Censorship Is Out Of Control!

Whoa! I must have struck a nerve. I’m a Christian, I’ll gladly cop to that. But on the issue of trust, I lost most of that in late December of last year. The institutions I’d trusted for reliable information let me down, one after another. The deadly lies surrounding the suppression of information about life-saving treatment with HCQ
is what drove me to rethink all my prior easy comfortable positions. What is it you folks say? “Question Authority”? Well I did and I do. Why are you so threatened by that?

Question everything doesn’t mean blindly swallowing all the ‘answers’ you get back. So good, you figured out how Big Pharma distorts reality.
Now its time for you to figure out how ‘alternative media’ leverages your outrage against you. You too have peeled back one layer of the onion and have many layers left to go.

It seems to me, some object to others having different thoughts, different beliefs or questioning a narrative. I remember having a controversial columnist as a guest speaker, and was surprised at his bland almost meek attitudes; when questioned about the apparent contradiction he said he was paid to write controversy! that was his role, didn’t mean he had much attachment to any of the ideas. Now that stuff gets cancelled, censored, or erased from print and we are all poorer for the lack of intellectual exercise it engenders.

You’ve got this thing with onions, lol. Maybe time to peel back a few of your own!

I assume you oppose the actions of Antifa?

Chris, your righteous anger would be more impressive if you also referenced whose agenda Timcast & the New York Post serve, since neither of them share your supposed apolitical perspective. Your hard work since January devoted to alerting citizens to the dangers of Co19 was appreciated and the condemnation you encountered for it was undeserved and unjust. However, given you are now apparently defending the credibility of another Rupert Murdoch propaganda vehicle, none of which are known for their veracity or concern with journalistic integrity, I’m afraid your own credibility is going to take a hit from the non-cult members among us. Thanks for what you did on Covid. Can’t ride along with you on this one.

There are many, many other ways of making money as an artist as opposed to constructing the type of art that Podesta has, the Marina Abramovic spirit cooking art, etc. We have many artists in our small community. Some do well financially, some don’t. But none of them begin to approach creating anything as foul and despicable as these people do. You are right. It is twisted and sick. It goes beyond just trying to earn a living … way, way beyond.
Just like Skull and Bones goes way beyond a college fraternal organization, Bohemian Grove goes way beyond an adult summer camp for men of influence, Mother of Darkness chateau goes way beyond a European historical site, references to pizza and a host of other items in e-mails goes way beyond a simple craving for Italian fast food, etc. … way, way beyond.

“Fundamentalist Christians in America do not believe people have rights who are ‘taken by the devil’.”
Can you tell me where that is written as doctrine for fundamentalist Christians? I know hundreds of fundamentalist Christians from a number of different churches and I’m unaware of a single one who holds this belief. Also, the vast majority of them fully embrace and support the Constitution and have absolutely no interest in trashing it. They are, in fact, (with some exceptions, of course) some of the finest people I’ve ever met but I’ve also met fine atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, New Agers, etc. I think when you start painting a particular religious group with such a broad (and apparently uninformed) brush and singling them out for defamation, you do yourself and others a disservice.
You are a Canadian who would purport to understand the U.S. better than those living here and apparently a non-Christian (from the apparent disdain with which you refer to them) who understands their doctrines and positions better than they do? I’m not sure I can accept your propositions as being credible based upon those facts.

a Canadian who would purport to understand the U.S. better than those living here
Instead of rejecting an outside viewpoint, give thought to why some things look different from their perspective. A fish in the river has a certain view of the world, but nonetheless might have much to learn from someone on the shore.
I assume you oppose the actions of Antifa?
I don't know enough about Antifa to answer that. Who are they and what sorts of things have they done to evoke your question?

Wintergreen, whilst I think that there is a high probability that the Biden story is made up, the problem with this sort of censorship is that only a few people decide what is good and what is bad information. So I support Chris’s indignation but I wouldn’t get as angry as he did because censorship of all sorts has been going on for so long that one can become a bit numbed to any individual example, particularly as there is so much garbage out there and apparently intelligent people are often taken in.
Question everything.

