Checking The Fact Checkers

Jan, I believe you are conflating occasional large text blocks with captions. They’re not. I was personally offended by the intrusiveness of these blocks, and thought them the product of someone’s sense of stylishness–one I don’t share. I’m with GK on this one.
As for captions for the hearing impaired on alternative video sites, you’re right in seeking accommodation, but that’s a different issue.

Are They Really Checking The ‘facts’?

hopefully the fact-checkers called out will see this and perhaps nudge them out of their echo chambers. They are probably good folks thinking that what they do adds societal value, but don’t realize the large, awakening alternative perspectives. But if they did realize they might be out of job, so best to keep head in sand and sip another oat milk latte. Our independent fact-checking of this video finds the content to be TRUE.