Checking The Fact Checkers

How about propaganda police?

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Hmmm. Perhaps you could appeal by claiming you were already complying because every example that shared of your “inaccurate” information was 100% true and verifiable.


Given the luxuries of having time, that is what I would do.
But it doesn’t make any difference since they don’t care about truth or falsity. They only care about narrative

Are they all – every one of them – wrong? Is their research somehow faulty or not up-to-date? Are they all – every one of them – lying about this?
Yes. Look at their huge uptick in caseloads, not their unsupported claims. Of course that's hard to do, but here's a anecdote I would say is trustable: The entire post is worth reading, but at least search the text for "1000s" and read that entire quote. And there's a part 2:

As a person who is profoundly deaf and relies on closed captioning, I find your comment to be insensitive and rude. There are millions in the disabled cohort who require communication supports, of which captioning is just one method.
In defence of the PP team, adding captioning is not a simple, easy or inexpensive thing to do, especially when struggling to find the right platform that will not censor. YouTube has an auto caption feature, the other platforms do not, meaning a 3rd party provider may be needed to add the captions during or after production. Captions can often be adjusted for size, colour and format. In my vast experience as an accessibility consultant, this it not typically an area of common knowledge. Please also know that there are accessibility laws that require accommodation of the needs of people with disabilities, who have a right to have access to all the same information that other people have.
Please consider that you are so very fortunate that you do not need captioning. I could add more, but will restrain myself…


Mine doesn’t have subtitles, it must be a setting in Rumble. I don’t know how to turn them on (or off) however.

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This quote really got to me:

Our cancer hospital - know most of the case managers and many doctors since they were residents. They now have case loads in the 1000s rather than 250-400 over any given quarter. Not enough bed or infusion space for the cancer patients as outpatients. Radiation treatment backlog. All at a huge cancer hospital monstrosity itself. All kinds - brain, lymph, stomach, pancreas, blood, AND EYE CANCERS - orbital especially in younger people recently vaxxed. Microvascular ischemia on rise in vaxxed younger people. Strokes way up in no-risk, no co-morbidities, young to younger-ish. Ask me anything. I'll tell you inside scoop from the floors and suites. This has to stop. They need to admit the fraud and crime and STOP. 
A professional that I know told me of a nurse whom she, in turn, knows. The nurse said something to the effect:
"The damage caused by the vaccine is so awful that the higher-ups must know about it. There is no way that they could not know about it. And I am forbidden from filing VAERS reports."

Chris, what do you think of this article written by Pierre Kory from the FLCCC about masks? He seems to make at least some sort of case for them.

Thank you for exposing this aspect of your CV Helix… we need people to understand that this tribe is made up of many experienced doctors, scientists, and engineers. You certainly don’t need to be any of these things to do your own research and contribute, but we don’t lack technical heft here.


When watching the premiere via the link above, at one point very large and I believe all cap subtitles appeared, but they did not last long, and then the captions disappeared altogether. This would have been a formatting error in the captioning settings for whatever service was being deployed. I suspect this is what GK was referring to, above.
As far as I know, the only way users can themselves turn captions on an off are when there is a ‘cc’ button present, such as on YouTube, Zoom and Teams meetings platform. Otherwise, they are either on, or not on, according to the producer & platform being used.
The vast majority of video content in the non-legacy media sphere is, much to my dismay, not captioned. This requires users like me to have to employ intense focused concentration to comprehend what is being said - all the more so when there is no person visible to enable speech reading. I (we) do not get to multitask like the able-bodied are able to do while listening or watching. It is focus, focus, focus to try to comprehend everything said. This contributes greatly to the constant mental exhaustion of the deaf and hard of hearing cohort, a little known fact of life. It is not fun, to say the least.
Life is hard as it is, and that much harder living with a disability!! That burden is eased tremendously when the able-bodied cohort exhibits sensitivity and patience with those who do not have their privilege.


Wow!!! Cdc Completely Reverses Course. It’s Over!

And, just like that it was over:
This is HUGE news folks. In Bureaucrat speak this is a complete cave.
No symptoms? No problem.
Vaccinated or unvaccinated? Same guidance.
Exposed? No need to even quarantine.
Students exposed? They can stay in class, what the hell, right?
If you managed to maintain your integrity through this awful period of time, congratulations! You are the rock stars of this story.
As for the people who didn’t, some can be forgiven.
But those who could have and should have known better? Sorry, pal, those people need to suffer consequences.
Some doctors should lose their licenses. Some bureaucrats need to lose their jobs while others need to go to trial.
I feel most acutely for those who got caught up and suffered terribly as a result.
Poor Mrs. Atchison (and far too many like her) probably thought deep-down they were doing the right thing but paid the ultimate price.


People are either going to accept this, ignore their behavior over the past two years, and move on; or they’re going to go bug-nuts and start doing weird stuff. I’m guessing it’s going to be as much as an 80-20 split on that, but can hope for 95-5.


I HOPE this means in terms of human behavior trends they recognize the jabs are failed and very are dangerous and are trying to bury this in the past, slither away and CYA…and hope the masses forget with new disasters… I fear however this is just a retreat lick the wounds for a while and come back roaring out the cave with more “special” jabs… maybe Covid 2, Maybe Monkey Pox , maybe Polio…maybe who the hell knows… they tried way too hard to get a needle in every arm and failed and didnt accomplish what they started… I want to celebrate… I do, but I just don’t trust these SOBs…not now… not ever… F’em


I see it the same way. Some will pretend they were never actually part of the nuts crowd, while the rest will absolutely lose their minds as they double down on their failed belief systems.
I have to say, watching the left suddenly shilling for Big Pharma and in many cases becoming downright unmistakably mean along the way will stick with me forever.
Sorry Jimmy, sorry Don, I’ll NEVER forget.


Hey I remember you. Do we want to talk about the VAERS URF again?


Yes I agree this is big news.
Maybe they’ll do masks next. “Cloth masks are no longer recommended for people who are outside, or for those inside for those who have no symptoms.”
I think the heads of the Vaccine Church folks would explode if the CDC did this.


Boy from my lips to Someone’s Ears:

Ontario schools will no longer require students to wear masks

According to CTV News on August 8, Ontario schools will lift the mask mandate in the fall semester and provide free masks to students in need based on the principle of voluntary wearing.
Are these guys trying to kill grandma or what? What happened to "the greater good" and "doing your part"? Oh right. Physics.

New One From Google Here is another instance I haven’t seen before

I agree with you @redneck-engineer. I have been on LinkedIn since it was first started. It was (and for me continues to be) a place that I am able to not lose touch 100% with people I have worked with or met who I admired or was inspired by or felt would be someone I cared enough about to want to cheer for them as they followed their career path. After Microsoft acquired the company it turned into a job board more than anything else. That said . . . my LinkedIn profile frequently gets reviewed and my current employment was the result of a recruiter reaching out to me. My last 3 jobs have been found through LinkedIn. It has always been my professional networking site. I preferred the original version and I just ignore most of the rest of it that I don’t want or need.

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I’m a bit worried this is because they have now got the jabs into the standard childhood schedule and also will now combine the covid with the yearly flu jab, In other words they now have incorporated it at both ends and no longer need to spend money or energy convincing anyone - most people will automatically get it in the usual (pre covid) ways.