Did you see any place where I said I rejected her view? I simply don’t value the view of someone seeing something secondhand to the same extent that I do someone living it firsthand.

Methinks thou art being a bit disingenuous here. But if you aren’t, they are black dressed masked up bad boys using both verbal and physical intimidation and violence, usually in mob form on the street, to allegedly fight fascism while hypocritically using techniques that are straight out of the fascist playbook. Hundreds of videos of their nefarious activities have been plastered all over the Internet, if you care to look.

Wow… we really have our share of distractions standing in the way of truth seeking today don’t we! For me, when I am trying to figure out what is true… I look for patterns. I interrogate many sources. For instance, in regard to the Biden laptop hard drive emails… we already have one of his ex-business partners who happens to be rotting in Fed. prison who has turned on Hunter and given the keys to his Google email account to a journalist.
Aside from that little bit of triangulation, and of course Joe’s bragging on video about this quid pro quo in Ukraine, now there’s this;
Biden Romania
Sorry but the PP.com server is not doing well with images tonight… here is the tweet describing Hunter’s work in Romania. Amazing how he always managed to find work in countries where dad was in charge of US policy! A friggin coincidence for sure.

Like a good novel, there are twists and turns. Do we really think Hunter is that dumb to leave a laptop with all that incriminating stuff on it? Maybe, but maybe not. Here is another tweet from Paul Sperry… this is the second source from which I have seen this theme sounded… the first being, well… let’s just say an anonymous intelligence source. For now let’s just call it a hint… but not well corroborated.
Here is a copy/paste of the tweet from Paul Sperry;

Paul Sperry
BREAKING: Senate looking into poss a spiteful Hunter Biden abandoned laptop to sabotage father's WH bid. Laptop dropped off days before Joe announced 4/2019. Damning photos+docs placed on desktop. Hunter griped used by Pop, forced into rehab,disrespected by Biden spox Bedingfield

As a purely technical matter - and here I’m a subject matter expert - each of the Biden Emails can easily be verified as authentic emails; that they were actually sent on the date specified in the Date: field, to the individuals specified in the To: line, with the subject specified in the Subject:, and the body as specified also, and that no item has been changed in any way since the message was created. This is done using the DKIM signature that is included in each modern email header.
Wikileaks explains (below) how this is done. It really isn’t difficult to do. There is even a python library that does the heavy lifting that dates back to 2008. It would take - maybe - 30 lines of code to suck in an entire email folder, check to see if each message passed the test, and print out any headers that did not.
Library: https://launchpad.net/dkimpy
Wikileaks explanation: https://www.wikileaks.org/DKIM-Verification.html
Wikileaks explains that emails with DKIM signatures are “non-repudiable”.
I found this with 3 minutes of searching on google (actually, startpage).
I could literally verify all the Biden Emails with about 30 minutes of coding time.
I could do this for any of the Podesta emails also.
The cryptography mechanism used to construct and test a DKIM signature is sha256; the same technology used to secure bitcoin. This is currently unbreakable. Claiming a message with a valid DKIM signature has been faked or altered is like claiming bitcoin simply doesn’t work. It is a higher level of proof than fingerprint or DNA evidence.
You imagine Giuliani didn’t get someone like me to go off and write these 30 lines of code?
I could write the code in 30 minutes. Probably less. I write python code all day long. At my dotcom-inflated rate of $150/hour, that’s a $75 task. I’d probably charge $150 because it would take that long to explain it all to the customer. [I actually suspect if I looked harder, I’d find a small python program to do this task too. Maybe even at wikileaks.]
Do we think that he skipped this step?
Here’s a partial DKIM signature from one of my own emails. You can see the header fields listed - which are “covered” by the non-repudiable sha256 digital signature, along with the message body.

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=info.sos.ca.gov; s=1900; i=@info.sos.ca.gov; h=Content-Transfer-Encoding: Content-Type:x-subscriber:X-Accountcode:List-Unsubscribe: Errors-To:MIME-Version:Message-ID:X-ReportingKey:Subject:Date:To: Reply-To:From;

You are claiming no knowledge of Antifa?
How transparently absurd. You support their actions, but don’t have the courage of your convictions to say so.

