neither do you.
Please, I am going to ask you politely, one more time, to quit referring to me as mind controlled. Okay?

I did look into Pizza gate. There’s nothing there. It’s a bunch of trumped up nonsense.

There is enough circumstantial evidence against the royal prince that assumptions of his involvement are fair. But, that doesn't mean that the entire royal family are baby eating reptilians, which actually is a very popular theory out there right now. See how it ratchets up?
Well I can't speak to baby eating reptilians one way or the other. Some of that Podesta-related art certainly does look pretty unpleasant. I didn't see any reptiles - or did I? I forget - but it was all really creepy. The people loosely connected to that group are definitely not a bunch of normal people. But I digress. Let's stick with the stuff that has some good circumstantial evidence to it. Its not just the Prince with Epstein. It's Clinton too. And by extension, all the Clintons. Bill, flying 28 times on that plane? And Gates? And presumably a bunch of others we don't know about yet. And of course Podestas are joined at the hip with the Clintons. Who are provably connected to Epstein. And I don't think its just the Mossad. I'm sure our very own Three Letter Agencies are up to their eyeballs in this op. No way they'd be left in the cold with this operation happening right in their own backyard. The better to control the people in charge of the budget. I mean - you're kidding right? The NSA that watches everything sent everywhere just pretends this stuff doesn't happen? To our own top people? Presumably to keep them in line. It really does explain a whole lot of what is going on. And maybe the emails from Hunter Biden's laptop will help shed some more light too. And maybe we can get a peek at Anthony Weiner's laptop while we're at it. And those emails from Hillary's server. NSA has a copy of those for sure.

I’m sure there’s a whole rats nest of well connected pedophiles in that one. And as far as letter agencies covering up for them, that’s likely true. Plus Epstein talked about, “Oh, we don’t have to worry about that judge. We own him.” I am sure it would horrify many who are only looking at the surface of this thing, what and who are involved. Who killed him? That would be a good start.
As far as Pizzagate and the artistic community in elite circles. It is purposely provocative to gain attention, as that is the only way to make money as an artist. Still lifes of peonies just won’t cut it anymore. You have to shock. And if you can shock in a dark way, all the better. It is sick and twisted.

@Yoxa Here's a sample: https://time.com/4591411/comet-ping-pong-shooter-complaint/ Do some reading about "Pizzagate". Freedom of speech means we're free to say the things we think, but where does it follow that anyone else is obliged to help us say them?
LOL, I'm very familiar with pizzagate. I don't think you are though. Read here for arguments for and against from posters on this site. I knew this one would be the one that would be brought up, it's the same one as always. Even if this wasn't a false flag, which is quite likely (it sure looked like that at the time due to the timing and Cui Bono), the shooter acted on his own accord, not because someone exposing the Podesta emails and speculating about Comet Ping Pong encouraged him to do it (like e.g. the MSM encourages race riots). Have you seen the posters and assorted "art" at that place? Watch Part 5 of Fall of the Cabal ("Children, Art & Pizza"): https://www.bit chute.com/video/aYfZqy5gWmE0/ And also Part 4 ("Child Lovers Everywhere"): https://www.bit chute.com/video/Xgsb9Jci8XSX/ [some bitchute links still sometimes censored by PP software, "censorship is out of control" indeed!] After watching that, do you still think there is nothing whatsoever that's suspicious about Comet Ping Pong or pizzagate as a whole? Feel free to reply to this specific addressing of the actual evidence, or you can "slither your way out" without addressing any actual facts and arguments like @agitating prop does.
@agitating prop No, I am not telling you that those specific things you mention aren't happening. That's why I made the comment that I did. You have peeled back one layer of the onion. Good for you.
OK so they're lying about all that... but they're honest brokers in their censorship efforts??? Why would you believe that?? Because they told you there's lots of "hate speech" and extremism out there that represents a problem? Yet they NEVER censor actual hateful speech if it's coming from their direction.
And my comments about censorship involve targeting specific individuals or the elites of one specific party as being Satanic pedophiles, without evidence.
There IS evidence, see above for some. Address the facts, don't keep repeating that there is no evidence, if you don't want to be perceived as being dishonest. And I told you, it's not just one party. Look up the name I gave you. Also research Kay Griggs for how this happens also in the military. How many of these are blackmailed pedophiles (that's how you effectively control someone, duh)?: Granted that some of them are clueless fools who believe the MSM lies and don't know that Biden is demented and can't contain himself from touching children highly inappropriately, and don't know anything about what's really going on. But some of these are part of the pedo blackmail network whose central figures (Epstein and Maxwell) have already been arrested due to overwhelming evidence (and some are corrupt in other ways). You don't want to believe it, fine, but ADDRESS THE ARGUMENTS or don't expect to not be labeled "mind-controlled". You've agreed that they're covering up critical facts (dementia, child-molestation, Hunter emails, and there's a very long etc) and are doing brazen election interference in favor of Biden, that already puts you well ahead of fully mind-controlled NPCs (e.g. Doug and mjtrac) in terms of breaking the spell and coming to realize that these people are not in the business of "news" and "safety" at all. What makes you believe their censorship efforts are honest and that their intention really is to curate information and prevent "hate" and "misinformation"?
With Epstein there was plenty of evidence and the investigation into this dude and his ties to the Mossad and Israel need to be looked at, as well as all of the people he has the goods on. But that's not going to happen because people in power are still protecting that information.
Exactly, and the people in power are the DS/DNC/MSM/SV. Are you imagining otherwise, that the people in power i.e. those who control the narrative, are somehow someone else?
There is enough circumstantial evidence against the royal prince that assumptions of his involvement are fair. But, that doesn't mean that the entire royal family are baby eating reptilians, which actually is a very popular theory out there right now. See how it ratchets up?
Very popular where? Straw-man much? Non-sequitur also. And do you realize that you might well get censored if saying only just that on social media sites? But you'd still defend them??

LOL Dave,
Now I am going to have that image stuck in my head all day. Bill Gates engaged in unsavory activity with a teenage girl. Ewww…The Clintons in similar circumstances are bad enough, but Gates? That is too creepy for prime time.

I noticed long ago, that on certain subjects/organizations, even some three letter people prefer to pretend they are not there.

Qanon grew out of Pizzagate. Here is more info. It’s important.

the shooter acted on his own accord,
Yup, he acted, because he believed something that wasn't factual. Which is exactly the point, and exactly the problem.
Why platform these people, TBP Qanon grew out of Pizzagate. Here is more info. It's important.
Q has led anons/researchers to evidence far beyond just pizzagate, and pizzagate is something we knew about much before Q came around. I knew about the pedo rings many, many years before either Q anon or pizzagate. Even before Obama. Look up John DeCamp and Kay Griggs, for starters. Oh and CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. Watch it.  
"Yup, he acted, because he believed something that wasn't factual. Which is exactly the point, and exactly the problem."
What problem?? You have ONE case. ONE. With zero deaths. And that's only if we assume it wasn't a false flag by them, to divert attention, which is quite likely. How could your point be weaker than that?  

You asked for some evidence, I gave you a sample. The guy’s violent actions were inspired by incorrect information.
On my planet, people taking the law into their own hands based on bad info is Not A Good Thing.

The QAnon conspiracy theory has been linked to several violent acts since 2018, with QAnon supporters arrested for threatening politicians, breaking into the residence of the Canadian prime minister, an armed standoff near the Hoover dam, a kidnapping plot and two kidnappings, and at least one murder