Censorship Is Out Of Control!

Misinformation is, in a way, story that is too close to ones own biases to be seen for the agenda it is trying to fulfill.
Like AP is liberal while the NYPost is “old” and started by Alexander Hamilton, rather than right-wing leaning (excellent for lining the bottom of my birdcage, back in the day)
Leave Pepe out of it!

I thought this summed up the situation nicely;
Image files not processing correctly… here is what the tweet says;

Sohrab Ahmari
Tell me this doesn’t enrage you: Ayatollah Khamenei — the anti-American and anti-Semitic leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran — gets to tweet freely. The NYPost — America’s oldest continuously published newspaper, founded by Alexander Hamilton — is shut out of the platform.

subject says it all.

The implications of your comment is that all I need do is read the same story in the NY Post And in the Washington Post. one right leaning the other left. The problem with that is the media (especially the left imho) has no compunctions with flat out Lying. example? Adam Schiff told us every chance he got on CNN for two years that he had “Irrefutable Proof that Trump was colluding with Russia.” Yet the Mueller Investigation turned up zero proof, and Schiff certainly didn’t produce it during the impeachment investigation.
So without some sort of punishment for publishing falsehoods and lies the information we get is pretty much useless.

The US is not a “libertarian” or “cowboy” model, except by comparison to the most repressive regimes. We have tax codes and regulations among the most complex in the world. Even free speech is under attack.
So to what should we ascribe the mishandling of COVID-19 responses? In a mixed economy we can just as easily say it was the decisions by our government leaders. So the comparative outcomes become a debate of our leaders vs theirs.
The point is: we can’t and shouldn’t ascribe shortcomings in the US to the US being a free country. We aren’t free, we’re mixed, though more free than most; and that mix means we can’t assign blame to a pure free market.
Usually such attacks are meant to justify a push for further erosion of freedom. I’m not comfortable with that.


agitating prop You love that twitter deleted Trump? How did you feel when they allowed his supposed tax returns to be published? Since the IRS has a policy of NOT releasing an individual's taxes to the public those had to be obtained illegally. Is that ok with you too? Sounds like you're part of the problem, not the solution.

agit prop.

agitating prop

"Nobody would wear a mask." that's a fact, not a matter of opinion." Sounds like opinion to me. People who are undergoing Chemo for Cancer treatment wear masks all the time. They also socially distance, or try too. the 'fact' is, you're just stating an opinion.

First, thank you Penguin Will for bringing up how complex this issue is and for highlighting the fact that Assange and Snowdon should be given medals. The ones who have been hounding both of them deserve to be given the same treatment themselves.
Next, the problems with social media and tech giants arise around consolidation within a relatively new industry.
I suspect that Amazon, for example, had the backing of letter agencies from the get go and that stalled any effort to hem them in.
Google, Facebook and now Twitter are all part of a vast surveillance state, that is backed by “the deep state.” It’s no wonder any legal action by the federal government, can’t gain any traction with them. The deep state, or steady state and these agencies are joined at the hip.
Any politician from either side of the aisle who messes with them, is going to have an uphill battle, as they have the goods on everybody.
It’s important to remember that the letter agencies are pretty numerous and don’t always work in concert. The Department of Defense (that’s funny, I almost wrote offense) is also in there somewhere, with its own agenda, that may be at odds with CIA, FBI and other agencies.
The Department of Defense has historical ties with tabloid media, which has likely morphed into a “scandal sheet” online for them-- and under different guises. If any agency is tangentially behind or backing Qanon, it’s this one.
There’s a battle going on within the deep state between different agencies. A call to limit the damage the intelligence apparatus of the DOD may be doing by allowing other letter agencies behind Twitter and Facebook, etc… to tamp down hysteria, might work in this particular instance. Will it work in the future in different situations? Probably not. They need to be broken into a thousand pieces.
Somebody wants a war and they are going to battle for full control of the white house.
The best scenario would be to break the social media leviathons up and apply it across the board. It’s Clinton who gutted the laws that prevented consolidation in print and televised media.
There are no heroes here, just a lot of graft, corruption at the top and within the letter agencies.
I have a problem with atrocity propaganda that causes injury and war and there is not one major media outlet, I can think of that ever addresses these underlying key issues. That is no accident.

Masks and social distancing help to limit the spread of Covid19. That is a fact and other than stating it over and over again, let’s just agree to disagree.