Gads… I hope I am not going to kick myself for this but I feel compelled to comment again on this topic. [Honey! I’m arguing on the internet again, but I promise to keep my blood pressure down this time. :p]
I have to state a couple of things. Just as you cannot be sued for telling the truth I don’t think you should be tried for it. Especially as it pertains to exposing illicit activities… Classified or not. Snowden? Assange? Turn them loose and give them a Medal of Freedom. Far too often ‘Top Secret’ has been used to hide illegal actions and it needs to stop. We need some muscular whistle blower protections with CIVILIAN OVERSITE. Hell, give those who expose this stuff $1 M USD apiece for helping the cause. Encourage exposure. 90% of top secret classifications are not warranted in my eyes. Stop allowing this to occur. Put a 5 year sunset on all of it!
Second, after watching the countless, breathless declarations of “The walls are closing in on him!” by these countless, brainless TV pundits I have to say I don’t think our media exists in any recognizable form as being useful to the republic. They are proving without doubt that they are biased, partisan, and simple minded. Break these monopolies up and limit their size. Maybe, just maybe, putting these people in a lower tax bracket and trimming their profile a bit might change their perspective on things. Maybe making the knowingly spreading of false information on national TV a level 1 felony would help clean things up a bit as well. (I’m looking at you John Brennan and James Clapper)
See the conundrum? I could go on for days going back and forth on what I feel are examples of too little freedom of information countered by too much. Especially too much FALSE information. Our system is full of these examples on both sides of this issue. If our political and economic systems were an engine we would have red and yellow lights going off all over the dashboard.
Want to know why? Because absolutists and idealogues #### things up. Inserting one size fits all to all situations is a recipe for disaster when dealing with fallible human beings. Freedom requires responsibility. And strict discipline, when the sense of duty fails to reign in bad behavior. Allowing the social media sites to form monopolies was a giant mistake. Allowing them to control national dialogue was a sin worthy of the 4th level of hell.
Hell with it. I could go on for hours and bore anyone reading this to tears. Bottom line is that this is a messy complex situation. It was caused by countless bad decisions, a lot of them motivated by greed and avarice. I don’t care what anyone says, cleaning it up will be a monumental task.

Someone just posted a Max Kaiser interview with Steven Keene who argues that the repressive governments had a better outcome with Covid. (Example…Thailand …China…Vietnam). His final argument is that the “libertarian” “Cowboy” model is no longer viable.
Back to the question of censorship. I suggest that the libertarian model in the US is broken due to censorship. We have a de facto Central Control System running this country. This is due to a media that is complicit with certain factions of government that have taken a back seat control of the system.
Had the libertarian model functioned properly, HCQ would have been instituted as a viral replication phase treatment saving hundreds of thousands of lives. So here we have a central command system (liberals plus MSM) with tremendous power, propagating false information about Medicine through the censorship of data and therefore responsible for the bad response to Covid.
I still choose freedom over living in Socialist or Communist society that relies on censorship. Yes Freedom is messy…but better than being welded into your house by the authorities.

This link is to an AP story. The AP is pretty liberal. The third paragraphs is interesting.
"For the first time in recent memory, the two social media platforms enforced rules against misinformation on a story from a mainstream media publication. The story in question, which has not been confirmed by other publications, cited unverified emails from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son that were reportedly discovered by President Donald Trump’s allies. "
The word ‘misinformation’ is an opinion not a fact. What exactly does Twitter or Facebook consider MISinformation?
Not just any mainstream media publication. The N.Y.Post is the oldest newspaper in America and was started by Alexander Hamilton. It also has the 4th largest circulations in America.
Other publications, for example Fox news and Fox business news, Have verified, 1 the laptop does belong to Hunter, 2 The data & meta-data (ie IPaddresses) are valid and consistent with real email servers. 3. The discoverer and now owner is a visually handicapped computer repair store owner in Delaware. How do you know he’s a Trump supporter? 4. The signature on the receipt for the computer has been verified as Hunter Biden’s by the FBI. 5 the FBI took possession of the original computer in September or October of 2019.
Need I read any further in the AP article after finding out so many misleading statements of fact in just 2 sentences?