Redneck Engineer,
The U.S. is a corporate-fascist state with a two party duopoly system. The many paradoxes inherent in the concept of freedom helped to make it that way, ironically. Unless the laws applying to mergers and acquistions start to be applied and with sharp teeth, there is no stopping it.
The giants within industry, will use the freedom of expression and freedom to conduct business unencumbered by government, to ideologically push their freedom cancelling agendas.

I have heard their name but know almost zero about them. So I truly cannot answer the question at this point. Would you prefer that I make something up and pretend to know something I don’t?

Yup, really. I’ve heard the name Antifa but know next to nothing about them, so your answer is helpful.
They sound like things I try NOT to support, even indirectly.

the New York Post IS old. I didn’t say it was right wing. My point is that it’s not Just a “mainstream media publication”. I suppose I could’ve added that the emails are Not unverified. Multiple Fox organizations have verified them several different ways. including finding them in different streams of Hunter’s jailed partner’s email.
what was your point? And who’s Pepe?

The DNC has recently been linked to two murders of Trump Supporters. by antifa members. Antifa is supported by staff members of both Biden and Harris who have contributed to the fund that bails them out of jail. Do you think Biden or Harris’s staff are the same as Qanon?
And apparently you haven’t kept up with the ‘Science’ of mask wearing. The CDC has just said masks do NOT protect you from the (and can we please call it what it is.) the Wuhan China virus.


Tell me this doesn’t enrage you: Ayatollah Khamenei — the anti-American and anti-Semitic leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran — gets to tweet freely. The NYPost — America’s oldest continuously published newspaper, founded by Alexander Hamilton — is shut out of the platform.
I'm wondering what this means. I thought the media was under the control of the deep state, but they are being banned from Twitter? I think Khamenei isn't banned because his tweets probably provide a good lightning rod to further antagonize the public in the West. So he serves a purpose.

Travissidelinger you make an excellent point about information resilience. You followed up with further comments about how to go about securing information resilience. Mohammad suggested some good point sources of information…
As pointed out, this is only the beginning. Software to completely emulate CM’s voice and even video has already been perfected and will become even more indistinguishable from reality soon. Going to a preferred website or opening an email from a trusted source will merely be another conduit for fascists to spread lies with fake videos and conversations that will replace information flowing through THEIR internet. So I agree with your comments about a slow system and in person communications. We saw this problem when Ron Paul ran for president and keepers of the internet actually intercepted private postings complementary of Dr. Paul and replaced with derogatory comments. And, that was years ago. The complete interference with internet communications and insertion of bogus communications is on the horizon.
So I would like to add to your list, the need for direct peer to peer communications.
Person to person can be augmented by direct peer to peer via amateur radio. There are some very interesting ways to use world wide, low power (<100 watt) digital mode for both dialogue and mass distribution to interested listeners. We will need this in perhaps 2 years after our rulers in silicon valley go the next step and directly interrupt personal messages and blog site content such as this.
I wonder if any hardware/software people out there would like to discuss this.
73 AK4VO

Thank you AO!! I am a Christian; I support the constitution and try my best to live by Christ’s directives to love my neighbor and treat others the way I want to be treated. No one is beyond saving and so AO doesn’t under the very basics of Christianity. I have many Jewish friends and a few Muslim, Buddhist and Hare Krishna friends as well. I love them all and respect their beliefs. Also, I want everyone to be able to express their opinion. All sides…that’s the backbone tenet of our beloved democracy. God bless the USA!!

Tor is already a p2p communication channel. No matter what you use, it can and will be monitored by Govt. Email works well and already uses check-sum verification that nothing has been changed in the headers or body using the same encryption as block-chain.
If you really want to drop off the radar stop using/carrying your smart phone, stop clicking on ads, run a TOR node on your desktop/laptop. If you insist on carrying a smart phone put it airplane mode and use your wifi connection for communicating in your home. Turn it off too when outside… Your batteries will last 4, 5 x longer between re-charge and your avoiding the radiation from the antenna next to your family jewels if your male and carry it in your front pocket, and breast cancer if your female and carry it in your bra.

I think your phone sends out your location as long as it is on. I wouldn’t trust airplane mode. The only way to keep it from talking to headquarters is to put it in a faraday cage. Even then, maybe it’s storing your conversations when in airplane mode then uploading them all when it gets another connection.
Maybe I’m being paranoid but I think most of us have stories about how we will be talking about something and then your phone starts sending you ads for that very thing.